(edited by OmniPotentes.4817)
Silver and Gold
My first time in the breach was very confusing. I felt like a ‘New Player’! Surely, though, it will get better in the days to come, at least until the new wears off and/or the loots get nerfed.
Yeah, those two need a group that really knows the fight to work. I haven’t had an opportunity to execute it yet though, since most of the maps I get onto don’t succeed in getting 5/5 during the Breach.
I keep trying to tell everyone on Map chat before the Breach begins. Gold/Silver doesn’t make it easy if you jump in and get charged immediately, but it’s still not too difficult to pull off.
The issue I see with Silver and Gold is that it only takes a few ignorant/intentionally trolling players to ruin it for the group. I have yet to see it succeed because every single attempt there are at least a couple players who insist on popping the bubbles at the wrong times, no matter how many other players explain how it works in /say and /map.
for me the place is disorienting thanks to the age old issue of how the camera interacts with the terrain.
Once people actually understand the mechanics here these two are really easy, but you have people randomly destroying bubbles or getting wiped by attacking them when they are together. Yet another example of how much damage zerg content did to the average player skill level. It’ll get better, now these people are being pushed out of their spam 1 comfort zone and learning.
Knights of ARES, Dragonbrand
Good times, good memories
Is there a guide somewhere to how the fight works? I’ve heard random comments about “pop the bubbles on the boss” but that’s it. I still need Gold to die, so I’d love a clear explanation of the mechanics.
Basically, here’s how Silver and Gold work.
1. The two Teragriff Bosses appear to use identical mechanics. They both use their Charge attack to run in circles along the tunnel, sending players flying if they don’t have stability and dealing lots of damage. I believe (but can’t confirm, as I’ve only fought them once, and Silver died very soon after I joined the fight) that Silver and Gold move in opposite directions to each other.
2. The bosses are much faster than the players, so if players just try to chase them around, they will never catch up. Instead, what you need to do is move OPPOSITE to the direction the bosses are travelling in. Wait until the boss arrives at a Bubble, then quickly kill the bubble to pop it. This temporarily disables the boss’s Charge attack, during which time you can DPS it down. If the boss runs off, continue in the opposite direction, set yourself up at the next Bubble while waiting for the boss to come around again, and repeat.
Is there a guide somewhere to how the fight works? I’ve heard random comments about “pop the bubbles on the boss” but that’s it. I still need Gold to die, so I’d love a clear explanation of the mechanics.
The bosses run in circles knocking down everything in their path and leaving a trail of poison in their wake. Popping a bubble in agro range of a boss stops it in its track. This is the time to DPS. Rinse and repeat. When a boss is stopped it will turn around and head in the opposite direction. If the bosses meat up they will shriek/ howell, downing and killing all players just short of long range. The lower their health gets the faster they run/ move.
1. Bring stabilty and invulnerability skills.
2. Bring a long range weapon.
3. Bring speed buffs or skills.
4. DPS bubbles to 10% so they can be quickly burst when a champ is in range.
5. Players should spread out. Bursting bubbles in succession can keep them pinned down indefinitely.
5. Keep an eye on the mini map. If the champs are in close proximity get the hell out of dodge.
6. When chasing them stick to the edge of the tunnel.
7. Pray you don’t have trolls in your group who intentionally burst bubbles attempting to fail the event.
(edited by OmniPotentes.4817)
Adding to the post of Omnipotentes:
8. Disable autoattack (ctrl and right click on skill 1). That seems to be the most widespread reason for uncontrolled bubble destruction.
The issue I see with Silver and Gold is that it only takes a few ignorant/intentionally trolling players to ruin it for the group. I have yet to see it succeed because every single attempt there are at least a couple players who insist on popping the bubbles at the wrong times, no matter how many other players explain how it works in /say and /map.
I second this.
Just try to make sure every1 knows the mechanics by explaining them to everyone at Indigo Fort before the breach pops. Thats always makes it go smoothly for me, that and im always tagged up there and tell ppl to follow me once inside to dps them down, but ignore me if i walk away from the group while they are stunned to wait at the next bubble and to just dps them till they m,ove then look for my tag to see where they will be stopped next. So far my best kill i did had 3min 28sec left on timer when we killed both of them. Also to note, its best to do silver and gold with around 8-15 ppl at most, if you want your best chances.(assuming those 8-15 know the mechanics and what to do/not to do)
So true. The other day the entire zerg at indigo was busy killing demolisher when the breach popped. I already had the demolisher so i dropped down early and started soloing them. With the first bubble i took off over 10% of golds health. After that the zerg arrived and messed it up while also scaling them both up so i could no longer dent its hp. :<
Small groups of decent players always work best. Thats the same for all bosses though. Its just noticed more because its more important on bosses like these.