Mesmer / Thief / Necromancer
A few general questions about PvP/salvaging
Mesmer / Thief / Necromancer
Crude or Basic for Greens/Blues if you don’t vendor them. 68+ Rares either sell or Mystic/Master salvage kit.
I salvage all my greens/blues for Luck with Copperfed o’matic (Basic Salvage Kit quality) and salvage Yellows under ~34s with a Mystic Salvage Kit. Due to cost/return values.
As for the PvP-title Tracks it depends on what you’d rather have:
Region Tracks give: Relatively commonly found skins, Ascended Material (Bloodstone dust, Dragonite ore, Emphyreal fragments) and Obsidian Shards, both used for Ascended Crafting.
Dungeon Tracks give: Dungeon Weapons, level 80 exotic weapons with any stat the dungeon generally provides, few dungeon Tokens and at the end a single piece of armor with the same stat possibilities as the Weapons.
They both give Transmutation Charges, Tome of Knowledge and some random loot.
For more information check the “Wiki-page”-
I tend to do the Arah and CoE track over and over. They reward Berserker Weapons and Gear which is the meta and helps me gear any new alt very cheaply in Exotics. But if this is no concern I’d recommend going for the title track with skins you like. (Note: Dungeon title-tracks are on a rotation until you complete storymode of the Dungeon.)