Will the unbreakable tools be cycling?

Will the unbreakable tools be cycling?

in Living World

Posted by: JarJarBinx.1926



I missed the molten pickaxe window (due to real life issues). I was wondering if the pickaxe will be coming back at any point in the -somewhat- near future. I’d love to see a different skin/effect on it also. I heard the SAB was coming back… how cool would a pixelated unbreakable pickaxe be?

Don’t worry, my name is ironic. ;)

Will the unbreakable tools be cycling?

in Living World

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608



I don’t think anybody has an official answer to this right now.

I assume however that other pickaxes will be made available in the future. A fair chance for new players to get the equipment, and a chance for old players to get tools for their alts, and all around more money for ANet.

Will the unbreakable tools be cycling?

in Living World

Posted by: uberman.2619


Yeah, lots of people will spend money on things like that. I’m sure there are more to come.

Will the unbreakable tools be cycling?

in Living World

Posted by: dronzer.8392


if anything will happen they’ll probably recycle it during a different story line, give it a different name and a different animation.

Will the unbreakable tools be cycling?

in Living World

Posted by: Absolutionis.9427


I wonder if this upcoming Steampunk/SkyPirates update will have an unbreakable logging CHAINSAW?

Regardless, they’ll likely cycle the unbreakables in one form or another. The Molten Alliance Pickaxe may not come back, but another unbreakable may come in the flavor-of-the-month’s form.