How to transfer armor over to another char?

How to transfer armor over to another char?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: chaosmesmer.9857


Help! So i had a level 80 warrior with knight’s armor, but then i thought that i would rather have the armor on my guardian. However, it is soulbound onto my warrior. I have tried transmuting it onto another piece in hopes to make it account bound but it is still soulbound. What can i do to make it not soulbound so i can equip it on my guardian?

How to transfer armor over to another char?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


you can’t. soulbound is soulbound.

You CAN transfer the skins by transmuting to white garbage gear… but you lose all stats.

How to transfer armor over to another char?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


What bluewanders said, you can’t.

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How to transfer armor over to another char?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: chaosmesmer.9857


ah darn it. figured it would work in the same way as transmuting the necro starter masks. thanks for clearing this up.

How to transfer armor over to another char?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: foofad.5162


If you transmuted the skin to a white or blue piece of gear then it IS account bound, the tooltip just doesn’t reflect the change. It does work just like transmuting starter gear.

Eilir Eirasdottir, Guardian, Tarnished Coast
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.

How to transfer armor over to another char?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Yourself.6870


If you transmuted the skin to a white or blue piece of gear then it IS account bound, the tooltip just doesn’t reflect the change. It does work just like transmuting starter gear.

Yes, but OP was asking for a way to transfer the whole armor pieces, stats and all, not just the skin.

How to transfer armor over to another char?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LithePanther.5027


It does work like the necro mask, because you’re transmuting the skin, not the stats. You can easily transfer the skin but the stats are always left behind when un-soulbinding something

80 Guardian. 80 Warrior. 80 Thief. 80 Engineer. 80 Necromancer. 80 Ranger.