Rune and Sigils Mastery

Rune and Sigils Mastery

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: moony.5780


Hello people of Tyria

masteries r really cool so far i heared

Soo…for me im mainly a pvp player regarding endgame..and i really enjoy beeing able to test new builds and to find out my own playstyle..and its so easy there.

i think it would be nice to make it also easier for pve (since i extreeeemly love pve and gw2 pve is the best i ever saw) to try many different builds and to have builds fitting to a person and to a situation.

so i as thinking that beeing able to switch the runes and sigils easier would be nice..since it cost a lot of money to switch runes and sigils (bcs good ones r expensive)..and u either lose ur old runes if u keep the same armor..or u will find urself haveing 3-7 different armorsets with different runes. and the item to remove the rune withour destroying the armor is not useable..bcs it means to take the cost of 20€ or 300g everytime u change the rune.

But just having all runes and sigils like in pvp wuld be bad for pve….so i was thinking it would be nice if there was a way to unlock runes and sigils and then they r accbound useable and changeable whenever out of combat. This will greatly increase the build varities and make it easier for people to test other builds and it kee the game feel fresh for them.
Also its fitting to the masteries..since masteries helps to increase gameplay and to become better..testing out different runes..mastering more playtsyles..and beeing able to be the master of a situation will really helps a lot.

pls think about it

Rune and Sigils Mastery

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


Would be enough to include crafting recipes for every rune/sigil that exists.
Guess why crafting in other MMO’s is so important for players:
Because crafting professions usually come with important upgrdes for your gear.
And in gw2 we can’t even craft most of the most basic stuff reliable.
There are so many, not-overlapping sources for the different stuff you need, that it’s extremely annoying to come by useful stuff (other than the TP), and often enough they are locked behind insanely small RNG chances.

I hope HoT comes with more crafting-updates than just another set of RNG collections for precursors.

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

Rune and Sigils Mastery

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: moony.5780


the wy to unlock the runes and sigils can be many different ways^^ crafting is a good idea i think.
i was also killing a special monster (alone or with a small limited group) in a specific time to get the schoolar rune unlocked for the proof of killing fast.
there r many ways to do so x) and i think a lil bit grinding for something cool u will unlock later is great and not bad. its better than grinding all the dungeons 1000 times just to get money….and if u like trying out different playstyles u end up useing all ur hardworked money just for a small experiment which may turn out bad