And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
It’s actually because the people who are the most “waaah. I hate this! I hate that! I’m going to insult everyone who disagrees with me in extremely offensive ways!” Get infracted and banned because they are not contributing to the conversation with their bile.
There are some that changed their tune over time too. Some that didn’t really like LS found that they did like tower of nightmares or battle for LA. The LS does continue to grow and improve, it gives me some hope for season 2 and onward.
I dont wan this game to be like wow
It kinda sounds like you do:
Stop trying to be different from wow
I want raids because i can put in to use my new gear and I can enjoy killing HUGE bosses with my friends and not random people.
You can do that, guilds can trigger world bosses.
If you dont like content and many things to do, please suffocate your self.
Nobody said they didn’t like content. And there is no need to be rude.
Pc gaming is not for you…
Maybe GW2 is not for you…
Edit: Looks like that post I was replying to disappeared.
(edited by Melinea.1875)
LOL—snuck that mount issue in again-it’s a dead horse.
MOUNTS Now in the Gem Store!!
Choose from a variety of color patterns and styles.
DEAD HORSE – 500 Gems
Tennessee Walking Horse (Does not actually walk)
American Painted Horse
Shetland Pony (Perfect for Asura)
Clydesdale (For that Norn in your life)
….More coming soon
Double Click to Summon your dead horse. He won’t take you anywhere, but he’s fun for gatherings!! Anyone can interact with your dead horse and they will be given a large stick so they too can take a whack!
I’ll tell you what I want what I really really want:
No new level cap, no new gear tiers that make what we have obsolete, no resetting our progress.
New cute armors. More Charr and Asura friendly armors. A dungeon or more fractals.That’s it. Anyone agree or am I the only one who actually likes not worrying about the next gear grind.
I am in complete agreement with that. If only more people thought this way…
Considering the numerous contested way points now, I’m for mounts. Way too much mindless, joyless, and time wasted running. There’s also a lot of ways one could use mounts as a companion to your character. Building upon our personal story beyond Zhaitan. Because if anything is beating a dead horse, it’s adding more enemies like Dragons. We have to build our character’s, our cities, our our personal space. Not define them by “lulz.. kitten .. we’z kill’d that.”
Considering the numerous contested way points now, I’m for mounts. Way too much mindless, joyless, and time wasted running.
Megaservers have effectively eliminated that problem.
We have to build our character’s, our cities, our our personal space. Not define them by “lulz.. kitten .. we’z kill’d that.”
You sound like you want to play Sim City where you build stuff and there’s no storyline whatsoever. Guild Wars is not Sim City.
Uhm, also about the playerbase increasing. Like. What the … . Where do you get these informations? Can you show anything that backs up that magic number (it’s not even a number is it?)? You do realize that megaservers were made for a reason right?
On the same token, theres no numbers to show that the playerbase is decreasing. The implementation of the megaserver, as many people like to think, doesn’t mean that the playerbase is declining either. Having 50% off sales for the game could also be taken as the playerbase is in decline. But companies regularly have sales, and it doesn’t mean that their customer base is decreasing. There is no evidence for it. However the implementation of the megaserver fits in perfectly with the social play style that they laid out in thier design manifesto. Yes some servers had a much smaller population, but others had such a large population it made up for it. People were flocking to the larger servers to have people to play with. The megserver allows you to be able to play with others easier, regardless of servers. This was their stated intention and goal. This does not equate loss of a playerbase.
Mounts are a terrible idea.
But Living World really does need to stop taking the place of permanent content. It was great for a while, and they should keep doing it, but if a few hours of ephemeral gameplay every 2 weeks is more important to Anet than solid, permanent content, there may not even be a 3-year anniversary.
Uhm, also about the playerbase increasing. Like. What the … . Where do you get these informations? Can you show anything that backs up that magic number (it’s not even a number is it?)? You do realize that megaservers were made for a reason right?
On the same token, theres no numbers to show that the playerbase is decreasing. The implementation of the megaserver, as many people like to think, doesn’t mean that the playerbase is declining either. Having 50% off sales for the game could also be taken as the playerbase is in decline. But companies regularly have sales, and it doesn’t mean that their customer base is decreasing. There is no evidence for it. However the implementation of the megaserver fits in perfectly with the social play style that they laid out in thier design manifesto. Yes some servers had a much smaller population, but others had such a large population it made up for it. People were flocking to the larger servers to have people to play with. The megserver allows you to be able to play with others easier, regardless of servers. This was their stated intention and goal. This does not equate loss of a playerbase.
Megaserver is one of numerous recent changes that show Anet is realizing just how much they did right in GW1. Remember districts? That was the bomb, and they should probably get that worked into GW2 ASAP, now that the infrastructure is there for it. Free trait respecs? That’s old news for GW1 players, though it feels half-baked without the ability to save/load your builds.
Coming into GW2, Anet was all about listening to the players, sometimes to a fault. Now it seems like they’re so wrapped up in shipping their biweekly Living World updates that they’ve forgotten the game they have out now isn’t perfect.
LS should only act as a buffer between expansions.
Living story was over a year of development wasted on really bad story telling and temporary content. It also coincides with dropping population numbers on what had started as the most promising MMO in almost a decade.
The only thing that had any real impact or permanence was the destruction of LA, but that was clearly a desperation move to prove LS did have an impact. To bad it took the idea of temporary content a step further in the wrong direction by actually deleting a significant chunk of existing content and removing the location that hosted what LS content that was reusable.
It was a failure on every single level, other than allowing ANet to by pleased with themselves for pumping out free content at a record pace, (while choosing to ignore that it was quantity at the complete expense of quality).
So, yeah, I think we all should hope that LS gets shelved and ANet instead devotes the same level of resources to adding Quality, Permanent content.
I agree with most points. The game is boring and there’s literally nothing to do. The living story is shallow and only adds temporary stuff to existing maps. One of the worst things is to introduce a new tier of armor without adding any content. Make us EARN those armors via Dungeons or Raids. Standing in front of a crafting station and taking out until-then-excess-supply-materials like slik is not epic at all!
My god, every MMO adds meaningful content, you did it as well with GW1, what happened? I really hope they will sell a box with a new zones/races/classes for the Mordremoth story arc…
Uhm, also about the playerbase increasing. Like. What the … . Where do you get these informations? Can you show anything that backs up that magic number (it’s not even a number is it?)? You do realize that megaservers were made for a reason right?
On the same token, theres no numbers to show that the playerbase is decreasing. The implementation of the megaserver, as many people like to think, doesn’t mean that the playerbase is declining either. Having 50% off sales for the game could also be taken as the playerbase is in decline. But companies regularly have sales, and it doesn’t mean that their customer base is decreasing. There is no evidence for it. However the implementation of the megaserver fits in perfectly with the social play style that they laid out in thier design manifesto. Yes some servers had a much smaller population, but others had such a large population it made up for it. People were flocking to the larger servers to have people to play with. The megserver allows you to be able to play with others easier, regardless of servers. This was their stated intention and goal. This does not equate loss of a playerbase.
Well. People flocking to larger servers to have people to play with implements in itself that the playerbase is decreasing.
I also base my oppinion on my personal experience. I started GW2 with lots of friends. Today, I am the only one left of that bunch. Two of my guilds with 100+ players already died because of inactivity. The ones in my current guild share the same story as me.
Also, there was this interview with Colin J. on Massively which I can’t seem to dig up, where he said he “found the fluctuation normal”. I know what that means translated.
Edit: Sorry, it was on Eurogamer:
Edit: Also agree with Rebound. LS would be a nice filler between “real” expensions.
(edited by Bubi.7942)
Uhm, also about the playerbase increasing. Like. What the … . Where do you get these informations? Can you show anything that backs up that magic number (it’s not even a number is it?)? You do realize that megaservers were made for a reason right?
On the same token, theres no numbers to show that the playerbase is decreasing. The implementation of the megaserver, as many people like to think, doesn’t mean that the playerbase is declining either. Having 50% off sales for the game could also be taken as the playerbase is in decline. But companies regularly have sales, and it doesn’t mean that their customer base is decreasing. There is no evidence for it. However the implementation of the megaserver fits in perfectly with the social play style that they laid out in thier design manifesto. Yes some servers had a much smaller population, but others had such a large population it made up for it. People were flocking to the larger servers to have people to play with. The megserver allows you to be able to play with others easier, regardless of servers. This was their stated intention and goal. This does not equate loss of a playerbase. People flocking to larger servers to have people to play with implements in itself that the playerbase is decreasing.
I also base my oppinion on my personal experience. I started GW2 with lots of friends. Today, I am the only one left of that bunch. Two of my guilds with 100+ players already died because of inactivity. The ones in my current guild share the same story as me.
Also, there was this interview with Colin J. on Massively which I can’t seem to dig up, where he said he “found the fluctuation normal”. I know what that means translated.
Edit: Sorry, it was on Eurogamer:
Edit: Also agree with Rebound. LS would be a nice filler between “real” expensions.
Awesome article! Although it was said that the drop in the playerbase was “normal” it is far less then they had anticipated. And again stated that WvW season one brought in a lot of new players, and that population-wise they “are doing great” and it’s a very steady and very very healthy population.
Granted this was back in Jan. However, that being said, 5 months isn’t enough time to see a dramatic population decrease unless there was a mass exodus. But with the success of WvW season 1, and season 2 underway, I can see more people signing up rather than leaving.
Yeah, my friends all left too. But that doesn’t mean the whole population is down. Becuase since that time hundreds if not thousands of more people have joined.
Honestly to imply that the devs are lying, or making false statements, or avoiding the topic of population because you (collective “you”) want to think they are an evil company is just not cool.
(edited by pdavis.8031)
I have enjoyed the living story so far and only see it getting better as the developers get better ideas of what players (in game – not on the forums) enjoy.
It’s not lying in any way. It’s pulling the right statistics at the right time. Dodging the question, yeah, that’s more like it. All of the awnsers there were pretty much dodging the direct awnser. It can be interpreted either way, but when someone is not giving direct awnsers, there is some mischief going on.
The statements made by Colin in that interview regarding the questions asked, don’t leave much for wiggle room.
The first WVW (server versus server versus server) competition made the player-base go “through the roof”, apparently. “That was maybe the biggest thing we did in the second-half of the year to affect player population. When that league was going on, when the world-versus-world season was going on, WVW was just packed.”
“Population-wise, we’re doing great,” insisted Johanson. “We’re very happy with where we’re at. Six months ago to now, it’s a very steady, very very healthy population.”
As for dwindling investment, it appears to be a myth: ArenaNet had a whopping 300 people when Guild Wars 2 launched, and now… now there are 350 and counting – ArenaNet is hiring.
I don’t see how any of that can be taken out of context. It’s pretty cut and dried.
Many games are BAAM lots of content and people power through then complain there is nothing else to do after several weeks compared to this games staggered smaller releases, keeps me coming back.
I feel like I’m in a minority that likes the living story vs expansion pack, don’t get me wrong, more quality content the better, but you usually don’t get much for free in this world…
My 2 pennies.
Just saying…..
I think the Living Story is great, but the fact that he just wants them to add all of the continents like that makes no sense…the LS can add them as well…and RAIDS?!? NO WAY. Mounts would be cool AS LONG AS THEY WERE COSMETIC. Also, Anet will NOT copy and paste things for GW1 because thats STUPID. You’re just trying to rip off WoW.
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