Hey Guys, Sourunji here, with what I believe is the way to get around the current bugging in Story Chapter 14: Sign Cutting.
First things first — don’t be in the first rock’s event zone when you switch to Chapter 13, then back to Chapter 14 and relog/rezone.
Secondly make sure you know where each rock is located, because the method that has worked for me involves speed and avoiding as much combat as possible.
Lastly, get your running shoes on — and run, run, run. You need to go from rock to rock as quickly as possible. If you take too long on one or linger to long in an event zone, it bugs. If you are in combat just a little longer than a couple seconds, it bugs.
The idea is to speed through each one as fast as possible.
Tried this and was consistently getting to the last rock every time by speeding, but kept taking too long to find the last rock and it bugged at the last rock. Finally sped through fast enough using warrior sword 2 and warhorn 4 to keep swiftness going and avoiding enemies.
Good luck guys, and I don’t know if this will definitely work for you, but it showed consistency when I tried it. Also have other friends who completed it by making their way through it very quickly and essentially skipping listening to dialogue, so keep at it. Until ArenaNet gets a bug fix out there (which they are looking into) this appears to work.