Some questions about HoT
Hello everyone, i don’t usually post but i have a specific doubt about HoT that i can’t find an answer to. Do i need HoT in order to participate in the guild hall stuff? specifically main mission and subsequent guild missions?
As I recall you need HoT in order to unlock the guild hall (i.e. you need HoT to access the kill the modrem in the guild hall instance) but after your guild has done that, you can enter the guild hall even if you don’t have HoT.
So i can’t participate in the mission to get the guild hall but not many limitations after that. Thanks for the info
So i can’t participate in the mission to get the guild hall but not many limitations after that. Thanks for the info
I dont think you can access the guild hall either since its located in expansion maps but you can access the house in lions arch
So i can’t participate in the mission to get the guild hall but not many limitations after that. Thanks for the info
I dont think you can access the guild hall either since its located in expansion maps but you can access the house in lions arch
I actually remember that you can access the guild hall (after your guild has liberated it) but not all new guild features are accessible by non-HoT members. I think either there’s a button in your guild panel or you can simply waypoint there (since it is it’s own zone), I forgot.
Edit, I found a source:
(edited by Diovid.9506)