Condition Damage, Source of Damage.

Condition Damage, Source of Damage.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dreed.3714



When 2 players deal a condition dmg egz. bleeding in few sec we see 25 stuck.. noone of this players see who stuck it and how many.
Small egzample question:
I and my friend have same characters – necromancer – and both of us are using Condition dmg build… we stuck 25 blidding status very fast. But if I can do it solo on the same time like me and my friend.. so who will deal dmg and how many dmg deal … if both of us using same condition so one deal 12 stuck and one 13 stuck so if any of us can solo make 25stuck very fast is there any sense to make party with the same class and same build persons?

I cannot find any official information about this mechanics. This is not the same situation like with Vulnerability or Weakness status, this two is for all players no metter who increse amount of this conditions stuck. But with dmg condition if 2 players can easly make 25 stuck and max is 25 stuck on mob/boss/player so if 2 player setting his primary dmg on it we lose fire power in team when 2 of it go with us.

Sorry for my english.. and hope someone can help me..

(edited by Dreed.3714)

Condition Damage, Source of Damage.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kirik.8672
