I think Living Story is bad for this game

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

Yes, they do play the content, for the two hours required to clear the achievements. Or if the content is farmable.

I bet they’d play more and permanently if, for instance, dungeons had better scale rewards.

I don’t think as many people would welcome the dungeons as people that would do the living story. Those who love dungeons can’t understand why people might solo an MMO, but there are tons of people who do solo. Tons who don’t like dungeons, or any kind of challenging content. Tons of people who just want to hang out in the open world and be given stuff to do.

This is a good point, a really good one in fact and it answers my initial question: I’m disconnected from the playerbase. And also it worries me: if people consider more important and fun LS content than dungeoning, pvp and wvw I’m afraid this game will always give priority to those players, leaving us to wait for better balance on these features.

They… uhm… should add super easy dungeons? I mean, dungeons are far easier than wow raids, where if a single raider doesn’t do his job the whole raid dies (dps failing to dps=enrage, tank failing to hold aggro=everyone dies, healer failing to heal=tank dies+everyone dies) but sure they’re not a cakewalk either.

(edited by Lucky Shot.7650)

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Darkstar.6178


I stopped reading at “me and most of the people I know”.

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Raestloz.7134


I stopped reading at “me and most of the people I know”.

In a thread that explicitly has “I think” in its title?

Internet’s class at !ts best

yea, I have to get around it. ANet’s censorship is being classy

(edited by Raestloz.7134)

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

I stopped reading at “me and most of the people I know”.

Does “me, my ingame playmates, my guild and my real life friends” sounds better?

Actually, scrap that: my real life friends just ignore the LS alltoghether.

(edited by Lucky Shot.7650)

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

I like the Living Story content. Dungeons are not my thing, nor is PvP or WvW. I understand you like those things, and wish for changes to them. But, for me, I would prefer they concentrate on the Living Story content, instead. We all have our opinions, and our preferences. New (temporary, or not) content in the open world is what suits me best. =)

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Draaq Cz.9642

Draaq Cz.9642

I must admit that LS is content I´m skipping while playing GW2. Of course I did try it. Molten dungeon was challenge for the first time and it was fun realising what skills to change from the normal “I can survive anything with this one old, build”.
But: searching lost properties, destroying annoying “radars”, crab minigame, whole refugee plot… Living story is something that doesn´t interest me.

Why some people got achievements even if it´s not interesting then? Because they love achievement points no matter how bad content seems to be and when it says limited time content those achievement lovers are semi-forced to do play that content. That´s not good at all.
Limited time to play something is good for holidays event. Everyone loves holiday events. Would be interesting to let people vote. LS or holidays events?

OK, this should bring people back to game. Hook their attention from month to month, keep them playing, buying items from game store.
→ Updates, fixes, polished things, revamped dungeons, adjusted loot would do that too while people responsible for events could make more events to fill empty spaces in the map. I had that feeling “this map is empty” more and more I was closer to max level.

Voting for old version – release updates, fixes, balance to the game and once a year release big content. I don´t mean new powerful gear, weapons. I mean new content with good story lines, new dungeons or completely revamped old ones due to world changes, whatever big. I´ll give you my money for it with happy face. And I miss Elona the most from original GW…

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: hawke.7186


I don’t think the Living story is a bad idea – it just needs to be delivered a little better. There are so many MMOs both F2P and sub that people will play which ever is freshest. You could say its the adhd generation (look at how many people raced to get to 80 here and max level in other games) they don’t like to stick around for the most part if there isn’t anything different.
Improved dungeons (ones that don’t take over 2 hours to do), better rewards and a LFG tool (much like the ones in other games) would be a big help.

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Saelune.5316


Glad Im not the only one who dislikes the temporary part of LS. Im still bitter about Flame and Frost. Got into an argument over the whole “living” part of it, but my response is then I guess I dont want it to be living.

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Pizz.3698


Yes, they do play the content, for the two hours required to clear the achievements. Or if the content is farmable.

I bet they’d play more and permanently if, for instance, dungeons had better scale rewards.

I don’t think as many people would welcome the dungeons as people that would do the living story. Those who love dungeons can’t understand why people might solo an MMO, but there are tons of people who do solo. Tons who don’t like dungeons, or any kind of challenging content. Tons of people who just want to hang out in the open world and be given stuff to do.

This is a good point, a really good one in fact and it answers my initial question: I’m disconnected from the playerbase. And also it worries me: if people consider more important and fun LS content than dungeoning, pvp and wvw I’m afraid this game will always give priority to those players, leaving us to wait for better balance on these features.

They… uhm… should add super easy dungeons? I mean, dungeons are far easier than wow raids, where if a single raider doesn’t do his job the whole raid dies (dps failing to dps=enrage, tank failing to hold aggro=everyone dies, healer failing to heal=tank dies+everyone dies) but sure they’re not a cakewalk either.

GW2 dungeons are enough of a cakewalk that you can clear most of them (except the ones with high regen bosses) naked(no gear, no accessories) with exotic weapons without any major difficulties.


I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: panzer.6034


I got 25+ achievements in the Southsun patch in about 2 hours without using a guide because all the clues were right there in the achievement panel telling you where to go. For the island scan location, i had to ask in mapchat if it was on the island or by it (which didn’t matter since you only needed 10 locations for the flower piece anyway).

I suppose having the clues handed to us was a step up from Lost and Found but it still didn’t make the hunt any more evocative or engaging as much as leaving it as a chore list to be done for a prize. The main issue i’ve been having since the beginning of the year is that most of content is something i feel i have to endure in order to get the reward i want instead of something i enjoy doing for the sake of gameplay. The Molten dungeon is really the only exception to this. I really want to see compelling, challenging and interesting activities and dungeons added instead of piddly solo instances, buggy minigames and monotonous scavenger hunts.

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Genei.7502


As a general concept I really like the living story. I like the short monthly set of events that tell a story and lead up to a permanent change and effect on the world. Lost Shores was great for this. I also don’t mind the temporary chance to earn some items. I would prefer to see a little more of this permanent change to the world. Add some more armor or weapon skins that can always be earned. Permanently add a dungeon in.

I also wouldn’t mind a series of monthly stories that leads up to a big year end event. Even if they let us permanently kill one dragon a year there would be plenty of dragons to go through…and their defeat can always be temporary.

Holiday events of living story being non-permanent is fine as I expect those celebrations to come back around.

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


I hate to say it, but I don’t know if I like the living story either. I have the same reaction as OP. It doesn’t really make me want to REALLY play the game. I just come back for a few hours, the the achievements & don’t com back for a month. It’s really just not that compelling. The F&F dungeon was probably the best LS part so far. But the story stuff that is supposed to “change the world” doesn’t. It doesn’t really make the world feel more alive & the story stuff is so simple, sporadic & short it’s like blink-of-an-eye content.

They talked about making ppl want to go back to old areas & add more DEs & they’ve done none of that. (nothing significant anyways) Thought they would have done something like add a huge list of achievements/scavenger hunts & way more meta-events/invasions in each old zone, with a new armor skin set to earn for each old zone.

I feel like GW2 has too much MEGA-ULTRA-SUPER grindy goals & too much 1 HR BITE-SIZE content. Way too little in the middle.

I think LS only works if we know there is a full expansion being developed in the back ground. LS just isn’t very satisfying.

(edited by DarksunG.9537)