Haven't played in a year, lotta Q's

Haven't played in a year, lotta Q's

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: HakunaMataBaby.2734


So first lets get started off on this.

1. What are good ways to make gold? I had a lot of gold before I left, but It’s gone.
2. What classes are strong/weak right now? I was thinking of playing thief, is so, what are the main stats? Because I have a couple of ascended gear to use, like prec, power, ferocity.
3. Is there anything major I missed? Any breaking news happen the past yeaR?
4. What are good way to get ready for raiding? I’ve been told you won’t be accepted unless you have full ascended, but I only have about 4 pieces, which it will take forever to get a full set.
5. Any ideas on where to look for guilds? Kinda silly, but it’s been so long.
6. What does boosting a character to 80 give? Item wise.
7. Lastly, back again at thief, I see that it does the most damage, but i’m interested in it because of stealth/high dps. Is there a recent guide someone could link?

Thanks a bunch guys, more thanks to those who answer all these.

Haven't played in a year, lotta Q's

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


5. Any ideas on where to look for guilds? Kinda silly, but it’s been so long.
6. What does boosting a character to 80 give? Item wise.

Most of your questions require rather lengthy responses that I’m too lazy to address at the moment so I’ll answer these two.

Looking for guilds:


The video tutorial made by Anet for the L80 boost and the link to the wiki on L80 boost:


As for changes since you left there is a lot of reading that can be done in the patch notes if you have the time:


The Burninator

(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)

Haven't played in a year, lotta Q's

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nagr.1593


1. Playing the tp / currencies -> gold. Sometimes they go hand in hand too. Just keep a tab on anything you have a bountiful supply of in your wallet. Most things you find you have a surplus with seemingly no sink for them, there will 9/10 times be an undiscovered sink for them sitting there, waiting for you to chance upon them. For fear of repeating myself (don’t know the exact terminology in this case, forgive my english lol – this was initially a 2nd language for me), I made a post awhile ago about the conversion ratio as it pertains to rare fractal drops, i.e. mist shards in this case. On a related front, not wanting to repeat myself here again but – laurels, tokens, globs of dark matter, spirit shards, mystic coins, karma – most anything you have saved up from years ago, it’s possible to turn a surplus into dearth pretty quickly and efficiently given the know-how.

I find the best conv. rate for dungeon tokens to be 3.6g/100 tokens, though there’s a couple of maybe’s and what-if’s attached to that. Given that I had about 15k tokens saved up though, all in all not a bad day. Again sometimes it’s better to keep an eye on your trigger finger as I myself was apt to disregard such advice in my earlier days – impulsive buyouts of exotic GS from vendors, then throwing them into the forge every month. Granted I did end up with Dusk in the end, though ofc this way’s highly unreliable.

Back to the issue at hand, that I raised at the beginning as a viable option perhaps not in the long-term, but just as a sort of entitled reward for veteran players who could be returning after a long break and still struggling to sort through and figure things out and might be dealing with the overload of new content in a manageable way. Let’s be serious here, I have on more than one occasion a priori brought up a point of concern regarding remaining gold-farming methods for those without access to HoT, and as a result those who felt left behind and treated as stragglers by this point. The prospects of legitimate and extant gold-farming techniques for even those with HoT looks kinda bleak especially with the ever-looming possibility of AB chest farm being rendered obsolete, which honestly sometimes feels is like a patch or a two away. So why would I suggest something like this, that would raise a few eyebrows? I can easily make more than 100g in a day, just from ~2 hours invested towards such a goal.. that’s why. Again, just a helpful suggestion but you might wanna check up on the current market prices and fluctuations before you start diving headfirst into anything. Know thine surroundings and all.. rite?

2. Any and all! Some people will try to divert you into one path that kind of pigeonholes you into playing one particular build or satisfying one important role that’s highly desirable atm, but this would do nothing but constrict class diversity when we want to expand upon it! How often is someone asked to leave when u see 3+ warriors in group.. not to mention those unfathomable 5 necro groups for high lvl fractals. You see where I’m going with this yes

3. Hot. HoT happened. Just the perfect opportunity for me to jump in and say something random, like ‘Eureka!’

4. High lvl fotm and daily prayers to the RNG god of ur choice

5. You don’t need help finding guilds in a game titled Guilds War 2.. lol. Guilds will find you (even when u don’t want them to)!

(skip 6.. dunno this one)

7. You make a good point bc recently it’s been all like ‘DPS Wars 2’. If you dunno what I mean then u will find out in time lol

Arun Kar

(edited by nagr.1593)