Mordremoth fight and the lag issue

Mordremoth fight and the lag issue

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Luche Lenardon.4951

Luche Lenardon.4951

I have been playing Guild wars 2 for a year with my average ping at 400-450. I don’t have problems with most of contents of the game. However the air aspect jump in Dry Top and Bazaar of 4 Wind event were always my bane due to jump stuttering (You use air aspect jump to propel into the air however instantly warp back to ground, making air crystal in Dry Top unusable)

(spoiler a bit)
This issue somehow still persist into Heart of Thorn content, on the Mordremoth fight. There’s a phase when he’ll start using an undodgeable aoe that you can only avoid by using air pillar to propel you from air up into the sky and glide until the aoe ends. I myself like the idea behind this mechanic. but the air propeller spots do suffer from the same problem as the air aspect. the game keeps showing that my character had jump into the air, then just to instantly warp them back to the ground making gliding in this state impossible. Shouldn’t it be better to just place some updraft steam on all side of the island we’re fighting?