Dodging - when to use

Dodging - when to use

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: scotia.8593


I hear alot about dodging in this game. Is it being referred to when a Red Circle appears underneath you or are we saying you have to jump around the target during melee ?

If it is the 2nd I think it would be difficult given there is no 1st person point of view in the game. Maybe someone can speak to what one looks for in the actions of the mob that tells you you need to dodge?

If it is the 1st, then I think I understand dodging.

Dodging - when to use

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: valemiroqi.4309


Several mobs have a trigger action that tells you they are charging an attack. At this point they generally lock in place to unleash the attack. The easiest example would be Drakes. Drakes generally have a “Breathe Fire/Poison/Hairballs” ability. When they get ready to do this, they will flash yellow and raise their head as if charging. This is a good time to dodge and attack from the side/back. Raptors have a similar tell for their Daze. Dodging is mainly a game of timing. As a Thief I generally use my Dodge to stay behind or on the side of the target when I can.

Maguuma Server

Dodging - when to use

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: scotia.8593


I don’t know how anyone can dodge when there is a Event taking place cause so many people are milling about and make it about impossible to even click target something!

Dodging - when to use

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: valemiroqi.4309


Tab targeting FTW

Maguuma Server

Dodging - when to use

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: phanmc.6759


I hear alot about dodging in this game. Is it being referred to when a Red Circle appears underneath you or are we saying you have to jump around the target during melee ?

The red ring that shows up on the ground means an enemy has targeted that area with an AoE (area of effect) spell which damages or puts a condition to all that is within it. Whether you dodge or simply walk out, it’s a good idea not to stay there for too long. A white ring or line is a friendly unit targeting the area with a beneficial spell.

I don’t know how anyone can dodge when there is a Event taking place cause so many people are milling about and make it about impossible to even click target something!

Carry a ranged weapon and wait until the boss does his major attack (usually when you see several people get KO’ed or knocked over), then charge in and melee the crap outta him for no more than a minute. Dodge out even if you don’t see the wind-up, rinse, repeat. Gold medal achievement every time with minimal deaths.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
-Mike Obrien, President of Arenanet

Dodging - when to use

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nismu.4019


some classes also have traits to promote offensive dodging like necromancers mark of evasion that sets mark of blood when you have dodged.