Convert karma to gold?

Convert karma to gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: erKo.9586



I have 3 million karma and cant remember when I used this value in the game last time, so my question for you is – can i convert this into gold somehow? becuase that it what i need.

Thank you guys =) !

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Far Shiverpeaks – EU – Since release.

Convert karma to gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


There is a way where you by karma cloth gloves, toss them into the MF and salvage the gloves you get out for linen. Haven’t done it in a while myself and the return isn’t that great IIRC (1 copper per karma point) and it’s tedious.

Buy Fine Cloth Crab Grabbin’ Gloves from him, four per forging. But like I said, it’s not quick money and a lot of work.

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Convert karma to gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Seraph Soldier Diedra offers are more efficient conversion (at today’s prices). Bram’s version amounts to 13-15s per 1,000 karma; Diedra’s gloves convert at closer to 16-18s per 1,000k (although obviously, it takes longer).

Either way, that takes a lot of clicks and a lot of time.

Other things to consider:

  • If you have more characters to outfit later, buying armor with karma is a lot more efficient in terms of time. (One vendor visit, 10-12s per 1,000 karma).
  • Various items for legendaries and other shiny collections cost karma.
  • Basic salvage kits can be acquired for karma, at a savings of 11.43 silver / 1,000 karma.
  • Orrian Jewelry Boxes are very inefficient, but super fast.
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