Elementalist being killed in 1-2 hits

Elementalist being killed in 1-2 hits

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


Fara – Yeh your right about this class. I’m observing how all other classes are not having nearly as much trouble as I am. At times when I’m down, I think they are going to die as well and they end up fishing off the 3-4 mobs that jumped me and revive me. I’m considering giving up on the elementalist and just have it to craft stuff. Not sure what other class I’ll play.

Everyone Else – as for mages they are always glass canons. The problem that the elementalist is more of a glass sling shot. The damage is suppose to be (at least in PvE) insane but defense very lacking. The target is never suppose to make it near me. During the tutorial part is the only area in the game that I felt the elementalist was properly balanced.

Everywhere else I go, regardless of setup/spells, feels like I’m fighting monsters that are at least 10 levels higher then me. Then some level 17 comes along (I’m level 30 now), destroys all the monsters in the area to revive me and I become purely disgusted/infuriated.

Elementalist being killed in 1-2 hits

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ravnodaus.5130


Fara – Yeh your right about this class. I’m observing how all other classes are not having nearly as much trouble as I am. At times when I’m down, I think they are going to die as well and they end up fishing off the 3-4 mobs that jumped me and revive me. I’m considering giving up on the elementalist and just have it to craft stuff. Not sure what other class I’ll play.

Everyone Else – as for mages they are always glass canons. The problem that the elementalist is more of a glass sling shot. The damage is suppose to be (at least in PvE) insane but defense very lacking. The target is never suppose to make it near me. During the tutorial part is the only area in the game that I felt the elementalist was properly balanced.

Everywhere else I go, regardless of setup/spells, feels like I’m fighting monsters that are at least 10 levels higher then me. Then some level 17 comes along (I’m level 30 now), destroys all the monsters in the area to revive me and I become purely disgusted/infuriated.

That would be the case if you are hanging out in a lower level area. You cannot simply outlevel content. If you’re 30 in a level 17 region, you will be scaled down to the effectiveness of level 17. The scaling isn’t always spot on either…

I’d recommend you take some time and play around with different weapons, and make sure you fully master what each of them can do and how the skills in each element can work into each other to create useful and potent combinations. Rethink if your stats and traits match your chosen play style and weapon selection. And if you still cannot get it down, maybe another proffesion is more suited to your gaming. All of them have very different styles, ANet did a really good job ensuring the feel of each proffesion was unique, and maybe the one that’s perfect to you is just waiting for you to discover it.

Why grind dungeons? Only relevant content…
Why? Gives needed gear…
Why do you need this gear? To do dungeons… duh.

Elementalist being killed in 1-2 hits

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: someshta.3809


Hiya Lockey.

Elementalists are best suited to long-range attack and support spells during boss fights. The reason you’re dying in 1-2 hits is because you’re probably not casting from maximum range. Also, it sounds like your not managing your attunements all that well (no insult intended.) An elementalist has a vast skill pool upon which they can call as and when they feel like, however it needs to be properly managed via attunement switching.

Some advice for boss fights: utilise the heavy AoE abilities of a Fire-attuned Staff Elementalist whilst switching to Water Attunement for those nice AoE healing spells. That should a.) allow you to contribute significantly based on damage and b.) provide excellent support to your allies and keep them in the fight for longer.

I hope this helped. Good luck out there.

None of your points will make the OP deal more damage. The numbers are imbalanced. Have you seen how hard warriors hit?

Elementalist being killed in 1-2 hits

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Paulus magintie.7432

Paulus magintie.7432

I noticed the bosses can kick mykitten if im not running around like a lunitic while casting spells, but then again most bosses require the help of others to defeat.

I was with a ranger at one point and found a pirate boss, he kicked both our backsides with little to no effort. I can normally take on 2-3 enemies at a time and crush them by just using my sceptre and dagger moves.

I remember killing an ettin then 5 more spawning due to an event starting nearby just as I started a fire storm, I slaughtered them all.

I wouldn’t call an elementalist weak.

Elementalist being killed in 1-2 hits

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fallon.4253


I’m always sad to hear it when someone says they’re having problems with Elementalist. I’m very attached to mine and have that mentality that it should be enjoyable for everyone (even for as unrealistic as that is). I have only really played a support “spec” which is full into water, arcana, and 10 into air while using a staff. I use it for both SPvP and the dungeons I’ve run. I’m level 63 right now and survivability with Elementalist isn’t bad at all if you know how to rotate spells and dodge. Though I assume this should be so with all classes since the devs wanted the game to be based on skill to separate itself from other MMOs where you can get away with face-tanking something. Kiting should be more your forte.

It’s a lot more hands on than other games and you need to pick it up a little quicker or you will have survivability problems. I don’t mean to be rude, it’s just that you can’t really blame a class for a learning curve issue. Everybody starts somewhere and it’s unfair in my opinion to buff people who know the ins and outs of the class to an omnipotent state to make up for people who are still learning the basics.

Also, use utility spells that mitigate damage. Arcane Shield, Armor of Earth, and Mist Form should be your three utility skills if you have survivability problems. Also as support you want the Glyph of Elementals ability for the elite slot. Use it while in water attunement and it heals you and your group. It can really help if your water heal skills are on cooldown.

You can use utility skills while casting another spell. You can also use your heal skill as well as elite skill while in Mist Form. So for one example, if you’re in the middle of casting Meteor Shower in a dungeon and 4 mobs come running your way, pop Arcane Shield to get the rest of the channel off just as they’re reaching you, dodge away, pop water attunement, throw down Frozen Ground and kite.

You might want to try out a support/survival setup like this to at least get the basics of survival down. It may take longer to kill things because you don’t have points in fire, but you can outlast the mobs better with this spec. If you’re getting one or two shot, you’ve got more to worry about than just your dps compared to other classes. Can’t get better at your dps if you’re dead. Working on one thing at a time is usually best.

Sorry for the lengthy response, more information is usually better than less I’ve found.

Elementalist being killed in 1-2 hits

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Artorous.8573


I don’t think it’s possible to have 68% movement speed. I haven’t come across any quickness buff yet that actually stacks, minus maybe the quick movement speed buff you can get in cities.

When you get hit and are actually in combat your movement speed is slown way down until you get out. The passive movement speed buffs you can get, like One with Air and Signet of Air do not stack with each other or other movement speed buffs. Only the highest is chosen. If you are attuned to Air and use Glyph of Restoration and Windborne Speed (whatever the #4 staff spell is) they do not increase your speed by 66%, the duration of Quickness is combined. Again, the movement speeds are not combined but the highest you have is picked and/or durations are extended.

Example: One with Air (fully upped) 25% + Windborne Dagget 15% + Signet of Air 10% + Windborne Speed 33% 10s duration + Glyph of Restoration 33% 10s duration = 33% with 20s duration.

Elementalist being killed in 1-2 hits

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


The healing from the water glyph is too slow and I’ve put traits into water to have the passive heal and it is just too slow. What ele needs (to remain as it is) is an entanglement spell to keep monsters stuck in place. It is just infuriating to “kite” a mob only to have one hit you from behind and your down and just plain slaughtered.

I’ve tried all the suggestions, the class is just way too weak/bugged unless your in a group and with the initial rush of players over I’ve been dieing far less as there is no one else on the maps. Unfortunatly I don’t know what other class I’d like to play as I’m sick of warrior and archers.

I’ve been having major issues with spells not always working but the skill goes into cooldown mode. A perfect example is the Meteor Shower. It is great when it goes off but that is only 10% of the time if I’m lucky. Often nothing will happen. There is also a water one that fails to go off that I cannot think of right now.

How is the Necro or Meizmer ones compaired to the Elementalist? Are they full of issues as well?

Elementalist being killed in 1-2 hits

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Merix.6703


My elementalist is level 80 (has been since day before launch) and from my experiences, especially in the level 80 zones, you won’t have room to kite so glass cannon builds that can blow up enemies before they reach you is the most viable way to go about things.

All my gear is Power/Precision/Crit Dmg I’m currently sitting at 2200 power, 60% crit chance, 80% crit damage, but only 11000 hp and 1800 armor. My spec is 30/20/0/0/20 and I take all offensive utilities (Arcane Blast, Arcane Wave, Glyph of storms/lesser elemental, Glyph of Elementals)

Your goal becomes kill everything before it reaches you. This is easily done with S/D or Staff.

As far as WvW I can kill almost all siege (Arrow Carts, Balistas, Catapults, Trebuchets) in 1 Meteor/Lava Font, but I die if anyone even looks at me.

Welcome to elementalist. The glass cannon class.

Elementalist being killed in 1-2 hits

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Skugga.5298


I’ve seen an Elementalist in sPvp kiting 4 people , nearly taking any hits for more than a minute ,.. o.O
I’ve tried the profession once, I found it way too squishy so I didn’t really look into it that much but I’m sure I played it wrong

Elementalist being killed in 1-2 hits

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: stav.2574


the problem with elementalists in my opinion is that they are a harder class to use to full effect and yet the
rewards from doing so are lackluster compared to the other classes

Elementalist being killed in 1-2 hits

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kalithro.6532


the problem with elementalists in my opinion is that they are a harder class to use to full effect and yet the
rewards from doing so are lackluster compared to the other classes

that… I find it 10x more effective to play my Guardian with a 2h Sword and just destroy stuff without having to swap elements.

Elementalist being killed in 1-2 hits

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Daithi.4820


Hi alll i just want to talk about my experience with my Elementalist, my main lvl 74

(sorry for my bad english i will try to do my best)

with my experience in my last game (Aion) were i played a sorcerer i learned that its better build a survivor than a glass cannion, at least for PvP.

when i started here i goes instantly to sPvP to start test differents builds:

my first build was full def/hp with gear dmg/crit/condition dmg
Water 30
earth 30
arcane 10

Using a staff for the range.

was a totally fail, i got sooo owned by almost all classes xD well maybe for my low skills being anewbie but still now i think that build not works because having full def/hp still not give me much sustain vs full geared cap lvl enemies and my dmg was poor also i think the staff is not usefull in sPvP because make you slower attacking and the melee classes have good cap closers and also range skills that i think its the only think that maybe could get nerfed in the game

after tested my second build full dmg and didnt liked

fire 30
air 30
arcane 10
Dagger x2

yes great dmg but the lack of range makes you an easy target to kill, lets be honest all will prefer attack a weak elementalist that comes in melee than a warrior or a guardian or a faster thief or an annoying mesmer so we will be always first target so this seems like if you use this build you only can “gank” or get owned, well ye not totally owned but i feel like in a fair 1v1 fight an elementalist have less chances going in melee but yes there are many situations differents to say this as a fact but i still prefer to dont take the chances in a situation like that.

i was a bit upset after this test feeling that my favorite class in mmo’s was so underpowered and without a personality, i see that all classes have a way of play and i cant find the elementalist’s way.

so i said well nvm lets start to learn in the best way, playing and now, after 74 lvls i think i found the best build for my way of play

Fire 10
Air 30
Earth 20
Arcane 10


the traits i use is more to speed buff by element and criticals with arcane spells for more attacks and a style of play of movility.

Really now in sPvP wow the difference is big thx to the exp i got playing but also after find my way of play tecnically i just move and move and move till i made dmg, you can say that maybe my dmg now wont be so hard but i focus. More in criticals and condition dmg thx to my traits in air/earch plus my improvement in def/m.speed give me a bit more of sustain, for enemies that still with my kite can get me closer i have ring of fire to any that want get closer to me will get hurt, 2 blinds will low cd’s chill shield a dodge bar regen health with condition remover 2 nocks downs and great condition dmg with my burst and bleeds, can run away or get closer really ast with my ride the lighting and the arcane spells give the extra that i was looking for so now i feel so strong and complet with a style and personality that i never had with a caster before so i only can say about all this as conclusion is that this game is a new challenge for all and if you dont feel good right now with your class i suggest you try and explore all differents build you can imagine when you build a pj in GW2 you must forget stats this isnt like older mmo’s you must build a style of play .

so keep trying i really feel pretty balanced the elementalist only could say to nerf a bit melee’s classes, they have def, power and also range/gap closers ANet should nerf at least one of this things and btw fight vs mesmer is really annoying but great challenge at least he is pretty slow and for last i suggest yyou to use staff only in safe positions like in a castel or tower during a siege most to annoy than to kill and if you go to direct combat go to scepter/dagger, will give you a decent range and usefull skills but use your brain remember rthis isnt a game to just spamm skill without taking care what is happening around you.

again sorry for my long post and poor gramma, english isnt my main language also im writting from my phone so sorry and i hope this can help, gl.

Seafarer’s Rest

Elementalist being killed in 1-2 hits

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jayne.9251


I’ve been playing an Ele as my main and have settled in with earth stance for the most part, using scepter and ward (that square thing, gah, it’s late I can’t remember the exact name) …. the ward offers me stoneskin (which makes you invulnerable for a period of time) and reflection buff that any ranged shot deflects right back at the mob. The sceptre lets me shoot off ranged damage. I’ve also sacrificed a bit of crit for toughness and vitality in most of my gear .. at 47, I have about 5K in health and I rarely go down in a fight. It takes a little longer to kill the mobs, but with the earthen elementals (I use two during a particularly hard fight and then use the AOE wind storm), I’ve been able to solo all my personal storyline right up to 47 without much effort.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Elementalist being killed in 1-2 hits

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jayne.9251


The healing from the water glyph is too slow and I’ve put traits into water to have the passive heal and it is just too slow. What ele needs (to remain as it is) is an entanglement spell to keep monsters stuck in place.

There is one available that locks the mob in its place and toughens your skin/armour .. it’s in the third tier, 10 point one or 3 point one I believe .. mouseover and you’ll find it. Passive gives you constant earthen protection, active spell is like a chain rooting the target in one place for a bit. The cooldown on the chain spell is long, so don’t rely on it for your entire fight.

I’ve been having major issues with spells not always working but the skill goes into cooldown mode. A perfect example is the Meteor Shower. It is great when it goes off but that is only 10% of the time if I’m lucky. Often nothing will happen. There is also a water one that fails to go off that I cannot think of right now.

If you get interrupted it does stop the spell from functioning, but the range on that meteor shower is significant .. try stepping back from the fight and using it and likely you’ll have more success. There’s a windstorm stun that lasts a good few ticks that you can use in earthen stance using a scepter, try using that if you’re in a solo fight then flip back to fire for meteor shower.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

(edited by Jayne.9251)

Elementalist being killed in 1-2 hits

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: choban.9027


Ele is my main PvP character, and i’m very happy with it. I’m now rank 24, and 90% of all sPvP matches were with ele. Yep, it’s hard, but it is supposed to be this way. Ele is maybe the hardest class to play in GW2. It’s challenging, but after some tome, when you develop good skill rotation, ele kicks * and you can stay alive for quite some time.

About crits…I’ve managed to crit up to 8k with fire grab on debuffed target, but it was an glass canon build. Even with some mid builds there were some nice crits popping up, and massive burning/bleeding damage.

Only things that I would like to see are in combat weapon swapping for ele, and some useful interrupt skill when downed (like all other classes have).

Elementalist being killed in 1-2 hits

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rainshine.5493


The healing from the water glyph is too slow and I’ve put traits into water to have the passive heal and it is just too slow. What ele needs (to remain as it is) is an entanglement spell to keep monsters stuck in place. It is just infuriating to “kite” a mob only to have one hit you from behind and your down and just plain slaughtered.

What you’re asking for exists. It’s called Signet of Earth. There are also a TON of other CCs available to ele. You need to use them to get any survivability at all.

The fact that you’re requesting features that exist makes me think you haven’t really put much thought into what you’re running at all. You can’t just throw whatever on your bar, stand there and nuke. It doesn’t work.

Don’t underestimate conditions like weakness or chill, either.

Ruse Torrent (elementalist) on JQ
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)

Elementalist being killed in 1-2 hits

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Only things that I would like to see are in combat weapon swapping for ele, and some useful interrupt skill when downed (like all other classes have).

There’s a lava fount that appears when downed as one of the options under your trait points … first five points into fire gets you that as an option.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Elementalist being killed in 1-2 hits

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zii The Mad.2563

Zii The Mad.2563

Ele is my main PvP character, and i’m very happy with it. I’m now rank 24, and 90% of all sPvP matches were with ele. Yep, it’s hard, but it is supposed to be this way. Ele is maybe the hardest class to play in GW2. It’s challenging, but after some tome, when you develop good skill rotation, ele kicks * and you can stay alive for quite some time.

About crits…I’ve managed to crit up to 8k with fire grab on debuffed target, but it was an glass canon build. Even with some mid builds there were some nice crits popping up, and massive burning/bleeding damage.

Only things that I would like to see are in combat weapon swapping for ele, and some useful interrupt skill when downed (like all other classes have).

Maybe some of the “despair” would stop if you could post a video of a spvp match, or something.