E = ?

E = ?

in Living World

Posted by: sorudo.9054


I don’t understand why everyone wants Half-Life 3 so bad?

There’s 9 words in your statement as well as the number 3.
9 / 3 = 3
…Half-Life 3 Confirmed!!!!

This might explain it to you better ::: url=http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/half-life-3-confirmed

Hmm.. I’m guessing Half-Life must be a good game then?

Even if you hate First Person Shooters with such a passion that you would submit to our Ursine overlords and get your face mauled by a Panda, a Grizzley, and a Polar bear in the same day, you’ll probably atleast like half-life 2.

i have both, i can’t stand them, they suck.
i much rather want fallout 4, much more fun and allot more possibilities.

E = ?

in Living World

Posted by: ProxyDamage.9826


Hmm.. I’m guessing Half-Life must be a good game then?

You should play it.

Obviously give it a discount on the whole “outdated” issue… It was released in 1998 after all.

Still one of the best examples of story telling in a videogame. “Show, don’t tell”.

E = ?

in Living World

Posted by: JBDanger.2603


and dont say mc squared lol. I seen a thread somewhere where people were trying to figure out who signed some letters as E. My thoughts are it could be Scholar Ela Makkay. She’s been in living story quite a bit. She hasnt had any huge roles but maybe she is sitting back and working from the sidelines.


Did I call it or What? I believe she is E. She is now in the new story instance in LA. I still think she is E lol

E = ?

in Living World

Posted by: DarcShriek.5829


E = M.C. Hammer

Can’t touch this!

E = ?

in Living World

Posted by: Tharassin.8240


what is the name of Kasmeers father?… the so called father that one day disappeared from deptors jail/prison whatever.

I just happen to get curious when she mentioned her father in her dialog… seemed too mysterious to be left out :p (since I dont know his name..)

E = ?

in Living World

Posted by: Cormac.3871


Elen Kiel and Evon Gnashblade both saw Lion’s Arch in peril, and a chance meeting confirmed that they both foresaw the coming danger. Having planned to try and use their positions to lobby the Captain’s Council suddenly a position on the council was available. Knowing that if one of them were to stand a challenger would certainly arise they decided to both stand hoping that by fielding two strong candidates other contenders would be scared off. It worked and Ellen Kiel won her place on the council, although in reality her influence proved less than they had hoped. They continue to work in concert behind the scenes, and when they do so they choose to go by the natural pseudonym of E.

And if that’s not true, then I suppose Half Life 3 isn’t confirmed.

E = ?

in Living World

Posted by: CharrGirl.7896


The only thing we definitely know for sure is that E is a male.

We know that because in Marjory’s short story posted a while ago, E ambushes her I think, and it is described with having a “deep voice”.

So it could be Evon maybe. Or a completely new character, more likely.

E = ?

in Living World

Posted by: Fafnir.5124


E=mc2, first nuclear bomb… scarlett is creating some kind of nuclear bomb…
would be a perfect twist xD

Just only that E=mc2 has absolutely nothing to do with nuclear bombs >.>

E=mc2 is Albert Einsteins formular for is world known theory about relativity, and that is PHYSICS, not CHEMISTRY.

His Relativity Theory was all about timespace continuums, gravitation and the speed of light, not about the theory how to nuke the world best into a quadrogazillion-superbillion pieces

Conversion of mass into energy is the center peace of a nuclear bomb which is why this equation is sum-ominous with nuclear power even though the equation isn’t used in nuclear energy.

E = ?

in Living World

Posted by: Volstag.6371


E= Minister Etham

some men aren’t looking for anything logical…
some men just want to watch the world burn.

E = ?

in Living World

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


No, it’s Zommoros, communicating from the Mystic Toilet!

E = ?

in Living World

Posted by: DanteZero.9736


Evennia, former leader of the Shining Blade.

E = ?

in Living World

Posted by: perilisk.1874


It’s pretty obvious, isn’kitten Scarlet Briar is crazy, and named after something thorny and red. She’s being influenced by the sixth elder dragon, which sometimes walks in the guise of a mortal.

We all know* that the Pale Tree is a champion of the sixth dragon, that the Sylvari owe their existence to it. If you take the phrase “Mordremoth: Salad’s Dawn” and rearrange the letters, you uncover the terrible secret of the Sylvari, what the Pale Tree tries constantly to suppress, what the Nightmare court work to revive, and what Scarlet discovered by accident: “Mad Oswald Thorn’s Dream”. Clearly King Thorn is the sixth, and most terrifying of all elder dragons, and the true lord of the Sylvari and their Dream. How else could a mortal be so powerful? He was the puppet-master behind Abaddon’s madness, behind the rise of the lesser Elder Dragons, and behind Scarlet’s insanity, so in fact every single major event in Tyrian history is due to his influence.

And who would want to stop him? How about one of his oldest victims — Prince Ewan. Sure, he might act concerned for his “brother”, but it’s just a show. No, Ewan rules the ghosts of Divinity’s Reach (which is why he intervened in Marjory’s investigation under the Ministry), and the rest of Kryta as well, and knows all that his invisible, intangible subjects can learn, which is a lot.

Edit: Though I just noticed that Ewan is also the name of the leader of an ancient tribe that was cursed by Melandru and transformed into plant creatures… so maybe he and Thorn have a much older beef about the fate of the Sylvari. Which is weird, because I wasn’t actually serious.

*some people speculate

Ceterum censeo Sentim Punicam esse delendam

(edited by perilisk.1874)

E = ?

in Living World

Posted by: Bubi.7942


E = M.C. Hammer

This man nailed it!

Perfect explaination for the “Do not touch pillars”.

E = ?

in Living World

Posted by: Delvoire.8930


I do hope this does get answered within the next 2 patches.

80 ~Thief~ Isabella Angel | 80 ~Eng~ Ratchet McClank
80 ~Warrior~ Delvoire | 80 ~Ele~ Azalea Avenir
80 ~ Guardian~ Rag Nor | Server ~ FA

E = ?

in Living World

Posted by: yanipheonu.5798


“E” might have nothing to do with the character’s real name and just be there to throw us off.

Whoever it is, they’re likely going to be the fifth member of the new Destiny’s Edge. Since they’ve already got a charr, a norn and two humans, E is most likely an asura or sylvari. I’m betting asura; probably someone who knew Scarlett while she was attending the three colleges.

You make a good point. Reading that, I expect a plot twist and it will be…

[Dramatic music]

XD the worst part is, that’s just dumb enough to be absolutely believable.

E = ?

in Living World

Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


I can’t believe nobody mentioned it before!

E = Elminster

At the start of Baldur’s Gate, you even get a letter, signed exactly the same way as that email we got!

OT: I’ve been wondering if we know E already, but finally decided on no. We’ll be introduced to him later, I hope….

Oh, and we now do have an Asura, but her name starts with a T….

(edited by LadyRhonwyn.2501)

E = ?

in Living World

Posted by: Chaotic Storm.2815

Chaotic Storm.2815

Some people have theorized…

Evon Gnashblade.
Ellen Kiel.

I would rule out Evon though, since he’s a Charr, and “E” was a human form.

unless he had access to some kind of potion or makeover kite. just a thought


E = ?

in Living World

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

I can’t believe nobody mentioned it before!

E = Elminster

At the start of Baldur’s Gate, you even get a letter, signed exactly the same way as that email we got!

Best theory so far!

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

E = ?

in Living World

Posted by: Zaiban.9506


Hexadecimal E = 14 in the decimal system.
Nothing more to add, half-life theorists, please discuss.