Make your "Point of no Return" quote
My poor sylvari, doomed, it seems to never belong. His Dream, before Caithe so rudely interrupted, was about colorful ponies building a flying submarine in which they intended to travel to the moon, in search of some missing element of something or other, hidden in some long forgotten underwater moonbase. When he spoke of this Dream to his fellow newborns, the only ones who didn’t immediately shun him were the ones who pointed and laughed. Including the mender attending them…
In recent times, many of his sylvari peers, slow to forgive and forget, look askance at his preference for the company of asura. But that’s all right. Asura are a wonderful people, and they remind him ever so much of the little ponies, and if anyone in Tyria is likely to build a flying submarine in which to journey to the moon, it is them.
Now, with almost everyone jumping aboard the dragon bandwagon — Mordremoth this, Mordremoth that, Mordremoth’s big butt! — he finds himself once again the outcast, the loner, the one who does not belong. When will it all end? When will he ever know the comfort and joy of fellowship? When?
Any maximally effective mercenaries in the house?
Acknowledgements: To Starconspirator, again, for assisting with template application.
The Seventy Habits of Maximally Effective Mercenaries are the creation of Howard Taylor, used without permission for the purposes of humour. Reproduction of the Seventy Habits for commercial purposes should not be performed without permission from the author.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
It seems all I do nowadays is take silly screenshots and add captions to them…
… I’m okay with that.
Anyway, interesting thread; here’s a joke one and a serious one.
Hyperbole is the absolute worst thing in the universe.
I’m actually quite happy with this
The Secksy Monk [Guild Wars 1]
Stormbluff Isle – Storm Slayer Dragons [SDS]
Promises of the future: an Asura Engineer’s dream come true!
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist
(edited by Hamfast.8719)
Thread’s over folks, go home. Someone’s reached the summit. We’re done here.
Hyperbole is the absolute worst thing in the universe.
My guild had a small competition to create some of our own, you can check them out here:
That’s dead late but whatever. I don’t want this thread to sink.
Many people were drawn, on purpose or by accident to see even a glimpse of what Scarlet saw by herself, killing them outright or changing them forever. This once modest engineer who risked everything trying to establish a lasting peace between the Charr and the local Dredge and left for dead by the Molten Alliance was one of them. He’s now something else.
Under his new form, he’s been a major help on the field, punching through the forces of the Molten Alliance and its Berserkers during the attack on Lion’s Arch and granting access to the tower.
However many of his mental abilities are severely damaged and he can’t even pronounce a sentence, it might take a long time to remember the totality of what he even was.
During this time, with the awakening of Mordremoth caused by Scarlet, there’s only one way to go: