On Swift Wings is bugged...

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Exo.2965


It’s still bugged. Even after you saved all of NPC’s, one of them die when you entering to the final defence event. The Dulfy’s suggestion to revive NPC’s after compliting the event don’t work anymore.

Dear ANet gamedev’s, please, fix that god kitten bug!

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Oogo.4083


i tried more then 20 times since yesterday, i got all the other achievement from entanglement patch except this one,
i tried after the whole instance( like in duly), after saving lindsay, waiting for 10 minute countdown to finish,,,, doing it right away, failing the first event ,not failing the first event, solo, group, on Mesmer, guardian, ranger, no npc dies, no buff sign, no going down, looked all over the map never went to asura lab still nothing ,,,, please help

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Oogo.4083


anet at least let us know you guys working on this bug or whatever,,,, so we can go do other stuff and come back once its fixed,,, its very rude not to even acknowledge this problem

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Oogo.4083


ok i just tried again with 4 people,,,, we saved 18 npc,,,, and finally got the ahcvment,,,,,
we stuck together and covered map together,,,, no one went down, np npc died,,,,

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: NTDK.4897


Guys. they already have a fix for this. But it’s next week.

We were able to reproduce the bug and find a fix for it, so we’ll be pushing it with the next release (The Dragon’s Reach: part 1, on July 29).


so yeah. stop trying. dont be frustrated :S

ign: Larxene Rakushinu
Incoming Quaggans [iQ]

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Deepcuts.9740


Tried and tried again and again
Read all tips from forums and tried again.
Fail after fail.
It is bugged beyond doubt.

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: godsie.2864


at least there has been a reply and info now but why if the bug fix has been found do they not send out the fix now before the next patch when there will be more achievements that’s a week away. If the fix is there it would have been a nice gesture to update it now.

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: loneknight.8425


1) did any of your party member (or yourself during solo) get downed during the whole instance?
2) did Lindsay and her escorts get dizzy animation (when their respective hp reaches zero) during your attempt to rescue her?

1) I did it solo, didn’t get downed.
2) I’m not 100% sure about this, but I nuked the enemies in the cave so fast I really doubt they had time to do any damage to the npcs.

Thanks for input

Ah well, looks like there is RNG for this achievement XD 1 week to focus on T5 farming ^^

The thief who did dat – Crystal Desert

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


Even Dulfy sais it is bugged since the “fix” wich should prevent you to get teh achievment when you ress them.

I tried it 6 times yesterday, I allways missed a little part but the last 2 times I was 100% sure I did everything right! I even checked the whole map afterwards, NO corpses, nothing. All 7 (if solo, more when you group up!) npc’s were saved.

I don’t know about you but sometimes there are no mobs at the npcs. I just meet them and tell them to leave. I heared that you have to kill the mobs first, but then … they don’t spawn >_> And in the end they spawn infinitly again and again and again …

It’s bugged, 100%! I want an answer from ANet, I can’t get the achievment right now >_>

Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Mocran.7061


For the people that need to know where the last 4 NPC’s are that you need to save. The NPC’s are in the lab way back by the red zone dead because as soon as you get near the lab they die and forfeit your achievement.

Actually, I managed to “sneak” to the north of lab and saw no dead bodies on minimap. As soon as I triggered lab event -> npcs died.

Not true i was able to “sneak” back there too and this is what i saw


(edited by Mocran.7061)

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


Wow … I just … I mean – ANet … just … wow …

Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Adamantium.3682


Guys. they already have a fix for this. But it’s next week.

We were able to reproduce the bug and find a fix for it, so we’ll be pushing it with the next release (The Dragon’s Reach: part 1, on July 29).


so yeah. stop trying. dont be frustrated :S

Thanks for the post. Though I will continue to check this thread to find people yelling at Anet for an answer when they’ve already given one. Good times!

[TNO] Gizmo Gigawatt (Engineer)
Jade Quarry

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


It seems that some people have reported successes by going in with a full group of 5 and rescuing all the NPCs (could be 18-21, from what I hear.) If you can’t wait for July 29th to get here, might be worth a shot.

For my part, I’ve tried a few times and couldn’t get it either. However, one thing I haven’t managed to pull off so far is ensure nobody dies in Concordia at the start AND I then rescue all 7 NPCs. Not sure if that might make a difference.

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


For my part, I’ve tried a few times and couldn’t get it either. However, one thing I haven’t managed to pull off so far is ensure nobody dies in Concordia at the start AND I then rescue all 7 NPCs. Not sure if that might make a difference.

It doesn’t matter.

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Frostfang.5109


I’ve also tried it with a 5 party team – several times… made sure we found every single one – still fail! Bugged!

Kima & Co

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


Fix for that will be coming with the July 29 patch. It was posted in the thread in Game Bugs:

“We were able to reproduce the bug and find a fix for it, so we’ll be pushing it with the next release (The Dragon’s Reach: part 1, on July 29).”

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Trinnitty.8256


Fix for that will be coming with the July 29 patch. It was posted in the thread in Game Bugs:

“We were able to reproduce the bug and find a fix for it, so we’ll be pushing it with the next release (The Dragon’s Reach: part 1, on July 29).”

Anyone confirm that they fixed it with the patch today?

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Deepcuts.9740


Did it in team. No luck.
Did it solo. Kept them all alive. No one died. Success!
It is working(ish)
Many players, including me were saying in chat: DO IT SOLO!
No luck again, everyone wanted to team up, so of course, fail after fail.
Either way, so few read chat these days

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


It’s working since today – yes.

Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


Running solo for me never worked.. or 2 man.. same issue time after time.. speak to all of them.. nothing.. not even the icon in the buff bar since todays patch..
I’ve given up on it tbh and it sounds like the new meta are equally as bugged.. so expect patch, then another to patch the bugs the patch made, then a plethora of more bug patches… same thing every patch. In fact I am waiting for the return of the inventory resize bug or the no guild info bug that appears every update at some point during the endless patching.

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Farzo.8410


I did it today, solo. I got it.

There are 7 NPC’s that needs to be talked to. 3 around the small camp (1 of them in the tower) just outside the cave. 1 guy in the water surrounding the fort. 2 more guys close to a cave entrance. 1 who is in the water behind the smaller camp.

I didn’t need to activate the final fight. The moment I saved the last NPC I got the achievement.

Remember that the more players you have in your party, the more NPC’s you have to save. It’s easier to do it alone.

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


I know where they all are… and have soloed it counltess times… but since todays patch I don’t even get the buff to show the achievement, it simply doesn’t exist.. as if its already completed (which I have done many many times now )… its simply borked for some and not for others.

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Electro.4173


Well, I was coming to this thread hoping to see lots of happy people, but that seems not the case. Shame.

Still, with the new story bugged due to events, I guess I may as well give OSW another shot and see how it goes for me.

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Trinnitty.8256


I completed my achievement today. worked for me. I was solo.

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


It worked for me. Here’s what I did:

1. After you finish securing Concordia, pick your ally and then head to the markers on your map, ending up at Magister Lindsey’s cave. (You can ignore all the mobs along the way.)

2. Kill the mobs inside the cave and talk to Lindsey. It doesn’t matter if the NPCs in here die. (Don’t think they CAN die, anyway. They just go into a 0 health dazed state like Rox and Braham.)

3. Once the quest updates, exit the cave and head back south to the tower. There will be 3 NPCs here to save, 2 on the ground and 1 up in the Tower. If they’re under attack by mobs, kill them all (kill the Tendril first, since it’s poison volley does a TON of damage), then talk to the NPCs and order them to retreat. They must be out of combat for them to retreat.

4. Head SE to a Caravan Guard being attacked in the water by a Mordrem Thrasher. This guy is the toughest one to save since the Thrasher does a TON of damage and the stupid guard likes to follow the Thrasher around and take damage/Torment from running through the poison trails. If you’re quick enough with Step 3, you’ll arrive here while the Guard still has his Adrenaline Rush buff and rescuing him will be easy.

5. Head N to find Crusader Brice. He may be under attack by vines, but his Adrenaline Rush buff lasts fairly long and he should be in no danger when you reach him.

6. Head SW to find two more Priory NPCs in front of the Grawl Cave entrance. (Note that this is NOT the same cave Lindsey was in.) These guys are usually under attack by a single Mordrem Wolf when you arrive, but between the two of them they are at no risk of dying. Help them kill the Wolf and talk to them to finish the achievement.

IMPORTANT: Do NOT go up to Goldenlight Hallow if you are trying for “On Swift Wings”. The achievement is instantly invalidated once you head to the final location. You must rescue all the NPCs before heading there.

Now, what Bloodstealer is reporting sounds like a completely different bug. Are you sure you haven’t already completed the achievement? (Check the Entanglement category.) If it’s not complete, but the “eligible to get achievement” buff isn’t showing up, that sounds like a completely separate bug that should be reported.

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: loneknight.8425


Finally got it, on 1st try after patch. Did it solo while experimenting a cond dmg build (dumb move :p), as a result got downed twice, during first instance and while rescuing caravan guard by the river. Got the achievement the moment I talked to 7th NPC

lazy gamer’s tip : you can afk the moment you trigger goldenlight event, the NPCs will finish the event within 4-5 minutes without your participation

The thief who did dat – Crystal Desert

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


It worked for me. Here’s what I did:

- SNIP -

IMPORTANT: Do NOT go up to Goldenlight Hallow if you are trying for “On Swift Wings”. The achievement is instantly invalidated once you head to the final location. You must rescue all the NPCs before heading there.

Now, what Bloodstealer is reporting sounds like a completely different bug. Are you sure you haven’t already completed the achievement? (Check the Entanglement category.) If it’s not complete, but the “eligible to get achievement” buff isn’t showing up, that sounds like a completely separate bug that should be reported.

That is exactly what I am saying.. the buff never appears from the second I enter the instance.. it’s like its already been obtained and can’t of course be repeated.. but the meta is still needing to be completed in the Entanglement achievements.. therefore it is most definitely borked.. attachments below showing when I enter, after completing Concordia / rescuing Lindsay.. but prior to rescuing the NPC’s.

As you can see.. at no point is the buff given to show the achievement.. no matter how many times I run it and rescue all 7 guards prior to completing the episode.. its simply borked and a waste of time.

edit … FINALLY GOT IT.. Had to go back to the toon that originally completed the story, reset Episode 2 again, loosing progression on Episode 3, then redid it and finally got the buff again and completed.
Wouldn’t do it for any other toon that I reset the story on (note the screenies above were of a toon that hadn’t completed [t2 to save having to reset others on pt3.. even tho I had to in the end anyway).

And now were beset by even worse stuff going wrong in Pt3… turning into a bit of a time waste all round now.. get some proper QA, push LS to 3 weeks cos 1-2 week turnround is obviously not enough time for quality content releases!


(edited by Bloodstealer.5978)

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Davey.7029


It seems to be fixed now. I got it on first try solo. Thank you Anet!

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Halcyon.7352


Worked for me on my second try.

I realized I’d only rescued six the first time around – I completely forgot about the vigil guy up in the tower.

I notice that they now have a unique Adrenaline Rush buff, which makes them immune to damage for a brief period of time. So long as you don’t dawdle and dispatch nearby hostile mobs ASAP, it’s pretty hard to not get the achievement now.

Oh and yes indeed, rescue the correct amount of NPC’s. (7 if solo, more with group)

Tarnished Coast Engineer and… general alt-o-holic.

For the toast!

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: JFTActual.5132


On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Leablo.2651


Has anyone seen this bug within the last week or so?