So… Rather than talk about episode 6 I figured id now give my over-all opinion of the entire season as a whole. One of many opinions no doubt, but this one is mine:
The Delivery:
Season 3 has been a very… wild ride shall we say, of various plot twists and plot points that seem to have come and gone in less than an episode. The biggest strength and weakness of this is every episode feels like its own adventure, which in theory, works.
In practice…
The Execution:
The problem with Season 3 to me, is that alot of the plots just go into random directions, get rushed into short-to-the-point endings and feel like it was meant to be a series of closures for alot of plots that could have been explored in alot more depth and needed to be.
The Review:
On the upside… each episode, such as the much needed closure for Eir in episode 1… is countered by mysteries such as False Lazarus and Primordus awakening aswell as Jormag, only for us to put them down later on in a highly, sudden, and abrupt manner.
Season 3 feels like the pacing is all over the place. Its like a-net, you wanted to tell us a story that had alot of depth and direction but you decided to rush it to the specific points, rather than just, taking your time. We didnt need to rush Primordus, we did not, need to Rush Jourmag.
We also did not need to rush the white mantle, caudecus and lazarus in such a forced, and sudden way. I understand that to people who played GW1 this may feel like a satisfying closure, but for those of us that didnt, it feels like a rushed tale with no real idea what it wanted to be.
Constructive Feedback:
Going forwards, I suggest the following:
- No more Dragons Watch, or Destinies Edge or reoccuring characters, the next adventure should be entirely about new characters, with new vistas and new interactions, and the commander, having our personal story.
- More male characters, this season has been very very heavy in its amount of female leads and ironically feels like it suffers the opposite problem of most modern games today with just a sheer lack of male characters having any spotlight save maybe Canach and Logan, Rytlock was just a token and Braham is apparently annoying while we can forgive Livia and Anise for being extremely kitteny and to some extent, downright creepy.
- More depth on one plot as opposed to little on many. Season 2 did this right with having a specific focus on one character, while having enough story centered around their presence that it allowed for alot of story to tell because of it. Season 1, and Season 3, suffer from the same problem of telling too many smaller stories, instead of one great one.
- More antagonists that are actually people ironic I know considering I said we had no need to rush the dragons, but the Balthazar thing has been… interesting so far, one has yet to see how it will close off in the future. But we do need more antagonists like Balthazar or at least antagonists with faces, and personalities as opposed to giant dragons with little depth.
- Finally: A Norn and Charr heavy story. Asura have had some love, Sylvari have had too much and Humans are getting their fill with this story as it is. The next expansion and the story beyond it really need to deepen the lore of the current races, if that means some retcons are needed to make them better and more deep, please, retcon away, and add some layers, Norn and Charr feel so empty compared to the other races, especially in terms of lore attention over the last 5 years.
- Balthazar as Lazarus was an interesting approach, though executed chaotically it worked to some extent but gave just enough intreague that his character could be made into something more engaging.
- Canach was just the star of the show in episode 4 with some of the best, witty lines, ever, kudos.
- Caithes closure was quite touching and so was Eir’s, both needed to be done in their own way, though Caithe does need to stop appologising now, we get it, shes sorry.
- Jory was quite quirky with her ambition and I quite liked that risky methodology behind her interests, but id still like to know exactly why she followed Lazarus around.
- The Zone stories have been hit and miss, but generally have been surpisingly engaging, especially the finale zone which to me, is actually one of the best pieces of enviromental storytelling this game has ever seen. More of Siren’s please.
- Taimi has grown on me, alot… I really do like the witty humor and her character quips plus the method of her interaction with us could be quite an itneresting thing to explore in the future in the games story.
Either way, thats my take on things, over all, its been an interesting ride, im not sure im entirley happy with the way it was done, but with improovement, it could certainly be perfected to a standard that could finally tell a cohecent but well written story, which this got half right.