where is the guild wars beyond team

where is the guild wars beyond team

in Living World

Posted by: Dr Ritter.1327

Dr Ritter.1327

month after month i am just constantly disappointed with what is happening with the updates. For the last few years of GW1’s run you guys released the beyond content with war in kryta, hearts of the north and wind of change, i was expecting the updates for this game to be even more epic than those. those updates were extremely fun, challenging and had great rewards (medals of honor and the imperial weps)

the storyline of those were actually cool and interesting unlike flame & frost and southsun cove. the best thing about it was that it was another goal you could have on alternate characters to beat, getting an oppressor weapon for each character for example.

The Paragon
[KICK] You’re out of the Guild

where is the guild wars beyond team

in Living World

Posted by: Sinifair.1026


I kind of agree with OP.
- It is not like I go in every month and feel like there is a lot of new content to do. However, ANet also said that it is not like they are planning for us to go in an set up signs and pick heirlooms of dead bodies all the time with the living story content.

The idea with getting new content every month is great, but I think that there is a limit to what can be achieved within that deadline.
- I’d like to have everything go back to “normal” and wait for three months, if it meant that there were a more thorough living story with more compelling content.
- It would also mean that I could get back into the world more to experience that instead of, say, hunting for titles. I’d have no problem with that whatsoever.

I’d like for the living story team to actually take the time they need to make content that players will actually look forward to (and I mean REALLY look forward to).
- Quality over quantity, if you will.

where is the guild wars beyond team

in Living World

Posted by: Celestina.2894


I actually am curious where the beyond team went after they switched GW1 to essentially “ghost mode”, my guess is they were split up into different teams.

Or who knows, maybe they’re working on something big in their own team to tie up loose ends from GW1 in GW2 (Evennia’s fate for example)

where is the guild wars beyond team

in Living World

Posted by: Cameirus.8407


I’m not a massive pve player anymore, spending much of my time in WvWvW, but from what I have seen, I am not exactly enthralled by the living story updates.

They just seam so insignificant and trivial. GW2 is in a great position to really push a narrative forward, they only have one player faction so they dont have to worry about upsetting one side or another, they have dynamic scaling so they can do events in any zone. and there are many different paths to level through, so putting in massive zone wide events for a month and effectively “blocking” a levelling path is not an issue.

They could do real changes to the world, teh centaurs could sweep down out of the hinterlands and engulf kessex hills, and most of kryta. Destroyers could swarm in maguma jungle, the icebrood could rise in the shiverpeaks…..whole zones couldbe come warfronts with real world changing events….

But no, we get a few minor stories about some refugees no one cares about, with trivial tasks. And DEs only have very limited impact locally and even then failure of events does not matter (what happens if you fail frozen maw? nothing….a few elementals spawn and thats it).

This game has so much potential to drive a narrative, if the GW team are bold enough to do it. Sadly we have small stories that feel like someones pet project, rather than an epic story arc.

where is the guild wars beyond team

in Living World

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


^— This.
The Living Story stuff actually COULD have been really epic. I think it’s temporaryness is part of the problem though, they had to release content that wasn’t too large in size so that people could complete it within a short amount of time and anyone who missed it didn’t miss out on too much. Because of that what we were left with was a little bit lackluster, especially for those of us who actually did have to miss parts of the story -_-.

where is the guild wars beyond team

in Living World

Posted by: marnick.4305


I found the F&F arc pretty good actually. It was bite sized and had a few interesting new types of “quest”. The zones felt far more alive. Even without players around, there was more there than in any other zones currently.

The big problem I have with it, is the fact that it’s gone. It was fun, and I want to do it again with my brother who was gone for a few months.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

where is the guild wars beyond team

in Living World

Posted by: Chuo.4238


I honestly see absolutely no connection between Guild Wars Beyond and GW2. But then again, the living story makes absolutely no sense. It’s certainly not a story.

where is the guild wars beyond team

in Living World

Posted by: Antara.3189


Sadly, two artists from ArenaNet left the company, (Not going to mention names) and I honestly feel not only this happening, but possibly others leaving, NCSoft’s larger hold on ANet’s GW2, and maybe unknown reasons; is why we are seeing “lesser” content in GW2. They answer I have always received when coming to the point of “how did the two games become so different when the same company made them” is they had new, improved visions for GW2. Well I personally disagreed and still disagree.

Guild Wars Live team was good with both Linsey and John at the helm. I don’t think we will see the content we wish from the GW1 era. They proudly stand by their new vision, and since it’s their game, all I can do is either play or not play.

Still try to voice my opinion though.

where is the guild wars beyond team

in Living World

Posted by: EnemyCrusher.7324


I hope they’re still going to make the last two parts of Guild Wars Beyond (Elona and Ebonhawke), but I would understand if they’ve been scrapped for GW2 development.

Light of Honor [Lite] – Founder / Warmaster
Sorrow’s Furnace Commander
“You’re the mount, karka’s ride you instead, and thus they die happy!”-Colin Johanson

where is the guild wars beyond team

in Living World

Posted by: Dr Ritter.1327

Dr Ritter.1327

I honestly see absolutely no connection between Guild Wars Beyond and GW2. But then again, the living story makes absolutely no sense. It’s certainly not a story.

well war in kryta just showed us how the white mantle got wiped out for good which is why they arent in this game, heart of the north set up gwen and kieren to get married who logan in gw2 is related to but i was referring to the team that made these updates because it obviously isnt the same people making the living story

The Paragon
[KICK] You’re out of the Guild

where is the guild wars beyond team

in Living World

Posted by: HawkMeister.4758


Cryptic basically made this same error in Trek Online with their “Episodes”.

They just couldn´t pull it off properly in the allotted time either.
Eventually noticing that it´s maybe more prudent to provide a big chunk of polished content a few times than lot of desperately hammered together sheds.

We´ll see how long it´ll take ANet to “get it”.

Polish > hype

where is the guild wars beyond team

in Living World

Posted by: Foxgloved.3029


It has been interesting to see the new content as it comes out. The majority of folks play it and don’t say anything anywhere about how they view it. Only a few peeps take the time to ck out the forums and try to give some input. Which may or may not be appreciated by Anet but maybe should be looked at more seriously than it currently is.
It’s one thing to have a vision but it is another thing to serve your customers with what they want/expect. It’s all about making us happy so we dont wander off somewhere else.
New content is fun because it is new and different and there is the hope for something special, a fresh reason to keep playing. An example is right here in Karkaland. Farm those shells because the new merchants are going to have some cool new stuff. Uhh, wait a minute, it is just old armor – not even a new skin. Ok, blinky weapons that drip blood (ewww) are available but I personally was hoping for some different armor. Stacks of shells and nothing worthwhile to spend then on. Bottom has dropped out of market too. Ahh well.
Go in to the towns, not enough players, masses of karkas spawn and instant death – repair armor – rinse and repeat. Go to merchant when 4 towns held and he sells white junk. About 4th time he sells the “good” stuff noted above, but only momentarily. I gotta ask where the fun is in that. Not having much here nor are others I talk to on ts. Not to mention horrible lag, random annoying disconnects, slide show-llike fights, stupid overflow.
Totally agree w HawkMeister. He said it so well.

where is the guild wars beyond team

in Living World

Posted by: Celestina.2894


I honestly see absolutely no connection between Guild Wars Beyond and GW2. But then again, the living story makes absolutely no sense. It’s certainly not a story.

well war in kryta just showed us how the white mantle got wiped out for good which is why they arent in this game, heart of the north set up gwen and kieren to get married who logan in gw2 is related to but i was referring to the team that made these updates because it obviously isnt the same people making the living story

The Mantle were not wiped out, not really. It’s suggested many times that the white mantle are the ones behind the bandit organization.

Sorry, I get nit picky about lore.

where is the guild wars beyond team

in Living World

Posted by: Vahkris.6847


I honestly see absolutely no connection between Guild Wars Beyond and GW2. But then again, the living story makes absolutely no sense. It’s certainly not a story.

well war in kryta just showed us how the white mantle got wiped out for good which is why they arent in this game, heart of the north set up gwen and kieren to get married who logan in gw2 is related to but i was referring to the team that made these updates because it obviously isnt the same people making the living story

The Mantle were not wiped out, not really. It’s suggested many times that the white mantle are the ones behind the bandit organization.

Sorry, I get nit picky about lore.

Do the human “Missing Parents” personal story branch if you want to know more.