Hi, I’m a thief. Since pre-day launch day 1, I have played and enjoyed thief. Many others have as well. Problem is, a lot of people claim thief to be “op” which is I have found to be interesting for numerous reasons. But since thief has already received more nerfs than any other profession, I think it is time that people stop requesting nerfs and start asking questions. So, what are those questions? Well some may of not been asked directly but I’ll answer the indirect questions.
Q. Can thieves maintain perma stealth?
A. No, our highest stealth skill lasts 15 seconds. However 4 of those seconds require us to be inside this field (shadow Refuge) leaving us suceptible to skills like Stomp or shield of absorbtion or even Magnetic inversion. Anything that doesn’t require a target that knocksback or pulls works marvelously against this skill. Also chill, cripple, or just swinging randomly helps. Most thieves pop this skill as a defence to revive an ally or to stack up some stealth duration and plan an attack or avoid a group/area. Stealth durations can stack but that requires thoughtful planning such as leaping through a smoke field repeatedly or using various utlity skills. Either way, it isn’t very harmful to any enemy if a thief stacks stealth since it won’t damage any enemies. If they attack they break stealth and cannot re-enter for 4 seconds.
Q. If I can’t see a target, how the kitten am I supposed to kill it?
A. Remember, Invisible =/= invincible. Swinging a melee weapon till the chain starts up is one way, another way is to find something that requires a player to “trip” it such as a trap, or a well. Other ways are skils that channel onto the enemy such as a mesmer Gs basic attack (not very long but still works) or ranger [Rapid Fire]. There are various situations that can happen where you need to adjust such as get ready to dodge or stun break when you see a thief go stealth but all in all, they are planning to burst you. Your best bet is to keep a distance or track them. You will not likely be able to see a thief invisible directly but through traps/wells/channel skills you can get the general direction they are going. Also, most thieves that are new have a tendency to walk straight after going stealth. “WRONG”. If they do, just keep chasing them and/or avoiding them until they appear. If they want to waste all their Cd just to maintain stealth then that’s their loss which also means their defenceless. If you have a question on a specific build/profession against a stealthed thief I’d be more than glad to assist or other thief forum users may. Not my call.
Q. How do I counter a HS (Heart seeker) spamming thief’s burst?
A. Immobilize. Fear makes them use no initiative, cripple still gets them some distance as well as chill so it may work depending on their distance. Best solution I’ve found is immobilize after they hit you atleast once. Then immobilize, and they will continue spamming HS however if you back off just a bit they will be out of range and foolishly waste all their initiative and retreat or leave a door open for you to strike back. Most HS spam thieves arn’t that skilled and simple spam hs until they think they killed something. If there are 3 or more HS spamming thieves against you well there is no such counter except maybe dodge and run like a moa.
Q. My zerker profession can’t seem to kill this thief guy in pvp. What am I supposed to do?
A. Not build Zerker. Thieves a,re the best at burst dmg (power).Even without quickness, hs along with BS and mug can do significant damage. Even if you die, remember, spvp isn’t about kills it’s about objectives held. If you die on the platform atleast you buy a few seconds for you to communicate to your team or for them to react. Although not very unique, build defensivley in spvp unless your confident your build can counter a well played aggressive thief.
Anymore questions/answers for thieves are welcomed. Please, stay a moment and ask away. It is better people learn how to counter thief than to call them out as unfair and develop yet another nerf when not necessary.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
(edited by NinjaEd.3946)