Giants... where are they that I may make war upon their race?

Giants... where are they that I may make war upon their race?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Revenant.2691


So I hit 80 a few weeks ago and I’ve been working on my slayer achievements. Found camps for pretty much all the mobs… except giants. Currently at 5/5000 for them from doing the Champion Giant DE in Plains of Ashford. Found Ettins, Jotuns… but no giants save for that one guy with millions of HP and an insta-kill PBAoE if your dodge key sticks =p

Anyone found where these guys live?

Giants... where are they that I may make war upon their race?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Haishao.6851



All my slayer achievement stop at 1000, and they are account achievement to make it worst.

As for giant, I’ve see 2 or 3 in Orr. There’s one champion in Strait of Devastation, but if you kill it without the people on the map you’ll be called a kitten because you ruin their stupid zerg.

I’ve seen them in Cursed shore too. Those were either normal or veteran, I don’t remember. They are easy to solo though.

It would have made sense to have giants in Kessex, but there’s only one and he’s pacific.

Giants... where are they that I may make war upon their race?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Omega.4950


Giants are a near extinct race in the game AFAIK. Most of them are going to be found in Orr as undead. Anywhere else, they’re going to be veteran/champion bosses. Like Kol in the highlands and the guy in Ashford.

Order Of The Mists [OOM]

Giants... where are they that I may make war upon their race?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Siam.1278


There is an escort event in Desmina…something in CS that leads to killing a Undead Giant. That should help you in getting your 5000 kills, that is the event isn’t bugged.

Giants... where are they that I may make war upon their race?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sarisa.4731


The risen giants don’t count for the Giant Slayer achievement, they count as Zhaitan’s Bane.

The only two actual killable giants I can think of are the two mentioned, Kol and the DE with the attack on the town.

Lille of the Valley [WHIP]