How can I get xp?

How can I get xp?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Breadfan.6739


Hi all i wanted to bring this problem of mine to the attention fo someone who could help me. So I (level 26) am in gendarran fields right now. I did all the hearts for my level and I need xp. Events right? there are 4 events to grind right now but they are group events and sometimes people aren’t doing them so I can’t do them most of the time. But 70% of the time none of those 4 events are happening and i really need some xp. Searching for waypoints and points of interest are ok, but they reward very little xp. Does someone know soemthing I could do to get nice chunks of xp? imo this idea of dynamic gameplay when it comes to getting xp is very flawed. it seems the old fashioned quest hub idea was more practical

How can I get xp?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rise.9702


Hmm, have you tried crafting? I didn’t craft yet but I heard you can get to cap just by crafting. [Don’t quote me on it since I’m not sure.] Personal storyline helps too.

You sir are a Scholar and Gentlekitten.

How can I get xp?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: someguy.9807


Try doing one of the other level appropriate zones.

How can I get xp?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mejis.8970


I haven’t had this problem at all. In fact, I’m a little worried I’m levelling too fast.
I’ve recently gone through the same zone as you.
My tips would be:

  • strive for zone completion. Simply getting all the waypoints and pois and vistas will net you quite some xp.
  • do some crafting. You can level 1-80 solely with crafting. Make sure you are making discoveries though as that gets you double xp.
  • head out to a different zone for a bit. There are plenty of overlapping level zones. You could also try edging into a higher level zone for fun and danger! You’ll get more xp I think.

How can I get xp?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Reashu.2734


Run to Lion’s Arch or go back to your home town and take the free portal to Lion’s Arch. From there you can access all the other cities and through them all the other starting areas. There are quite a few zones appropriate for your level.

Alternately, if you find someone to hang out with, content up to 5 levels above you should be no problem.