No Extra Vanilla Game Code?

No Extra Vanilla Game Code?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Harnel.6810



Okay, so, I just heard that when you buy Heart of Thorns in one of the packs, you don’t get two serial keys (one for the expansion, one for the base game). Instead you get a single HoT key that, if you apply it to an existing version of the game, you do not get the vanilla game as an extra in any way.

I have a boyfriend who wants the base game, and I want the expansion, so I was considering getting it and giving him the base game key, but if I can’t actually get the base key it’s simply not worth it to me, and Anet will be down a potential player. Potentially a lot of players.

Also, If this is the case, it’s false advertising.

No Extra Vanilla Game Code?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zephyra.4709




A couple people told me it’s a nope you only get 1 key… therefore indicating you in fact do not get the core game for free… which is exactly what I want to give to a friend.

Very frustrating.

You’ve summed up everything I wanted to voice much better than I ever could, hopefully this gets a proper response from a dev etc.