Scope and size of Living World updates

Scope and size of Living World updates

in Living World

Posted by: Mastruq.2463


Since the living world approach seems to be the focus of development for the forseeable future I would like to know how much exactly we can expect from it?

To put the question in perspective, I currently assume that January through March was as slow as it was because the teams had to transition to this new publishing approach. If the Updates under the umbrella Flame&Frost from January, February and March combined had come out throughout the same month I would have considered it well delivered and a worthwhile way of delivering the new content. Obviously with the announcement for the end of F&F throughout May (?) that brings the following questions (each with my expectations towards the answer/A.Net):

Will each new chapter start as slow and drawn out with about 10-20 minutes of actual playtime for that month like January and February, or will the updates actually make an impact on my player behaviour for that month?

To truly be a living world to me it means that I, as someone interested in that kind of content, can spend a good portion of my playtime on living world related things during the month. January and February certainly didnt deliver that, and even March only did if you replayed the two story instances more often then I’d care to do.

And a second question, will the living world content leave enough traces of its passing or is it going to be a saturday morning cartoon situation that always returns to the status quo at the end except that a building somewhere was demolished (Halloween and Karka did that already)?

F&F by my expectations would leave enough permanent changes to be fine on this front IF the two new story areas become openly accessible and have some content (a heart npc, a skill challenge, some npc dialogue about the revent events and a DE or two in each). I expected a new cave area for the finale that also stays, but it seems it is a dungeon instance that will be temporary. I think that’s a waste of potential permanent content that shows later players what happened in the living world, especially since explorable modes are so ideally suited to showing the state of things after the actual story-based events.