How can I Make and Save Gold?

How can I Make and Save Gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ChaosKirin.1328


I am intending to get the Tier 3 Cultural set for my Asura Elementalist when I hit 80. The problem is, I can’t seem to make and save gold. Every time I get some, I have to update my armor (which I do every ten levels – I can’t afford to do it any more often than that).

So what are some tips on making gold? I’ll pretty much do anything, even if it means diving into WvW, which I haven’t done yet.

Essentially, I sell everything, I do very little salvaging. So when I get a weapon or something, I vendor it. If the weapon goes for more than vendor value in the BLTC, I auction it. Unfortunately, almost all of the weapons I get have a sell instantly price of lower than the vendor value, so I can’t sell them, and the match lowest seller cost is usually at or one above vendor costs, so it’s not worth it to auction.

I like to craft, so I’d rather not sell my hard-earned mats, but it seems almost like I’ll have to if I want enough gold to buy my cultural set.

’cuz right now, I have 2 gold at level 64. >_> HALP!

How can I Make and Save Gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dibrom.6408


You’re not going to be able to afford the T3 cultural armor when you hit 80.

Arenanet: The paragon of truth.

How can I Make and Save Gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: theerrantventure.9185


I know this will make your inner crafter cringe but sell some extra mats. I gather for all professions and sell the mats I don’t/can’t use. It makes quite a pretty penny.

With there being no competition for nodes I’ve decided to craft later on and just use the cash from material sales to get skill books and for waypoints.

Trolls are like stray cats.
Feed them and they multiply.
Please do not feed them.

How can I Make and Save Gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sib.1236


Turn you love of crafting into profit, this is how i make my money, i prob spend a hour whining down at the end of a day crafting as i enjoy.

Munchkin Sib [IRON]

How can I Make and Save Gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Events are a great source of income even when just starting out, a few copper quickittenurns into a good deal of money.

Trading Post.
This requires simple maths calculations as when deciding to sell an item on the TP remember to multiply the sell value by .85 to calculate ACTUAL profit. (This is due to initial charge for posting and charge taken from selling item)

Customise offers do not just sell either at highest buyer or lowest seller prices. Set it slightly below lowest seller and profit. (Note: This require patience and a nack for when buying and selling)

How can I Make and Save Gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: kryo.3586


Dungeons for me are the best way to make Gold. I can make close to 2g or more doing the 3 paths in TA

How can I Make and Save Gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ChaosKirin.1328


Thanks, I appreciate the responses!

How can I Make and Save Gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

Hmmm, I update my armor with transformiggor stones (to keep the look I like) and whatever drops. I am currently level 63 and all my armor is atleast 52 or higher. Do not go for max stats untill level 80. I have on my level 63 character bout 2 gold atm (and bought the lvl 60 traitbook), but I spend 5 gold on the TP for gems to get some luxery stuff.

The thing with money making in a game is like real life. set your goals and stick with them. Do not fall for ‘hey with that i do 5 more damage/hit’ it is ok to invest in your character, but make saure you do it wisely.

When I am level 80 I will invest in max gear. The reason is that my goals are very high. I want the tier 3 armor and a legendary. This takes time. But till I’m 80 I will struggle a lil bit harder to get there and not waste money I will only use for like 20-30 hours (I might be slow in leveling, but thats all I need to get to 80 at max!). so bottom line, spent your money wisely, and put every 50 silver you have in the bank as soo nas possible so your tempted.

The other trick is to not use waypoints (unless dead or inside a town) Use your feet and on your way, pick up any gahtering nodes. It doesn’t take too much time, but instead of spending money you are making money.

Last advice is dedication and self discipline. Know what you are doing and what the reward is. But also enjoy the farm do not farm for the result, do it cause you like it, in the end your only getting pixels. On my guidlforum I made some guides to getting legendary weapons (I don’t have one btw but I will get it someday) and I ended it with the words that the prize at the end of the journey is the goal, but the journey itself is the reward.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

How can I Make and Save Gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Prophet.6954


Why are you running around with armour 11 levels below you, when you can get green (what I used until 80) for around 10-12 silver? You can vendor off your old greens for not much more then you paid, or salvage the signets/runes and sell those…

It’s best to hit 80 and then worry about it. You get paid more for hearts, for events, and for zone completion rewards you get rares and exotics, and high tier crafting materials (t5 and t6 at the 70-80 zones). Point being, roll dungeons, and work in those level zones…
You spend as much as you make in the lower zones as the greens just arent worth as much, and the golds aren’t dropping as frequently.

How can I Make and Save Gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Elsdragon.5109


The best way to make gold without buying them with gems in my experience is running events, killing each and every enemy that you see, running dungeons, avoiding deaths (learn to dodge those heavy damages), and as much as possible don’t be lazy and waypoint all over the place. Walking could help you notice some events happening and jumping in to help will bring in a good amount of copper/silver plus more from the drops the enemies give.

It’s not necessary to sell off your crafting materials. Also, the mystic forge can be used to try to gamble with those low selling price armor/weapons if you want.

How can I Make and Save Gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Voltic.6912


seems like the best way is to make a bunch of ranger bots with bear pets.