LWS2 gated equipment

LWS2 gated equipment

in Living World

Posted by: Xaivier.9756


I think that it is fantastic that Condition damage now has a more prominent role in the game after being so useless for so long, my only qualm with the whole situation is gating the trinkets behind such long winded and time consuming achievements. They way to get sinister trinkets is to complete the mastery achievements for LWS2, which is you don’t have you gotta buy, thus locking it behind a pay wall for some people, and if you do have it you have to bash your head against a wall over and over on some achievements that seem to hold an odd amount of luck to them. The Best examples of these repetitive and seemingly chance based achievements would be Shrubsplosion and Rock Dodger from episode 8- Point of no return, the only episode i own. There are not markers for where the explosions from the plants occur, they seem to explode easily if you’re just a tad close and the rocks that spawn under ground have almost zero visibility on a screen cluttered with flowers that go bang, and dragon that puts orange circles everywhere and glowing particle effects from the divine torch. I can appreciate that most of the difficulty I am having is down to me being bad, but now with such a strong shift to condi damage surely implementing an alternative method of obtaining these trinkets, even if they become very expensive laurel items or cost like 5000 bandit crests, would be beneficial to the community. Not being able to raid as a condition player because i cant afford to buy LWS2 is just grinding my patients down slowly.


(edited by Xaivier.9756)

LWS2 gated equipment

in Living World

Posted by: Diovid.9506


You can get LS2 for free, you just have to convert gold to gems.

LWS2 gated equipment

in Living World

Posted by: Xaivier.9756


a very time consuming task, and one that I don’t wish to take the time doing when there are other gear sets that don’t cost any considerable extra effort to get like Berserkers


LWS2 gated equipment

in Living World

Posted by: Diovid.9506


a very time consuming task, and one that I don’t wish to take the time doing when there are other gear sets that don’t cost any considerable extra effort to get like Berserkers

But the same could be said about sets like Zealot’s and Viper’s, that is hardly a Sinister-only problem.

LWS2 gated equipment

in Living World

Posted by: Nero.8047


Do you need LWS2 to unlock the purchase of these Sinister Trinkets at the Bandit Crests Vendors such as the one found in Blue Oasis – Silverwastes?

I have the trinkets from completing the story achievements yet earlier today when I traded this Vendor in Blue Oasis I saw she had a selection of ascended trinkets, among which an amulet belonging to the old Master of Whispers with the same stats as the “Caithe-Amulet”.

If these trinkets can be purchased without even owning LWS2 then your argument is slightly invaled. they’d be locked behind a wall made out of Bandit Crests instead of Gems.

Paragon of the Seraphim Order [Ankh]
a small, casual Guild with a play as you want style.

LWS2 gated equipment

in Living World

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


Do you need LWS2 to unlock the purchase of these Sinister Trinkets at the Bandit Crests Vendors such as the one found in Blue Oasis – Silverwastes?

I have the trinkets from completing the story achievements yet earlier today when I traded this Vendor in Blue Oasis I saw she had a selection of ascended trinkets, among which an amulet belonging to the old Master of Whispers with the same stats as the “Caithe-Amulet”.

If these trinkets can be purchased without even owning LWS2 then your argument is slightly invaled. they’d be locked behind a wall made out of Bandit Crests instead of Gems.

Only unlocks when you have done the achievements in the story.

LWS2 gated equipment

in Living World

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I think that it is fantastic that Condition damage now has a more prominent role in the game after being so useless for so long, my only qualm with the whole situation is gating the trinkets behind such long winded and time consuming achievements. They way to get sinister trinkets is to complete the mastery achievements for LWS2, which is you don’t have you gotta buy, thus locking it behind a pay wall for some people, and if you do have it you have to bash your head against a wall over and over on some achievements that seem to hold an odd amount of luck to them. The Best examples of these repetitive and seemingly chance based achievements would be Shrubsplosion and Rock Dodger from episode 8- Point of no return, the only episode i own. There are not markers for where the explosions from the plants occur, they seem to explode easily if you’re just a tad close and the rocks that spawn under ground have almost zero visibility on a screen cluttered with flowers that go bang, and dragon that puts orange circles everywhere and glowing particle effects from the divine torch. I can appreciate that most of the difficulty I am having is down to me being bad, but now with such a strong shift to condi damage surely implementing an alternative method of obtaining these trinkets, even if they become very expensive laurel items or cost like 5000 bandit crests, would be beneficial to the community. Not being able to raid as a condition player because i cant afford to buy LWS2 is just grinding my patients down slowly.

This has been covered and I doubt it will get changed.

Arenanet were nice enough to give the LS2 unlocks out for free to players who were active when they got released (I missed some myself and had to buy them later). Deal with it. 200 gems is around 36 gold. Otherwise get out your $$$.

As far as the actual achievements, if you are unwilling to figure them out yourself, read a guide.

Just the 2 example you gave:

- the flowers do explode once you get close. They also explode (without harming you) if you pass inbetween them by walking over the roots connecting 2 flowers. Something you would and could have picked up on.

- Rock Dodger is one of the hardest achievements if done properly. Simply because it involves quite a bit of luck, especially in the last phase where rocks are not absoultely inline with the markers. Then again, you could suicide pre fight, have a friend finish the instance, and get the achievement.

I doubt 800 gems worth of content is locking you out of raids (essentially 144 gold). If you are that stripped on cash, I highly doubt you’ll be running decent sigil/runes with good gear.

Here’s an idea: farm Silverwastes for those 2k Banditcrests you need for the first 2 items. Use the gold you make in that time to unlock Season 2 chapters 5-8.

Even better, farm some more Silverwastes and complete the Bioluminescence achievement. You’ll end up with a lot more gold for decent sigils/runes and a free ascended armor piece of your choice.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

LWS2 gated equipment

in Living World

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


You could also craft exotic sinister trinkets.

LWS2 gated equipment

in Living World

Posted by: shejesa.3712


I think that it is fantastic that Condition damage now has a more prominent role in the game after being so useless for so long, my only qualm with the whole situation is gating the trinkets behind such long winded and time consuming achievements. They way to get sinister trinkets is to complete the mastery achievements for LWS2, which is you don’t have you gotta buy, thus locking it behind a pay wall for some people, and if you do have it you have to bash your head against a wall over and over on some achievements that seem to hold an odd amount of luck to them. The Best examples of these repetitive and seemingly chance based achievements would be Shrubsplosion and Rock Dodger from episode 8- Point of no return, the only episode i own. There are not markers for where the explosions from the plants occur, they seem to explode easily if you’re just a tad close and the rocks that spawn under ground have almost zero visibility on a screen cluttered with flowers that go bang, and dragon that puts orange circles everywhere and glowing particle effects from the divine torch. I can appreciate that most of the difficulty I am having is down to me being bad, but now with such a strong shift to condi damage surely implementing an alternative method of obtaining these trinkets, even if they become very expensive laurel items or cost like 5000 bandit crests, would be beneficial to the community. Not being able to raid as a condition player because i cant afford to buy LWS2 is just grinding my patients down slowly.

Sorry for my ignorance, I just checked two last sentences… Are you aware of the fact that there was every single s2 chapter for free? You just had to download update and log in for few sec. if you couldn’t spend 10 minutes of your life on checking in once per two weeks I don’t really see your point…