No beta Slot, No E-mail Recieved.

No beta Slot, No E-mail Recieved.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: whoknows.7968


Hello, 2 weeks ago i won the “Portal to Magumma” item and recieved the Ingame Mail with congratulations, i suscribed to the newsletter and everything..

But recently few of my friends told me that they have a “beta slot” in character selection.. and i dont… the promise e-mail never came… the only thing i have is the item in my inventory that aparently is useless..

What does this mean? why i dont have Beta Slot in character selection? i will be able to play beta in 8 hours?. why i did not recieve any e-mail from anet since i suscribed to newsletter? i do checked junk mail and everything.. and is empty.. i have

Sorry for my bad english i hope u can understand me.

If this post is the 100000 post asking the same, please close the thread and deleted.

If not.. hope you guys can help me.


No beta Slot, No E-mail Recieved.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


A number of us are having this problem, no word from Anet yet and Supports answer seems to be “if you qualify you will get in”.

Your best bet is to post your info in the support thread and hope someone notices us.