Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
The six gods are NOT ancient dragons
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
No-ones claiming that, AFAIK.
Do you even lift, bro?
No-ones claiming that, AFAIK.
Quite the opposite. This idea pops up like clockwork.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
I’ve heard different theories on how the elder dragons might be the cause of the gods’ silence, or how their power might be tied to dragons (ala Facets). I’m not sure I heard a theory stating outright that they are dragons though.
I have also heard that theory Erukk from a couple of sources but its completely flawed by confirmation that the Elder Dragons Pre date the arrival of the Human Gods on Tyria
One of the first things the Gods did when they arrived on Tyria was build the City of Arah and Arah’s location was decided because of the enormous magical energy the Gods could feel present in the area, we now know this area as Orr
we also know now that this enormous magical energy they sensed was coming from Zhaitan which is more than enough evidence i need to relay here proving that the Dragons were in Tyria long before the Gods were
specially since there have been confirmed cycles of Elder Dragons awakening long before Humans even existed on Tyria
and the Humans arrived on Tyria around the same time as their Gods did
+1 to OP. Honestly, it shouldn’t even need to be mentioned, and anyone who pays attention in the temple events, did Seer Arah path, or went to call upon Grenth in the personal storyline would know this outright.
No-ones claiming that, AFAIK.
Quite the opposite. This idea pops up like clockwork.
Clockwork that needs to be broken.
I’ve heard different theories on how the elder dragons might be the cause of the gods’ silence, or how their power might be tied to dragons (ala Facets). I’m not sure I heard a theory stating outright that they are dragons though.
Yeah, I know you’re not, but the so-called theory outright stating that Six Gods=Six Elder Dragons is as old as the knowledge of a sixth Elder Dragon is – e.g., just as old as the equally absurd and false “Pale Tree=Elder Dragon(’s champion)” so-called theory.
Edit: Why does image linking never work for me? Q_Q
I have also heard that theory Erukk from a couple of sources but its completely flawed by confirmation that the Elder Dragons Pre date the arrival of the Human Gods on Tyria
One of the first things the Gods did when they arrived on Tyria was build the City of Arah and Arah’s location was decided because of the enormous magical energy the Gods could feel present in the area, we now know this area as Orr
we also know now that this enormous magical energy they sensed was coming from Zhaitan which is more than enough evidence i need to relay here proving that the Dragons were in Tyria long before the Gods were
specially since there have been confirmed cycles of Elder Dragons awakening long before Humans even existed on Tyria
and the Humans arrived on Tyria around the same time as their Gods did
1) Arah is hinted to predate the fall of the Elder Dragons (Altar of Glaust, where Glint was freed from Kralk’s control, is in Arah), as well as the arrival of the Six Gods (The first of the gods to step forth from the mists was Dwayna, goddess of air and life. She placed her pale foot on the stones of Arah – though given the prose form of this source, it’s uncertain to be literal).
2) The magic that the Six Gods sensed was NOT from Zhaitan, but from The Artesian Waters as shown in the end of Cathedral of Silence story step.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
(edited by Konig Des Todes.2086)
I seriously doubt the human gods are dragons.
But you can’t deny there seems to be some kind of connection.
I like to think that there’s 6 elder dragons, and that they were all ‘parts’ of an original powerful magic creature, that was destroyed to harness its magical power. With that raw magical power that ‘bleed’ from the defeated creature, the original gods, those that predate the current human gods, became gods.
But then, as if they were like a starfish, the ‘pieces’ of the defeated creature became creatures on their own, hungry for the magic lost.
Then the human gods would, one by one, take over the previous gods, bring the humans over and all the Tyrian history we know.
That’ll explain why the power of the gods can be transferred, and why the dragons are so mindlessly set into gathering magic: to recover what they once lost and become one again.
“Magic” becomes an actual measurable part of reality that can fill bodies and be contained, and the dragons want it all back.
That’ll also be a good excuse for such an anti-climactic fight vs Zaitan: After all dragons are defeated, it’ll turn out that we just helped the other dragons become more powerful as they took over the magic lost by the defated ones, until we defeat the last strongest dragon, just to let all that magic flow free to reform itself into the original One True Dragon. And then we get an actual cool end boss.
But the gods being the dragons? Nah. Highly unlikely.
2) The magic that the Six Gods sensed was NOT from Zhaitan, but from The Artesian Waters as shown in the end of Cathedral of Silence story step.
The Wiki claims The Artesian water mark where the Gods first stepped on the world
I also pulled this from the wiki which is why i made that statement
At least two Elder Dragons also exude their own unique draconic energies while dormant, which was why the asura built the Central Transfer Chamber near Primordus (believing it to be a magical statue) and the human gods built Arah near Zhaitan (not knowing of the Elder Dragon). Under Kudu, the Inquest have been studying these energies.
2) The magic that the Six Gods sensed was NOT from Zhaitan, but from The Artesian Waters as shown in the end of Cathedral of Silence story step.
The Wiki claims The Artesian water mark where the Gods first stepped on the world
I also pulled this from the wiki which is why i made that statement
At least two Elder Dragons also exude their own unique draconic energies while dormant, which was why the asura built the Central Transfer Chamber near Primordus (believing it to be a magical statue) and the human gods built Arah near Zhaitan (not knowing of the Elder Dragon). Under Kudu, the Inquest have been studying these energies.
The Seventh Reaper says it outright when you complete the task it gives you in the name of Grenth, so don’t just take the wiki’s word on it.
It’s both – The Artesian Waters is both where the Six Gods first walked on the world, and what drew them to the world because it was so full of magic. It being its own source of magic (hence “the Source of Orr”) is why the Six Gods came to Orr and, indeed, the world.
Zhaitan being beneath Arah, it would turn out, was pure coincidence. The only interaction (known to us) between the Six Gods and Zhaitan is that they tapped into its power when they split the Bloodstone in order to strengthen it. They did this unknowing of the Elder Dragons’ existence.
@Mithran: Issue is that Dwayna, Balthazar, and Melandru are all heavily implied – if not outright shown – to have been gods prior to arriving on Tyria. This means that, if they were ever not gods, they became gods at wherever humanity comes from.
Furthermore, another issue is that the Six Gods’ power is indestructible, however the Elder Dragons’ power is very much not so – otherwise, there would have been a ball of energy threatening to explode when Zhaitan was killed.
Furthermore, your sentence of “Then the human gods would, one by one, take over the previous gods, bring the humans over and all the Tyrian history we know.” outright proves you wrong, since the Elder Dragons were always on Tyria, but the Six Gods did not exist on the world until they brought humanity (or so we’re told). So the Elder Dragons existed for thousands of years prior to the Six Gods’ existence on the world.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Personally I would find it sorta cool if the Elder Dragons consumed the Gods and obtained their domains and powers. However, since our characters’ apparent immortality is supposedly the direct working of Grenth, I don’t really see how it would be possible.
Do you even lift, bro?
Konig saying labels not make you happy. Gods, dragons, nggghhhh… you must love you.
A dragon is a dragon, and that’s good. It will never be a god, and that’s not bad. There’s no one it’d rather be then a dragon.
(Yes I watched Wreck-It Ralph recently, but it doesn’t affect my psyche… I think)
Personally I would find it sorta cool if the Elder Dragons consumed the Gods and obtained their domains and powers. However, since our characters’ apparent immortality is supposedly the direct working of Grenth, I don’t really see how it would be possible.
I think the danger of being consumed is why the Gods are very . . . very . . . VERY careful not to act directly.
The Gods would be very magically delicious indeed, as the Dragons apparently consume magic (at least Zhaitan).
Do you even lift, bro?
Many risen says that Lyssa was eaten by Zhaitan. But given the risen’s psychological warfare, take it with a grain of salt.
Konig saying labels not make you happy. Gods, dragons, nggghhhh… you must love you.
Explain? (I dun get it)
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Konig saying labels not make you happy. Gods, dragons, nggghhhh… you must love you.
Explain? (I dun get it)
(sry couldn’t find in better quality)
Personally I would find it sorta cool if the Elder Dragons consumed the Gods and obtained their domains and powers. However, since our characters’ apparent immortality is supposedly the direct working of Grenth, I don’t really see how it would be possible.
Our characters are no longer immortal like in GW1.
That’s why ‘death’ was replaced by ‘defeat’ in most instances where it appears.
And I’m guessing most instances where ‘death’ appears applied to players are mindslips.
Also, I don’t think Grenth would intercede for all non-humans. And there’s other means of resurrection, like the one seen in Citadel of Flames.
NPCs can die, players won’t. Not because they are immortal, but because they are the ‘protagonits’, so they only get to “almost dead” at most.
NPCs can die, players won’t. Not because they are immortal, but because they are the ‘protagonits’, so they only get to “almost dead” at most.
It’s better than them being “all dead”. Then there’s only one thing left to do.