Guild Wars 2 HoT Release Date? [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Gobble D Goop.4081
Gates Of Madness
Jewelcrafting to 500!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Gobble D Goop.4081
May 12th 2015. calling it now
When its ready. When its ready. When its ready. When its ready. When its ready.
i bet they already have that expansion all wrapped up and ready to launch at the press of a button. theyre holding it back because they want to show something exclusive at those conventions. assuming its functional, they’ll prob release it shortly after
i bet they already have that expansion all wrapped up and ready to launch at the press of a button. theyre holding it back because they want to show something exclusive at those conventions. assuming its functional, they’ll prob release it shortly after
they said will be beta after release on those “presentations”. So excpect beta for some times after 12th march then release….i hope on april-may….
cause for me everyhtng is less itneresting to do right now ingame because i know it all will be better sooner or later, new classes, new pvp meta etc etc etc
At this point, it better be sooner than later. Since the expansion killed any chance for Living Story updates, all I’m doing is logging in, doing three dailies, and then logging out.
Hope there’s some kind of seasonal or something soon.
Something is better than nothing.
I predict release date will be 17/3/2015.
I hope you’re right, but even if not, hopefully it won’t be TOO long after (given that they’re supposedly showing a “playable version” at PAX and EGX Rezzed earlier in the month). I suspect it really depends on how long they feel they’ll need to beta test an expansion.
(edited by Doghouse.1562)
I hope it’s soon. Right now it’s extremely boring…like…extremely extremely boring. Almost to the point i don’t even want to login for the dailies anymore.
I hope other content gets released “until expansion is ready” which is not poor Dragon Ball.
I hope other content gets released “until expansion is ready” which is not poor Dragon Ball.
Dragon Ball isn’t new content at all, it’s part of the Chinese new year celebration event it is repeated just like a Halloween or Christmas
I hope other content gets released “until expansion is ready” which is not poor Dragon Ball.
Dragon Ball isn’t new content at all, it’s part of the Chinese new year celebration event
it is repeated just like a Halloween or Christmas
I didn’t say it was new, I wouldn’t mind getting old fun content back.
They will probably copy paste another past content to fill up the time gap till the expansion. For ex april retro game thing in Rata Sum. Forgot the name.
Super Adventure Box
Yea that thing.
i honestly hope they have some things planned in the meantime, i mean, you have like 200-300 people working on the game in some way shape or form, you could hold gem endorsed jump puzzle contests, or help DnT fund another dungeon speedclear race under the current meta, or even better, bring back Super Adventure Box, because i never beat World-2, i need help with World-2, it’s very long and difficult for me :s
I’m going to say April 26, 2015
Maybe 2016 but it would make sense for them to release it on the same day as the original because of the reference to it
they will do 9 weeks of class specialisation features first so launch will be at least 2 months away… :/
they will do 9 weeks of class specialisation features first so launch will be at least 2 months away… :/
till then no content
this is lame
On a side note, I’ve been doing PvP on very friendly servers. So I’m getting ranks daily until my PvP points max for the day.
Yeah, yeah, I know . . . but at least it’s something to do. . . .
I predict an August release with a price over $35 (aka overpriced), knowing Anet. However, given how little content they said this “expansion,” I reasonably expect a release as late as June and a price no more than $25.
I’d bet end of August, early September.
i bet they already have that expansion all wrapped up and ready to launch at the press of a button. theyre holding it back because they want to show something exclusive at those conventions. assuming its functional, they’ll prob release it shortly after
they said will be beta after release on those “presentations”. So excpect beta for some times after 12th march then release….i hope on april-may….
cause for me everyhtng is less itneresting to do right now ingame because i know it all will be better sooner or later, new classes, new pvp meta etc etc etc
good that i was wrong, now i can spend my money and time all on vacation and forget about stagnant pixel killing for some time <3
My guess is it’ll be announced at some big upcoming event. We have plenty of them, E3 is around the corner so hopefully it’ll be announced soon and not drag into 2016 like some other MMO’s.
Well I believe it was posted or announce by someone at Anet that they would be spending a week per specialization with Q and A and other stuff on the site and in the forums so…. that’s minimum 2 months, earliest possible start with that in mind would be July, but that doesnt’ seem even remotely possible… Fall to end of 2015 if we are lucky.
Yo Anet, we need a release window for HOT. Even if the window is spread across 6 months, we need one. Just tell us what year. It’s important for your customers to know when the expansion you’ve been hyping will be released so we can debate now, the time we are thinking of the expansion positively because of the spec announcements and hype, rather than after that’s over and we haven’t had our hype coffee to give us that burst of energy! Please Anet
Sometime between June and the end of the year seems like a rather safe bet.
August 28th, 2015. Preorders get 3 day head start and it will coincide with an Anniversary event that will see Lion’s Arch rebuilt and a sale on the base game.
“We’re not ready to talk about that yet”™
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: TheRandomGuy.7246
Between tomorrow and heat death of the universe I guess.
When it is ready™
All you fools with your 2015 dates :P
I would safely assume the end of august….if you look at the fact that we still have at minimum 6 more weeks of elite specializations, plus part two of the revenant, plus the rev’s elite spec, thats a total of 8 weeks, plus a GvG blog or two, and then you know a few other blogs about random things….puts us right around the beginning of august…
And as others have pointed out, would put it releasing right around the 3rd anniversary
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902
August 28th, 2015. Preorders get 3 day head start and it will coincide with an Anniversary event that will see Lion’s Arch rebuilt and a sale on the base game.
This is basically what I posted in the other 5,286 threads on this exact topic already made. So I kind of agree with you completely.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094
Yo Anet, we need a release window for HOT. Even if the window is spread across 6 months, we need one. Just tell us what year. It’s important for your customers to know when the expansion you’ve been hyping will be released so we can debate now, the time we are thinking of the expansion positively because of the spec announcements and hype, rather than after that’s over and we haven’t had our hype coffee to give us that burst of energy! Please Anet
“We at Arena Net are super Hyped that you want more information, and when we are closer to launch when we can confirm what will be in the expansion at launch we will let you guys know.”
I have no idea the source, but this suggests Q3 of this year:
Take it for what you will. It coincides with the late August theories.
Their policy doesn’t allow them to talk about it.
When its readyTM
I’m actually a bit more interested in when the specialization update is dropping, since that’s coming before the expansion. I imagine there will be a decent chunk of time between that and the expansion release so the dust can settle a bit and they can make any needed tweaks/balance changes to the new skill/trait changes before adding onto those systems further.
… Plus as an engie main, the new skill tweaks to the base class are basically an elite spec to me anyways: F5 skill toolbelt and revamped healing/elite skills. Really looking forward to those.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: thewaterguy.4796
Jeez, I’m expecting it to drop in Early August or Late July, if its any later than that well Anet really messed up by announcing the expansion and getting all the press in WAY too early, there’s already going to be a bit of backlash when it doesn’t drop here in June. I get the whole “Oh they want to hit the anniversary” but here is the thing, back when GW2 dropped nobody cared as much, since it’s a new game, GW2 could have been a terrible MMO for all we knew, but this is an expansion for a game alot of people already love and it’s adding a ton of features. Including a new class may I remind you, dropping in late august would seem to me like a slap in the face, since that’s when College restarts for me and the last thing on my mind at the end of August will be GW2, I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one. From a business standpoint if HoT is dropping any later than August 17th, they shouldn’t have talked about it back in January
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854
According to this its October for Global release.
Wouldn’t count on it though.
Since the beta events are going on, and given the fact that most MMOs are released within a few months of Beta events opening up, it will be soon. The game is basically finished, but there is still some polishing needed to be done.
We can probably expect an announcement on a release date within a month to six weeks.
at least before the sun go’s supernova, that’s for sure…….
Judging by the pace and content of the blog releases, and the betas, I’ll optimistically guess at a July release window.
August seems likely too. Though I’m not buying any of these “coincide with the anniversary” theories. Games never actually do that.
Doubt a forum post complaining about it is going to make Anet tell us any sooner though.
I have no idea the source, but this suggests Q3 of this year:
Take it for what you will. It coincides with the late August theories.
As has also been mentioned in every post about this….
That for cast is 2 years old and they always foreast Q3 sales increases
Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns Uitbreiding Digital Key Version
Releasedatum: 30-11-2015
Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns Digital Edition CD Key – Digital versie Levering per e-mail.
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Release dag Pre-Order, Verzonden 1 dag voor release
Pre-Order € 35,99
This is on Gamesync in my country.
Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns Uitbreiding Digital Key Version
Releasedatum: 30-11-2015
Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns Digital Edition CD Key – Digital versie Levering per e-mail.
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Release dag Pre-Order, Verzonden 1 dag voor release
Pre-Order € 35,99This is on Gamesync in my country.
I can see that too, in the US, course i cant read what it says, but i can see the release date and the digital thing…but i wonder how true that is, if so, awesome! if not…boo…
Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns Uitbreiding Digital Key Version
Releasedatum: 30-11-2015
Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns Digital Edition CD Key – Digital versie Levering per e-mail.
Meer info
Release dag Pre-Order, Verzonden 1 dag voor release
Pre-Order € 35,99This is on Gamesync in my country.
i can read it and i say BS, no shop can ever know anything when Anet doesn’t even know for sure what the release date is, it’s also a digital edition so that pretty much shows they are talking out of parts where the sun doesn’t shine
I would say with the things they still need to reveal late august around the 3rd anniversary early september but but but it could be sooner.
One thing is for sure:
This is definetly not the time for SAB with all the events happening.
I’d guess late August btw.
Nothing is off the table, even the release … window…
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