Druid: useful in PvP and/or WvW?
Hey, so i use my druid mainly in pvp, using the meta bunker build with a few tweaks. Druid helped me get through all the achievements for The Ascension and any druids i come up against are generally very good.
As for WvW i wouldn’t know, i use my thief there for roaming.
Well, I found it useful as a backline support healer in WvW, spending a bunch of time throwing healing on my own team, and minor damage and disruption at the enemy.
Ultimately, though, you don’t give up ranger to be a druid, so you can absolutely just run a core build (which is all DPS focused) in those game modes, if you wish.
Excellent for both.
There is an undeserved stigma against druids in WvW, but the only time that will matter is if you’re following some really bad PUG commander who kicks you from the squad, and even then you could still follow the zerg. Although why you’d want to play with someone that incompetent I don’t know. For roaming, druids are godlike, arguably the best roaming class.
For PvP druid is extremely good and commonly used.