Guild upgrades and server transfers.
All upgrades are gone. You will start with zero influence and zero upgrades. So make sure you get your guildstash empty before the upgrade (or alternatvily have one account remain who brings the content over when you have develloped enough influence for it.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Technically, the upgrades aren’t “gone”, they remain (along with any unspent influence) on the original server. Anyone in the guild who doesn’t move, or anyone who moves back to that server later, will find them still there.
Guesting won’t give you access to the original server’s bank/upgrades either. You keep access to your home world’s stuff while guesting.
You start on the new server with no influence, and no upgrades, and no access to anything from the other server.
Thanks a lot for your help, that confirms what I was thinking.
This thread helped me too so thank you.
Say some members of a guild move server and others decide to stay, all remaining in the same guild. If the ones that moved buy the guild stash upgrade, will they have access to the same bank tab? I.e. will they share the same storage space and stored items?
No, it will be a separate bank – in no way connected to the one left behind on the original server.
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Proudly representing The Legion of Honour [XIII] on Tarnished Coast
To my understanding it works like this. Your guild, just like your name exist on all servers from the beginning. You earn rewards and exp for your guild by doing deeds, gaining renown and so forth on the server. Think of each server as having an empty fort that belongs to your guild, so in order to build upon that fortress you must go there and build on it. In other words your guild exist on every server but not its rewards. You could load up characters to carry your guild bank items over but then you would have to earn the actual bank and have that stuff stay on holding toons till you get your guild bank back.
Its kind of like the Twilight zone where you wake up in another dimension and no one you have gone to battle with or fought for knows you.
(edited by Seraki.2753)
guyz i got question… i made a guild for myself (just for myself) and opened recently guild stash .my problem is i can not withdraw items from it. i checked thousands times alrdy and as a leader i have all options on so it should work… so… why i can not withdraw from items from my guild stash ?