Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
The constant demand to learn new skills, fights, boss, event, etc. gets tiring after a while. With the new upcoming living story, everything I have learned in the previous Living Stories are for nothing since I have to learn new things again. It would have been nice if I can retain this knowledge by applying it to something else, but with the current state of the game and how it became fast paced, I’m simply running out of steam.
I understand why Anet wants to release new contents every two weeks but there’s also a reason certain content should remain in the world for a long period of time. Not everyone will be able to keep up at this pace and when I feel that I am going to be behind because of real life situation, for example, I will simply not even bother to play this game anymore. Other than the Living Story which I will not going to keep up with, I have nothing else to do in this game. I have each profession to level 80 with Exotic pieces on most of them and no personal story to do for each of them, it seems that’s the end of the road for me.
It is sad to see that instead of releasing a large patch that creates months and months of enjoyment and play time, like continuation of Personal Story, you have decided to load everyone up on a high speed train without a seat but only a metal bar to hold on to — eventually, someone will simply let go.
I am at that point. I feel that it’s time for me to let go.
Since my monetary expenditure in this game is the same, if not more than, as a monthly subscription, I am now considering moving on to a game where I can enjoy the content for more than 2-4weeks for every characters I have. Also with the eSport coming around the corner, it is expected the skills will be “balanced” across the board to favor that part of the game in the expense of PvE content, which have always brought forth a lot of frustrations that I simply do not want coming from a game I should be enjoying to relieve stress. I’ve seen this before and most of the recent patches are a reminder that this is where the game is currently heading.
The Living Story have me burned out.
Sure I can simply not login and take a break, but understand this, this is suppose to be my break from troubles of reality and you have made this game more stressful than my current job since this one have a 2-4 weeks deadline. This is not the reason why I play a game. I login to GW2 to disconnect from the worries of this world and even just for a few hours I can enjoy something that is not related to reality, like fighting an Elder Dragon.
Although it is a hard decision for me, I simply cannot keep up with this anymore.
Sorry, but that’s your own fault. It’s a game, it’s your leisure, don’t feel obligated.
Sorry, but that’s your own fault. It’s a game, it’s your leisure, don’t feel obligated.
Give me one good reason as to why the crown pavillian is temporary.
Also it’s not the OP fault at all, the OP has paid money to play this game but is basically being forced in playing it due to temporary decisions. Now I personally don’t mind some temporary content but now Anet are just at a stage where they’re saying “so what can be temporary” and then just picking random bits of an update to make temporary.
Colin has just said there will be more permanent content and straight away we can see this is a lie by needlessly making new content temporary. It’s scaring players away and making new players think twice about buying the game.
If you like Guild Wars 2 and want to see how everything plays out, but have little time to play (I get maybe 2-4 hours per week…if I’m lucky and nothing important comes up), the Living Story is exhausting, yes. If you take a break, even for a couple weeks due to RL situations, you can’t witness the events first-hand, so you feel like you’re going to miss a lot, so it’s either push yourself to play all the time or miss out on what’s going on.
If you keep missing what’s going on, there’s less incentive to jump back in since now the story is building off of previous releases that you can’t experience. It creates more and more players who have less interest in the story that’s been building because they have no idea who these characters are or why these enemies are even worthwhile, forcing devs to make content shallow enough for anyone to jump in. Posts will continue to pop up asking “who are these characters and why should I care?”.
We’re trying to mitigate some of this with our Living Story Summary but honestly, it’s not going to be enough after a point. Too many short content pieces that you can’t replay, too many events happening that you’ll have to only read about and not experience. Having the dungeon in the fractal just won’t be enough either because there’s story instances that aren’t being kept. It’s becoming less and less possible for fans to justify why the content is removed, I can only imagine it’s a technical hurdle that allows them to have such overlapping development streams (don’t have to worry about the new code coming in before yours because it’s going away).
TV shows, especially the heavy story-arc ones, get released on DVD and have re-runs for a reason, and the same issue is happening here. This needs to be a huge priority to replay these older content so players don’t feel like it’s “play it or lose it”, emphasis on the lose it.
This will be the first time I don’t get the meta achievements done, and I’m feeling like I don’t care about the achievements anymore because I can’t keep up.
I love this game, but in a year we will have 24 content releases happening…and absolutely no way to experience the story that has developed in that time if things keep going this way. I can actually go over to say, EverQuest 2, and replay most of their added content over the past 7 years. This should not be an advantage other MMOs have over GW2.
It’s their ‘baby’ unfortunately or fortunately. ANet hasn’t really done a whole lot of change that people on the forum are clamoring for and then there are always 2 sides of the coin. I almost always see “Form Topic” followed with positive or negative, and then debate.
Forum people aren’t the majority. I would imagine if this system was not working for them they would change it, even be forced to change it. But coming up on a year no real change. It leaves me with the impression that what they are doing seems to be good for the entire majority. Sure in the end not everyone’s happy but I guess the majority is??
Totally agree with the OP here. I’m managing to keep up with the pace of the LS releases right now, but it’s frankly exhausting. I’ve basically stopped playing any other games and put most of the normal GW2 story on hold so I can experience and complete the LS as they occur.
The main problem here is the temporary nature of the content/rewards. If you don’t want to miss anything, you HAVE to forego everything else. Unlike a TV show where you can just record missed episodes on Tivo or buy the DVD release when it comes out, once you miss out on a LS chapter, that’s it. You’ll never be able to see it again, and you’ll never be able to gain the rewards that came with it either. (A lot of rewards are either accountbound, soulbound, or have disappeared from the game entirely.)
I really wish ANet would return to the GW1 system of doing things, where new content (and their rewards) stayed in the game permanently. What’s the harm in having dungeons like the Molten Facility or the Aetherblade Retreat continuing to be accessible via a “Replay NPC”?
@cdeathblade: Forum people aren’t the majority, no. But I suspect the reality is that the majority of GW2 players basically aren’t bothering with the LS at all. I have a friend who only does LS content if it happens to show up right in his path. He visited Labyrinthine Cliffs a grand total of twice, I believe. (He also tried the Trials, got splattered, and said “Juvenile Cat this!” and never went back again.) The fact that the vast majority of GW2 players (more than 80%) have achievement points of less than 2000 tells me that it’s likely this is what the general attitude of the player base is like.
So yeah, I don’t understand why ANet is pouring so much work into content that, if temporary, means that the majority of their player base never gets to enjoy or experience properly. Why not make Living Story content (outside of festivals) remains forever in the world and players old or new can go to experience it whenever they want?
Unfortunately for me, the Living Story kind of killed the game for my brother. Due to the nature of his job and his familial obligations, his playtime was extremely limited; a few hours one day a week is all he could manage. This left him the dilemma of doing scrambling to keep up with the Living Story or working on the stuff he better enjoys (leveling his characters, personal story, etc). Being torn in two directions left him burned out, and he eventually stopped caring altogether.
One of the things about TV shows is that episodic shows (shows like CSI, which have no reliance on a continuing narrative, the only plot is the one introduced and concluded by the episode’s end) tend to capture a wider audience than serial shows (shows like Lost, which will have a plot that builds on each episode and season, telling a whole story over long period of time). An episodic show can be watched in any order and you can miss an episode with little to no consequence. A serialised show like Lost has important plot details and developments that take place all the time. Understanding the 8th episode of the show requires that you have seen the 5th episode of the show. If you start missing some of it, or start watching in the second season, you will have a hard time figuring out what’s happened. Fortunately television has adapted and you watch DVDs, download on itunes, watch on Hulu/Netflix and even see them again on the channel’s own website.
It makes sense that television content is finite, the way broadcasting works, only one show can air at a time on the channel. It doesn’t make sense that an MMO would do that. There are almost no restrictions in place preventing them from leaving instanced story content in the world. The open world events would need to go, but the instances can stay (just like the entire Personal Story co-exists with the open world). ArenaNet has used an episodic style of story telling in a medium which is well suited to it, and artificially created problems to make their story less effective. The only reason I can think is to pressure players into playing now and not later, to keep them around to boost their metrics and buy them gemstore items.
So now we have players burning out because the Living Story requires they always be playing to participate, and we have people missing out because they had real life commitments, didn’t start playing until recently or were just not aware when it started so they are jumping in halfway through the story and don’t understand what happened. Fortunately(?) for them, even players who were around have trouble understanding the story due to how it’s delivered in the game.
I just hope we don’t hear developers talk about how they were surprised to discover that their exclusive story system ended up excluding players.
I logged in last night thinking maybe I’ll give this patch the benefit of a doubt…yup, I cannot keep up with this. Not only it is buggy but the Gauntlet itself has a steep learning curve that would take a lot of time in finding the right build and the play style.
I guess I’ll just go and run some torches or defend a balloon… :/
Sorry, but that’s your own fault. It’s a game, it’s your leisure, don’t feel obligated.
Give me one good reason as to why the crown pavillian is temporary.
The Crown Pavilion is temporary because it’s part of an annual celebration event, much like Wintersday or Halloween.
I absolutely agree. Mass producing living world content always gets out of hand. Yet another slap in the face for the casual players.
+1 to this.
I’m not quitting yet, but I really hope Anet will change their strategy soon.
All I want is more permanent open-world dynamic events.
Massive, multi-map event chains ending with world bosses would be amazing. The Balthezar temple event chain is a perfect example of what I want, why can’t every map have one or two of these chains?
I seriously would rather play GW at this point.
After killing 600 mobs and running through the pavilion achievements, I grabbed my whopping 18 tickets and had a lot of fun with the gauntlet. Then I was out, oops. Grinded another 2 hours, played gauntlet again, decided to try some of the other achievements.
Ran up to 10 balloons, racking maybe 50 pirate kills on the way then realized I wasn’t even done with the tiers of those yet.
30 freaking balloons? What is this adding to the content? 100 ablade pirates? People are just camping events. Its a giant to-do list that makes me exhausted, and all I get is some crappy mini.
But I do it anyway because if I don’t I’ll lose the opportunity to..
I agree. I was very enchanted with the idea of Living World at the start. But over the time, it is quite exhausting. There are days when I’m so busy, I can`t even log in to finish the dailies. Now missing the Living World comes on top. It should be an incentive to play, but through the arbitrary time limitation it feels more like punishment for not playing. I bought this game because no fees mean I don`t get punished for not playing and can spend money on it whenever I please. But now larger and larger parts of the game are temporary and poke me towards completion as soon as possible instead of when I`m ready. The achievement rewards actually made that feeling much worse, since LS rewards a lot of AP. Loosing the mini isn’t that bad, but being denied the possibility of ever getting these massive amount of AP ever again kind of hurts now. It makes taking a break much harder than it should be.
I also feel that often the time limitation is arbitrary and unnecessary. The removed dungeons were popular and a great addition to the existing ones, why remove them? The new Crown Pavillion activities will vanish because….? I don`t even like most of the minigames but I still can`t see a reason to remove them. I agree with Shiren: open world content changing up sometimes is fun. But removing instances is just… not necessary. It feels like a waste of good design: Here you have an awesome dungeon designed by people that put their heart in it…. aaaand it’s gone.
Another bad side effect is that it drains the population from the rest of the game. Instead of spreading people out by giving more opportunities, people will flock to LS events because they have to hurry to complete them asap. It’s very similar to the starting areas being overrun in rotation due to the daily events.
Getting new content every two weeks sounds awesome. But by now I realise it comes with the rather large cost of loosing content every two weeks. And that is something I could go without. I strongly suggest to use positive reinforcements to get people to play (new content/ new rewards) not negative reinforcement (taking away content if not played in time).
I have to agree that the Living Story is really fast paced and if you don’t have lots of time, there’s no way you can keep up. For most people to even stand a chance of finishing the Living Story content in 2 weeks time, they have no choice but to give up on the regular content. The fact that the Living Story is all temporary just emphasizes this even more, because they can never catch back up if they miss out on something. It sounds to me like there are 2 fairly simple solutions to this problem:
1) Slow down on the speed of the Living Story releases.
Don’t get me wrong, new content every 2 weeks is awesome, but maybe more of it should be improvements to the base game, rather than Living Story. I really like the Living Story, but it’s moving way too fast. I would suggest going back to the old model of one Living Story release per month or maybe even a little slower, like a month and a half per release (or maybe it could vary depending on the release).
2) Make Living Story instances permanent.
This way people, who don’t have time during one Living Story release or buy the game after a number of them have come out, can catch up and not feel lost as to what’s going on.
I think that certain stuff should be perm and some stuff should be temporary. The point of temporary content is to get players to get back into the game. All these players say they dont have a lot of time to do this stuff and what not. I dont think many of them have played MMOs. Don’t get me wrong, I understand where they’re coming from. MMOs take time. It’s the nature of the game. Look at WoW. Only like 5% of the playerbase sees the endcontent of the game. Simply from time constraints. MMOs take time and no matter which one you will play it will be this way. Also I love new ways of thinking. I love having to think about a new way to deal with a boss or new mechanics. It makes it interesting. The game is already insanely easy, I like they introduce new mechanics to players so they have to adapt and think.
With that being said, there does need to be more perm content.
Flame and Frost: Put a section of one of the maps involved to be the remnants of the Molten Alliance. They launch raiding parties on nearby towns and what not, but they are no longer connected to the larger force. Basically a splinter group. You have to do a meta event chain to eventually get of the center of their last stronghold. IN this center is the last molten weapons facility where players can do the dungeon. However, the story instances and rewards from the story arc are no longer there. So you wont be able to get jetpacks or fused gauntlents.
Secrets of Southsun- You did a pretty good job with this and the Queen. Thought I’d like people to be a bit more enticed to wonder whats happening to the wild life. Perhaps put “wild spawning” censors and journals talking about them and what not to make the players ask “What the heck happened here”.
Festivals- these are hard to make perm content for and we have too many. Dragon bash, holidays, baazar. Too many and its really hard to make perm content, especially when things like the Baazar seem to have a completely separate story line.
Aetherblades- The Jumping Puzzle is good, but I wouldn’t mind seeing some more. Maybe Aetherblade ships will sometimes raid various Lionguard camps till the end of the story when scarlet is dealt with.
What new skills do you have to learn for the living content? Queens gauntlet bosses or something?
What new skills do you have to learn for the living content? Queens gauntlet bosses or something?
In the last LS, there are several PvE and PvP skills we have to learn how to use, in this case it’s the Aspect skills. In this current LS, the skills we have to learn are those used by the NPCs in the gauntlet. Typically, the NPC uses skills similar to players so we are some what familiar with those skills, but in the gauntlet, there are several skills that is new in its entirety. Then after investing time, gold, and effort to learn and deal with this new skills, they are removed from the game because they are temporary content.
I think that certain stuff should be perm and some stuff should be temporary. The point of temporary content is to get players to get back into the game.
Temporary content doesn’t do any better a job at that than permanent content does. It’s simply new stuff that brings people into the game. Removing it later on doesn’t make anybody happy, it only annoys people and sets the game’s growth back.
The LS has never been a very good idea, especially at this point when it needs a lot more organic growth and expansion of available content.
I agree with the above poster that all LS instances should be permanent. They should also utilize phasing to make the stories character driven rather than development driven. LS should never have existed, they should have just been using those ideas to expand the PS.
I don’t want the MWF and the AR to come back as Fractals- that’s just dumb. They should permanently occupy the game as storied dungeons, serving as the conclusion to those story arcs that you must play through to get to.
(edited by Einlanzer.1627)
I think that certain stuff should be perm and some stuff should be temporary. The point of temporary content is to get players to get back into the game.
Temporary content doesn’t do any better a job at that than permanent content does. It’s simply new stuff that brings people into the game. driven.
I suspect you’re wrong on that count. The temporary nature of the Living Story means the Achievement Points tied to them are also temporarily available. And the amount of APs each Living Story installment offers is very generous indeed. And now that we’ve got rewards – actual, tangible, in-game rewards – being given for APs, the carrot-chasing players are going to feel inclined to log in and get those APs at least once every two weeks.
While all ties into the temporarily available “act now!” items in the Gem Shop. Let’s make no mistake, the Living Story is just a delivery mechanism for gem shop items (many of which are locked behind rng). That’s what’s really driving the high rate of Living Story updates, in my opinion.
I like all the new content we’re getting to be sure but as others have said it feels like such a waste to just get rid of it all in a couple weeks. I mean we’ve had some great storylines, instanced expansions to existing maps, entirely new areas, two new dungeons. They’ve added so much content but yet most of it isn’t actually in the game anymore.
It really boggles my mind, especially as a GW1 vet. I remember eagerly waiting on the new War in Kryta updates and playing the newest content. The difference here is that I can go back anytime I want and play through all that content and even get all the same rewards. Now sure GW2 has an open world that makes something on the scale of WIK unfeasible. But the thing is, most of the really major LS content to date has been done mainly through instances, there’s no good reason not to put in “replay NPCs” throughout the game that would let you replay these instances and dungeons.
There really needs to be some way to ‘go back’ and relive at least a figment of the Living Story lines and still get the main achievement/reward for each. It would make me, personally, want to go out and revisit places I haven’t cared about re-exploring, such as SouthSun Cove.
Three main reasons which I think apply to many players out there in the world:
1. They missed out on the LS event completely, becuase real-life events took prioirity.
2. The amount of gameplay per week was limited due to work, life, etc., and hence #3..
3. They participated in some if not most of the LS main achievement, but just fell short of that final pay-off of completing x out of x # of events.
Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to go back and get those last achievements to claim spot in saying “yes! I finished it!”, even if it might require a bit more grind than everyone else had to do to get it? I think it would solve a lot of the gripes and complaints coming in.
I just see it as the lore evolving with the community’s help somewhat.
Reading about something that happened in the world that’s lore concept, written and set in stone is very different from knowing that this and that actually happened in-game.
Personally I don’t have time to play that much – barely getting to my first 80 character this week – but I don’t see having the achievements/experience of all the previous events a necessity, the more the world evolves the better.
I see it as a huge step forward in the MMO area, it certainly has it’s flaws (as per this topic) but props to ArenaNet for actually pushing it. The only similar thing (but through a somewhat different method) is what the guys at Red5 did with Firefall, but so far in the beta I see it as a huge overstretch in terms of overall gameplay, it might have a dynamic world, but it’s a boring dynamic world.
I agree, it’s getting really exhausting and it’s starting to feel like work even more than real life work.
I simply can’t afford time for all this new achievements and rewards.
I’m speaking from the perspective of a God Walking Among Mere Mortals with 50 HoM points, all of GW1 Elite Areas completed and all the 33 GW1 special weapons including the 11 Torment Weapons, so it isn’t like I’m a casual player and it should be hard to burn me with more achievements.
The pace of Living Story throwing hundred of achievements our way (and many of them I think destroy the concept of an achievement, like doing X sexy dances in front of random burning trees around the world for no benefit at all, many of them feeling a lot like the “kill 10 rats” they wanted to avoid in a greater scale) is incredibly exhausting.
I know we’re not “forced” to do them, but many of us like to complete stuff, and those achievements, that are starting to feel like task lists with short deadlines, are supposedly what the designers though you should do to really experience the content they’re giving you, and there are also some good rewards that you miss if you pass.
Then, aditionally there are important things about the story that if you simply can’t play, you miss, and then the story starts evolving and you missed part of it (and that’s not mentioning new players), which, as others mentioned, could generate a lost of interest from many players (I think the Hall of Monuments pool could be used to revive parts of it, as it’s a place that allowed to see visions and currently no one goes there anymore except for recently created characters to pick skin A or B and forget it again, which is a shame for a place like the Eye of the North).
Apparently this system of keep throwing task lists to players is what their studies told them would generate more players playing the game and more revenue or they wouldn’t use it (though I think that even in that case, in the long term that system will burn all those players and backfire, and I’m saying this as a GWAMM so it should be hard to burn me and they’re starting to do it).
I think during Flame and Frost the pace was about right (they used 3 months for the whole thing, that gave plenty of time for players to keep up with the story and take their time to complete achievements instead of rushing them before the deadline comes).
I really apreciate that they’re working this much in the game, but I would like those resources directed to something else to slow the pace of things. This is getting exhausting, and while it can work to keep players always in the game, we’re getting burned and it can be very dangerous in the long term. When we stop working hard in real life, we don’t want to work hard for deadlines in our games.
I try to be a completionist, but since the Aetherblade Retreat patch, there has been some achievements that I have left undone simply because I didn’t have enough time for them with all the real life projects I have to do (specifically the hard achievements on the dungeon as all the parties I had time to go with failed to get the achievements, and I only completed 6 from Kiel’s category, though somehow I decided that sacrificing sleep time to get all of Evon’s category achievements was a good idea). Right now I’m still deciding what to do with this new task list from Queen’s Jubilee.
Please slow down the pace. We apreciate the effort but we can’t keep up.
To quote Linkin Park:
“You can’t run the race, the pace is too fast, you just won’t last”
(edited by Lokheit.7943)
To what I just said, I want to add that new mini-game related achievements should either be part of dailies, or completed in a max time of half an hour of playing the game.
This way you get players to experience the mini-game, but if he doesn’t enjoy it, you don’t keep him for hours in that game. For example, while I liked the “hunger games in southsun cove” mini-game, I didn’t want to spend 8 hours on it just because someone decided 2500 was a right number of points for an achievements (when you compare the time it takes for that one compared with the crystals one it’s terrible, and I think the other one should’ve been shorter to get too).
If you want to keep players on your new mini-games, simply put a cool reward (cooler than a backpiece that are starting to get too common and not everyone will like all of them) at the end of it that they can get benefit from so if they like the game they keep playing and they can get rewards while doing what they enjoy. Or simply make playing them as rewarding as farming so they keep getting benefit while being in the game.
As I said people that don’t like the mini-games shoudn’t be forced to spend SO MANY hours on them. Half an hour is more than enough to see if you like the game or not (and it’s more or less the time it takes to complete the PvP daily). One thing is to make achievements for the living story, and another is to make people play for hours they can’t afford on games they might not even like (as I said I liked them, but I wouldn’t spend so much time on them specially without good enough rewards).
(edited by Lokheit.7943)
To be honest I don’t really understand the problem. If you say you can’t take a break because you don’t want to miss out on the story progress, that is fine. But the story behind QJ consists basically (at least right now) out of one instanced event. If you do one or two balloon events you have pretty much experienced all the story. The Gauntlet is IMO only a little mini-game that has basically no effect on the story progress.
To sum it up: To complete the story you need at max an hour.
Doing all the achievements is of course a different matter.
I’ve said from the beginning of this whole Living Story idea that it was gonna be bad. While I can understand that Anet wants to keep throwing content at us to keep us playing, it’s actually having the exact opposite effect. It’s driving people away because they can’t keep up and/or it’s burning them out on the game. Anet needs to slow their kitten down and start developing more permanent/meaningful content instead of this fast-paced/farm like crazy idiocy.
And seriously, it’s about time we got more Elder Dragon content. Enough with this stupid side story kitten that honestly hasn’t made a lick of difference in the kitten game other than making people farm like crazy morons.
I’ve said from the beginning of this whole Living Story idea that it was gonna be bad. While I can understand that Anet wants to keep throwing content at us to keep us playing, it’s actually having the exact opposite effect. It’s driving people away because they can’t keep up and/or it’s burning them out on the game. Anet needs to slow their kitten down and start developing more permanent/meaningful content instead of this fast-paced/farm like crazy idiocy.
And seriously, it’s about time we got more Elder Dragon content. Enough with this stupid side story kitten that honestly hasn’t made a lick of difference in the kitten game other than making people farm like crazy morons.
Honestly, it’s not actually the fact they’re releasing every two weeks. The entire problem is that they remove the content after 2-4 weeks with no way to re-play it. If everything were moved to instances or something and we could replay it, this wouldn’t be a problem. They could have their 2 week release schedule for live content, but the older content gets moved to historical instances afterwards, and people could play it at their pace…it just wouldn’t be out in the live world, but as someone with that problem I don’t really care about that.
(Note, this isn’t talking about recurring festivals where it’d be coming back anyway, only the non-recurring stuff)
I love this game, but I want to be able to take a break (especially since I’ve got a kid on the way) without missing something important or fun. Else, there’s less reason to come back when I’ve already missed a story piece they’re going to be continuing to build on. I could play practically any other MMO and never have this problem, and my time playing is richer because of it.
(edited by Vahkris.6847)
ANet has said they’re aware of the feedback we’ve been giving on the forums, so hopefully this is one issue that they’ve taken note of. Like everyone else here, the pace of the Living Story is getting quite draining and I’d like it to be either slowed down some more, or have the non-open world content remain permanently in the game so players can complete it at their leisure.
I don’t do Living Story because i enjoy the lame content and boring cut scenes :P i do it because it gives access to huge chunks of easy achievement points (which i now care about since the AP rewards patch) and to get the limited time rewards that i need to get within 2 weeks or i will (most of the time) never see them again. Also some of these rewards sell for good $$$ after the content is gone.
The only temporary content that i have EVER actually enjoyed participating in, was Super Adventure Box, even after i bought 2 back pieces. And thank god that is coming back.
It sounds like the main problem people are having with the temporary content is the story lines that they’re missing out on, thus taking them out of the loop so that they don’t know why things are happening in future Living Story events. If that is the case, then adding a synopsis of each Living Story after content was removed and/or leaving in Living Story instances crucial to the story might fix this problem.
However, that doesn’t change the fact that the Living Story is a bit exhausting because it moves fairly fast. I still think Anet should slow down on the LS releases . . . maybe once a month like they used to have.
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