PSA: Carapace Coat Box
R. N. G.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Probably just RNG but if someone has spare time feel free to test it out.
Tested it out, I didn’t get it on my other character. It’s pure RNG, nothing more
RNG. Thus:
One character;
first chest got a Coat box (as well as one from achievement)
second chest, no coat box
third chest, coat box, all 3 coats obtained.
Guys, guys….. I didn’t get an ecto from salvaging 3 rares, the whole system is broken.
Berserker = Skilled
Never forget –
. . . wait, I got a Carapace Coat Box from beating the Vinewrath via achievement reward? Is this seriously randomized so some people don’t get it via the achievement reward chest?
12 runs, no coat <3 RNG [still got only that one from achievements]
first run I get a coat box and also the one given for first time achievement. I just need medium.