dear Revenants, stay out of Maguuma

dear Revenants, stay out of Maguuma

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coffietire.2783


What I read was:

Please instant level to 20 then use 60 tomes of knowledge to instantly level to 80, have no equipment or gear prepared up, and head on out to Maguuma instantly and sit around and let others do the hard work for me.

pssh! forget that! just go in at level 10 with full precise gear. Enemies may be a little challenging at first, but wp costs will be cheap at that level.

dear Revenants, stay out of Maguuma

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DevilLordLaser.8619


DarkAce: “Dear Revenants: Stay out of Maguuma.”

DLL: “Dear DarkAce: No.”

Kind of a serious jerkwhale move to tell everyone else to keep out of the new content, man. Especially when there will be beta play events that let players get a basic grip on the class prior to release.

I (will have) bought the game, I’m going to play it when, where, and how I like, as is everyone else who buys the game. If I want to run a Revenant through the jungle after Toming it to 80 and spending its first hour of life outfitting it in fresh-bought Exotics, well then that’s exactly what I’m gonna do.

Wanna stop me? Convince me to run my rifle Thief instead. Or dig into another new specialization, in which case, according to you, I shouldn’t be in Maguuma either.

Get the hard outta yer tryhard and just brace for the fact that – GASP! – people aren’t going to master the expansion content inside the first weekend. That should be exciting, not cause for snark. I’m sure as shootin’ looking forward to stuff I can’t just faceroll through in an afternoon! You should be, too!

If all you’re concerned about is your success rates and your time-to-gold ratios, then there’s still a Silverwastes to be farmed. Maybe you should stay out of Maguuma until you’re willing to be that brave explorer winding up on his face all the time as he tries to work out how to run the content again.

Like we were when the game was new and fresh, eh?

dear Revenants, stay out of Maguuma

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Trock Bronze.9625

Trock Bronze.9625

It wont be that hard to learn. Sure itll take some time but so will exploring the jungle. I know personally I am already gathering the mats I need for ascended crafting for the rev as well.