Tengu Playable Evidence

Tengu Playable Evidence

in Living World

Posted by: Shpongle.6025


I found a picture of the faces we can choose from.

omg LOL that’s too funny LMAO i’m dying over here hahahahahahaha

dude omg that totally caught me off guard hahahahah oh my god man i’m dead

i’m done LOL


Are you Shpongled?

Tengu Playable Evidence

in Living World

Posted by: Moldur.6275


Just gonna copy paste a post I made earlier on youtube:

“Hi, speaking of adding new races, don’t you think it will be weird if they add lets say Tengu? I think it is impossible, I mean the whole personal story is based around the five current playable races so Tengu players would feel very left out of the gang, especially the Pact. There is also a dilemma whether they would get their own personal story or simply adapted into the old one in some way: if they get their own, the living story will be messed up, as they won’t be familiar with the pact commander title they are supposed to have earned in the original personal story and so on. Basically all events of the personal story is tied to the living world s1 and s2 in one way or another so if that is going to work out they will need to merge the tengu into the original personal story somehow? And I find that very weird and unlikely. It would also make no sence if they just had their own new little personal story that tied directly to HoT or even the living world, as that would make HoT confusing for new player tengus who then missed out on the original personal story and living world s1 and s2 so they would not get the same context to HoT.
The only way I can think of to add another race to GW2 is basically through another campaign, as that would come with a brand new story for all races anyway. But I don’t think HoT is that, so as far as I can tell, it is IMPOSSIBLE to add more races to Tyria right now. Thoughts?”

Tengu Playable Evidence

in Living World

Posted by: Ronin.7381


another thing about mursaat is they’re completely evil.

This is where I disagree. They had a disagreement with the Seers and Forgotten (based on GW2 lore) on how to address the Elder Dragon threat and out of arrogance fled to save themselves.

In Guild Wars: Prophecies, you could easily twist in a way that is more chaotic-good than truly evil. Yes they killed people, they harvested their souls to power the Soul Batteries which in turn kept the Door of Komalie closed. That same door was the key to the Titan Invasion. Furthermore, The Flame Seeker Prophecies (according to Guild Wars: Nightfall) were a fabrication designed by Abaddon to put into motion a course of events that would have lead to his own freedom had Prophecies ended in Kilbron’s favor.

To add note, The Flameseeker Prophecies detailed the Mursaat’s demise. One could easily argue that, again, they fought out of self preservation. Now yes, the fact one Justicar sacrificed a whole lot of Chosen on a Blood Stone to power himself was a bad dude but if anything, that just means he wasn’t necessarily acting on the will of his masters. The Champions, the players, were seen as a threat because we (our player’s ancestors probably unless if you’re Sylvari, SORRRY NOT SORRY) were trying to fulfill the Flame Seeker Prophecies.

You could also argue that their Jade Bows, Armors, etc were products of souls collected being given eternal life to protect the people of the White Mantle. Which, well I guess to relate – you couldn’t call all Germans who fought in World War 1 and 2 evil, they were simply on a side of opposition fighting for what they believed in.

See, this is why I felt the Mursaat were actually pretty awesome. They weren’t your regular black-villain vs white-hero.

Tengu Playable Evidence

in Living World

Posted by: draxynnic.3719


There’s no way you can swing the mursaat being ‘good’. Killing others to save yourself – and that’s what they were doing, make no bones about it – will plonk you to the ‘neutral’ part of the spectrum at the very least. Even the old ‘they were doing it for a greater good’ is more of a lawful thing than a chaotic thing – a lawful character will take the ‘needs of the many’ approach, while a chaotic good character will usually be more inclined to fix the injustice in front of them and let the bigger picture look after itself.

While you could argue that with the jades, there are a few scenes near the end of Prophecies that make it pretty clear people are getting their souls stuffed into the jades against their will. As opposed to the Kurzick juggernauts, which are powered by the souls of volunteers that apparently retain their free will and personality.

There are some shades of grey with the mursaat, but as a race and faction they were definitely on the darker side. Individuals, of course, may vary.

To those who think Scarlet hate means she’s succeeded as a villain:
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.

Tengu Playable Evidence

in Living World

Posted by: aspirine.6852


another thing about mursaat is they’re completely evil.

This is where I disagree. They had a disagreement with the Seers and Forgotten (based on GW2 lore) on how to address the Elder Dragon threat and out of arrogance fled to save themselves.

In Guild Wars: Prophecies, you could easily twist in a way that is more chaotic-good than truly evil. Yes they killed people, they harvested their souls to power the Soul Batteries which in turn kept the Door of Komalie closed. That same door was the key to the Titan Invasion. Furthermore, The Flame Seeker Prophecies (according to Guild Wars: Nightfall) were a fabrication designed by Abaddon to put into motion a course of events that would have lead to his own freedom had Prophecies ended in Kilbron’s favor.

To add note, The Flameseeker Prophecies detailed the Mursaat’s demise. One could easily argue that, again, they fought out of self preservation. Now yes, the fact one Justicar sacrificed a whole lot of Chosen on a Blood Stone to power himself was a bad dude but if anything, that just means he wasn’t necessarily acting on the will of his masters. The Champions, the players, were seen as a threat because we (our player’s ancestors probably unless if you’re Sylvari, SORRRY NOT SORRY) were trying to fulfill the Flame Seeker Prophecies.

You could also argue that their Jade Bows, Armors, etc were products of souls collected being given eternal life to protect the people of the White Mantle. Which, well I guess to relate – you couldn’t call all Germans who fought in World War 1 and 2 evil, they were simply on a side of opposition fighting for what they believed in.

See, this is why I felt the Mursaat were actually pretty awesome. They weren’t your regular black-villain vs white-hero.

Didnt they also kill lots of char and krytans? Doesnt sound like friendly to me

Tengu Playable Evidence

in Living World

Posted by: Novuake.2691


Who says the Tengu need a personal story inside the Zhaitan arc?

Retriever Iiat – Asura Engineer
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU

Tengu Playable Evidence

in Living World

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Who says the Tengu need a personal story inside the Zhaitan arc?

Might be a consideration because of new players. Let’s say one gets to character creation and picks Tengu out of the 6 playable races, not knowing Tengu are new. So the new player gets his char to level 80. Then they find out, to see the Zhaitan personal story line, they need to level a different char of a different race all the way to level 80. Naturally, they are going to feel they it isn’t fair that their race, out of the 6, can’t do it.

This is why I think ANet boxed themselves in with new races introduced in Tyria. If they put a new race in now, they shortchange people who play the new race because there is no personal story for the new race. Yet they can’t put the Tengu into the personal story line now (the cost and time needed to do so and the changing of the lore to fit). Which makes me think that a new playable race won’t show until the game goes to Cantha or Elona.

(edited by Astral Projections.7320)

Tengu Playable Evidence

in Living World

Posted by: draxynnic.3719


That could be covered simply by having a message to the extent that the Zhaitan campaign isn’t available for the tengu. Personally, to be frank, if I was ArenaNet I’m not sure I’d want the current personal story to be part of a new player’s initial experience: the destruction of Lion’s Arch severely impacts the feel of the portions that take place there, and some of the later parts of the story have also been impacted by various events. I’d be inclined to funnel newer players into a different storyline (at least after the “lesser race” arc) and make the original PS something that can be done as a reenactment for those who want to see what happened before. (This would also, incidentally, allow them to progress Orr.)

In a way, it’s possibly the established players that might be more annoyed by a story that’s only available to new characters – if someone already has fully leveled and equipped characters of every profession and there isn’t a new profession in the pipeline, that will require a repeat in order to get the new character storyline.

To those who think Scarlet hate means she’s succeeded as a villain:
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.

Tengu Playable Evidence

in Living World

Posted by: Dondarrion.2748


OK, what about there only remaining one Mursaat? How’d he (assuming the one in the trailer is indeed the Mursaat Lazarus the Dire) procreate? And more importantly; procreate enough to make them eligible as playable race?

Lord Sazed / Hasla the Huntress / Seaguard Hala
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season

Tengu Playable Evidence

in Living World

Posted by: Valento.9852


Oh, macaws! We have a lot here in Brazil, especially here in MS state!


Attempts at ele specs:

(edited by Valento.9852)

Tengu Playable Evidence

in Living World

Posted by: Majic.4801


Sylvari troubles, therefore Tengu.

Seems legit.

“Not the same, real and true. True you feel inside.
Always follow what is true.” — Sentry-skritt Bordekka

Tengu Playable Evidence

in Living World

Posted by: Sebbl.2806


Sylvari troubles, therefore Tengu.

Seems legit.

The Flying type is very effective against the Plant type.
By the way, do you know what the pact did wrong? They used their attacks while Mordremoth was using Dig.

Tengu Playable Evidence

in Living World

Posted by: Moldur.6275


Who says the Tengu need a personal story inside the Zhaitan arc?

Might be a consideration because of new players. Let’s say one gets to character creation and picks Tengu out of the 6 playable races, not knowing Tengu are new. So the new player gets his char to level 80. Then they find out, to see the Zhaitan personal story line, they need to level a different char of a different race all the way to level 80. Naturally, they are going to feel they it isn’t fair that their race, out of the 6, can’t do it.

This is why I think ANet boxed themselves in with new races introduced in Tyria. If they put a new race in now, they shortchange people who play the new race because there is no personal story for the new race. Yet they can’t put the Tengu into the personal story line now (the cost and time needed to do so and the changing of the lore to fit). Which makes me think that a new playable race won’t show until the game goes to Cantha or Elona.

Thank you for finally agreeing to my arguments about the impossibility of a new race in the current campaign :-)

Tengu Playable Evidence

in Living World

Posted by: Anakita Snakecharm.4360

Anakita Snakecharm.4360

If an expansion included a complete story arc for all races, a new playable race could simply pick up at that point after a few intro missions. There’s no reason they would have to be retroactively included in all the old content.

Frankly, it might be desirable for them not to be, so players could just get on with it rather than doing the Zhaitan story a 16th time with a new alt just because a new race has been released. It kind of kills the excitement momentum of having something new to have to repeat something that has been available for years before accessing the new content.

ANet can always, as was suggested, do “historical reenactment” missions for those who want to see everything, as they did when they added campaigns to GW1.

Tengu Playable Evidence

in Living World

Posted by: draxynnic.3719


Doing the Personal Story effectively has been a reenactment for over a year now, since Lion’s Arch is ruined and depopulated, and Fort Concordia wasn’t overgrown with vines during the PS.

To those who think Scarlet hate means she’s succeeded as a villain:
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.

Tengu Playable Evidence

in Living World

Posted by: Sirius.4510


Option 1: Start the tengu PS 2 years in the past, before the territory is opened and before Zhaitan and Scarlet and all that. The first 30 levels are race-specific (as they are for the other five races anyway) and may take part inside the DoW, or maybe you’re sent on errands outside for some reason. During that you get in touch with the three Orders and eventually decide to join one of them. Yes, you’ll be unusual since there are very few other tengu around there, but there are a few – so it’s not unprecedented. The remainder of the personal story would consist of the “common” storyline.
Issues: You have no obvious mentor in Destiny’s Edge, which isn’t a huge problem since that mostly only affects dungeons, but on the other hand sort of is since the “kill Zhaitan” dungeon is written to assume they’re familiar with you. It’d probably be easiest if you were introduced to, say, Caithe at some point along the way.
Also, you miss out on LW Season 1 (though any new players also will regardless of race) – this will mean you have no context if you want to play season 2 or Heart of Thorns, so there would need to be something to bridge the gap – maybe cinematics.

Option 2: Skip the Zhaitan arc entirely – and LW Seasons 1/2. You might be able to play bits of them, including the dungeons, but the game would basically need to pull the GW1 Factions/Nightfall “re-enactment” trick for these. Instead, you’ll need to have something else to catch tengu characters up to level 80. Either they start very close to there (which abridges the learning process) or it means a lot of extra content that existing characters don’t get to see, which may be unjustified.
Alternatively, maybe you don’t get caught up to level 80, just 30, and the early areas of Heart of Thorns are lower-level – which means everyone else gets downscaled and gets easy-mode. That happens for new characters already anyway, so no big deal.

Either way – there are solutions – they’re not perfect, but they’re definitely possible and don’t even have to be bad.

Just a random PuGgle.
Stormbluff Isle ( http://www.stormbluffisle.com )

Tengu Playable Evidence

in Living World

Posted by: Weindrasi.3805


Sylvari troubles, therefore Tengu.

Seems legit.

The Flying type is very effective against the Plant type.
By the way, do you know what the pact did wrong? They used their attacks while Mordremoth was using Dig.

I love you….

Tengu Playable Evidence

in Living World

Posted by: Moldur.6275


Just wanted to drop by and say
I told you so

Tengu Playable Evidence

in Living World

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Well, ANet surprised me. I was sure they’d introduce new races before a new profession, but what do you know… Anyway, the Revenant class looks interesting (seems like a blend of Ritualist+Dervish+heavy armor), and there’s always hope for the Tengu again sometime down the line.

Tengu Playable Evidence

in Living World

Posted by: Louveepine.7630



You’ve added a new profession, however you did hold off on adding a new race. What led to this decision?

For this one, we looked at what we would get out of adding a new race and what benefit it actually brings to the players from a gameplay standpoint. It’s very limited in Guild Wars 2. A new race adds a racial skill or two and a little bit of story, but it doesn’t give that much meaningful gameplay in the grand scheme of things. The race is more context for the early story that you experience. So we wanted to focus things that would provide a lot more gameplay and address parts of Guild Wars 2 that we felt like we really wanted to be able to make a better experience and grow. So right now, we didn’t feel that a new race was a key need for the game, whereas the other things that we’re adding really provide fundamental building blocks for the future.

We want new races, but it seems that it will not be this year …

# Asura because I’m worth it!

Tengu Playable Evidence

in Living World

Posted by: Ronin.7381


another thing about mursaat is they’re completely evil.

This is where I disagree. They had a disagreement with the Seers and Forgotten (based on GW2 lore) on how to address the Elder Dragon threat and out of arrogance fled to save themselves.

In Guild Wars: Prophecies, you could easily twist in a way that is more chaotic-good than truly evil. Yes they killed people, they harvested their souls to power the Soul Batteries which in turn kept the Door of Komalie closed. That same door was the key to the Titan Invasion. Furthermore, The Flame Seeker Prophecies (according to Guild Wars: Nightfall) were a fabrication designed by Abaddon to put into motion a course of events that would have lead to his own freedom had Prophecies ended in Kilbron’s favor.

To add note, The Flameseeker Prophecies detailed the Mursaat’s demise. One could easily argue that, again, they fought out of self preservation. Now yes, the fact one Justicar sacrificed a whole lot of Chosen on a Blood Stone to power himself was a bad dude but if anything, that just means he wasn’t necessarily acting on the will of his masters. The Champions, the players, were seen as a threat because we (our player’s ancestors probably unless if you’re Sylvari, SORRRY NOT SORRY) were trying to fulfill the Flame Seeker Prophecies.

You could also argue that their Jade Bows, Armors, etc were products of souls collected being given eternal life to protect the people of the White Mantle. Which, well I guess to relate – you couldn’t call all Germans who fought in World War 1 and 2 evil, they were simply on a side of opposition fighting for what they believed in.

See, this is why I felt the Mursaat were actually pretty awesome. They weren’t your regular black-villain vs white-hero.

Didnt they also kill lots of char and krytans? Doesnt sound like friendly to me

1) The Charr who, according to mankind, was pushing into Kryta and after the devastation unleashed on Ascalon – was that really a bad move? And since history can be swung both ways, if the Charr get a fair shake (Oh Adelburn was a lunatic) well then so do the Mursaat.

2) Krytans, it’s not like the Mursaat were literally entering Lion’s Arch and slaughtering them on the spot. No, they were much more subtle about it. They, The White Mantle, took people in groups and escorted them to discrete locations so they could be sacrificed on a Bloodstone which later goes to show they were empowering a process to prevent a certain calamity.

Note, we the players in GW1 actually helped with that at the beginning mind you.

That’s like saying the Mayans were evil. They sacrificed people too but really it’s a matter of cultural practices.

By no means am I saying the Mursaat were good. No, they just had goals in mind. Plans that they put into action to see fulfilled. That’s not being anymore evil than they are good.