Living Story Chapter 1

Living Story Chapter 1

in Living World

Posted by: StevenDorsey.2605



So, I got burned out after Main Quest when I couldn’t get a group to go do Zhaitan’s Dungeon long enough to not get killed trying before we reached it, and I was playing around iwth Alts and Get-Rich-Quick-Schemes at the time. Did too much at one time and then left before Living Story Chapter 1 came out. So you probably know what I am going to ask.

Is there a way to unlock the chapters and play them to see what happened for myself? All people keep saying is, “It was an Insane Sylvari. It was an insane Sylvari. She nuked LA. Read the Wiki.”

Well I did the Chapter 2 quests, I’ve done all of Dry Top that I woudl care to at this time, and i’m a bit bored. And I’m wondering if theres a way to buy those chapters or something, because its not the same reading about it on the wiki. If you guys could give me a definitive answer or a point in the right direction to where I could find out, that would be awesome and appreciated.

Living Story Chapter 1

in Living World

Posted by: StevenDorsey.2605


Edit: Nevermind. I answered my own question. :p

“To unlock an episode and have it added to your story Journal, you simply need to log in to the game during the two-week period that the release is live to be given permanent, free access to the storyline of that episode. Once you’ve unlocked it by simply logging in, you can replay that episode’s storyline on any character on your account as many times as you like from your story Journal forever. Past episodes will be available for purchase for 200 gems. (Don’t forget you can earn gold and purchase gems to unlock the episode for your account).”

Living Story Chapter 1

in Living World

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Season One is not available at this time, nor are the Devs working on it presently. To hear them discuss Season One’s return, you can watch the ‘Developer Behind the Scenes’ Twitch Livestream concerning the Journal/Season Two.

It is planned to some day be available, though.