"I'd really like this..." [Gifting Strangers]
Hi all, long time fan/donator of this thread, I farmed daily and love to give. Unfortunately I have recently hit a wall in game and just become tired of farming and wish to enjoy the content instead aka PvP, which ironically has brought me from making the most G/PHr I could to… well, not :P.
Anwyay’s figured I’d give this a shot from the other end, omw to getting eternity, any spare t6 mats or a gold or two would be mucho appreciato!
Take care guys, God Bless [NA]
//Edit// God bless elsewhere to :P
I’m going to set a 50g limit in total donations, if it reach’s this (in gold itself, mat costs or combined) I think it’s only fair to close my post to share the wealth, so will be back to edit!
(edited by TheNickPrice.8457)
I would really like a Total Makeover Kit. My Norn warrior is a tribute to Jora from Guild Wars 1, so when i saw that they have her hair in the Total Makeover Kit, I was extremely happy. If any kind soul out there can make me accomplish my dream, I would be very grateful _
Thanks and love you in advance, kind stranger.
IGN: Guardensing
I’m actually interested in playing the Living World Season 2. It is currently at 1280 gems or 382 gold (at this time of posting). I hope some people can donate gold even if it’s just a little for this request.
Thanks in advance!)
Eds: Do you want to play it for the achieves and item rewards or to experience the story? The latter can be done for free and I’d be glad to take you through the LS2 episodes in order at your pace, most any NA eastern time afternoon (just not on Tuesdays, and any individual day might have other commitments, but on the whole I have a lot of free time for such things).
I think this thread is a great thing and I hope it keeps going for a very long time. I’m on Jade Quarry server and would really like a Replica Job-o-Tron Backpack. Been trying to find a good backpack for my engi and I’m extremely low on funds due to a recent event in real life.
TY to the person who sent it to me. The mail somehow deleted itself when i took out the item so I didn’t catch the name.
(edited by Silvercyclone.1462)
Eds: Do you want to play it for the achieves and item rewards or to experience the story? The latter can be done for free and I’d be glad to take you through the LS2 episodes in order at your pace, most any NA eastern time afternoon (just not on Tuesdays, and any individual day might have other commitments, but on the whole I have a lot of free time for such things).
I want to play it mainly for the achieves and item rewards. Thanks for the kind offer
I’d actually like to ask for something for someone else. My wife would very very much want to have the Ironclad glider, but neither of us have gems (or gold to convert) to buy it.
Edit: I managed to save up the gold requiered, so this one is fulfilled!
(edited by Tanner Blackfeather.6509)
[Either Region] Hello all you wonderful people!
I have an unusual request. I am going to be alone this coming weekend and I will be stuck home too. Therefore, I am looking for any kindhearted individuals who would play GW2 with me. Help me or let me help you or just do stuff.
I’ll be available Friday from about 4 p.m. GMT to about 10 p.m. GMT. Saturday most of the day until that same time at night and Sunday I need to leave two hours earlier.
If you want to help, leave me a message either here or in game.
[EU] Hi!
I’d really appreciate the Zodiac Light Armour Skin! It’s finally reappeared after being gone for a while and I know it’s discounted but I don’t have the gems to get it ;n;
Thank u in advance! <3
EDIT: I sold everything I could to buy the gems for the skin set but it was worth it! I still wouldn’t mind having the Shoulder Scarf. Thank you!
(edited by James.1032)
hello everyone! this page is awesome! if anyone reads this anytime soon I would like you or anyone to know that i would love to have a perma gathering set or even just 1 of those, any are fine. I’ve never had one and always wanted one but never have the gold or gems. and someday i would love to get the Glittering Longbow skin! I know this might be a long shot but I thought I would post in hopes of getting one of those someday! Good day everyone and thanks for being awesome! Oh, before I forget, my account name thingy is Nikenoodle.4081
Hello, I’m Rankomonaut from [Gandara].
I’m looking for [&AgH8cQAA] like for ages. Oh.. Chat codes ;D I mean the Legend, precursor of Bifrost. And I simply cannot afford the huge amount of gold needed for it.
My luck with drops and mystic forge are beneath every statistic values -.-
Any help towards my goal is really really appreciated
Greetings, Ranko.
The white wings are on sale, for 700 gems. For like, a little less than an hour more. But I have 7 gems, and no irl money to buy more. Not enough gold to get them either.
If ANYONE feel like gifting them to me, I would be so greatful! My tag is Atera.6139 and well.. I don’t even know what to say. You know how it is, you want something really bad, but can’t have it. I felt like it could’nt hurt to ask at least!
Hello, I’m Rankomonaut from [Gandara].
I’m looking for [&AgH8cQAA] like for ages. Oh.. Chat codes ;D I mean the Legend, precursor of Bifrost. And I simply cannot afford the huge amount of gold needed for it.
My luck with drops and mystic forge are beneath every statistic values -.-Any help towards my goal is really really appreciated
Greetings, Ranko.
Are you crafting it or looking to buy it straight from the TP?
I am making the new legendary axe, its going ok but the one thing I totally forgot about was the amalgamated gemstones… so many mats needed.
If anyone has some spare t6 orbs or crests for the crafting I would really appreciate it.
I am working on the nevermore collection for quite a while now. But realy struggling to get the gold and daily crafting needed for it. So any help towards that would realy help me out. Especialy the time gated crafting, like spiritwood planks!
Thanks in advance!
This is my first time posting in the forums, but I’ve been lurking for a while. I’ve been enjoying the game a lot and might someday get Heart of Thorns, but there’s so much else to do first.
Really the only thing I’d like right now is a set of the unbreakable harvesting tools. I like to harvest while I wander around Tyria and have very limited bag space. I don’t have the money or gold for gems. I don’t care about animations and the new set looks really nice. I’d understand if this is too much to ask for, but it doesn’t hurt to ask!
Thank you if anyone can do this for me.
~Perfect Pear
hello guys ,this would be my 2nd post to our forum , i love reading the rants and and tips everyday lol ,but this thread has caught me attention ,it seems there some kind a magic going on here ,maybe fairies? lol ,maybe i’ll give it a shot, please and thanks in advance.
1. shadow abyss dye
2. lovestruck pistol skin
3. hair kit
Hello guys! I started playing a month ago and I’m already so in love with this game! I’m totally crazy about the Bitfrost – legendary staff. If someone would give it to me, would be great xD
Not sure how to open this post, posting on forums always makes me nervous. I’ve been playing since day one. Ever since they put old skins as rare drops from the forge, I’ve been trying for one in particular, the scythe. I love this skin, and would love to have it so much. I wish I could have afforded it when it first came out. I know this thing is expensive, and I’m not expecting to get it from this. I appreciate your time in reading this, regardless.
(edited by Azranon.7095)
Hey guys! It really makes me happy seeing how many thoughtful and generous people are in this community! I just recently started playing GW2 a few months ago after buying HoT right off the bat! I’m currently struggling to get Ecto’s and gold to start my first legendary! I currently have 52 sitting in my bank. Or if I’m asking a for a bit much, some mystic forge stones / Black lion keys would be great!
Any and all donations are much appreciated and I might have a few game tips in exchange and some friendly gameplay! I love playing with other new players
Zantiks Xaelaor is my main I’m currently playing if that helps at all
Hi, I’m a new player and I am really amazed by this great thread and am really happy to see that this community is so nice. If anyone could spare a celestial/black abyss dye, I’d be really grateful.
Uruk Deathclaw, EU PS.
(edited by Uruk.3215)
Hello, I’m Rankomonaut from [Gandara].
I’m looking for [&AgH8cQAA] like for ages. Oh.. Chat codes ;D I mean the Legend, precursor of Bifrost. And I simply cannot afford the huge amount of gold needed for it.
My luck with drops and mystic forge are beneath every statistic values -.-Any help towards my goal is really really appreciated
Greetings, Ranko.
Are you crafting it or looking to buy it straight from the TP?
I’m not crafting, mainly gambling and/or hoping for a drop to come.
NA – Darkhaven
Wow Im amazed by ths tread. People helping people. Thanks to all donator.
My desires!
Both white and black wing.
Well, this is a nice thread.
For myself, I’d like someone to help me with completion of Veridant Brink. I do not like heights. Not one bit. I freeze up in that zone all the time. I have plenty of port to friend stones, so I just need someone willing to go to the heights and let me close my eyes and port to you.
I should add I’m on the game week nights after 7:30 Eastern. Weekends in the afternoons/evenings.
Thank you to anyone that’s willing to help.
(edited by Phyre Storm.1624)
Phyre Storm, I should be free to help with that this evening (NA, eastern time). Once my husband’s home from work and I’ve eaten dinner, I’ll go back in game. Whisper me if you see me. I have full VB completion on multiple alts and I know how to use the updrafts in the day so it won’t matter what part of the cycle we’re in.
The only spot I can’t get you to is the mastery point up inside the airship atop a JP of girders. I’ve never made it up there on my own. edit: I have however made it up there! With help! So many thanks to all the offers to get it for me but I’m good
(edited by Donari.5237)
Hello, i was wondering if anyone could hook me up with a Total Make Over kit? Because to be honest with you guys, I wanted my female norn to look curvy, and its been really bothering me every since that i created her, and not to mention that i used a level 80 booster on her lmao. So i request that if anyone would be kind enough to fulfill my lust- er i mean desire, i would be forever grateful, thank you.
Lust (desire) :Total Makeover Kit
(edited by Voo.6473)
Well, i think i can dream. Cause i think style is part of the game, but i can’t afford it now.
NA – Darkhaven
Desire: Ley Line LongBow Skin
[NA] Ehmry Bay
Hallo everyone. If anybody could gift me a makeover kit, I would very much and gratefully appreciate it. That is all, thank you for your time.
Edit: Got a makeover kit. Thanks for any consideration =)
(edited by Astra Lux.2846)
Hi all! Great to see this thread still going! The generosity of this community never ceases to amaze me! I am currently almost completely broke from crafting gear for my engi for raids(leather is soooo expensive) and now i need 6 superior beserker runes but they are almost 4gold each and i just don’t have enough gold atm. Any help to get these or the runes themselves would be amazing.
Please see Gaile’s post at the top of this thread about over asking. I see you already posted a request (it’s even on the same page as your most recent request) and it was fulfilled. If people continue to abuse this awesome thread I fear Anet may close it.
(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)
Hi all! Great to see this thread still going! The generosity of this community never ceases to amaze me! I am currently almost completely broke from crafting gear for my engi for raids(leather is soooo expensive) and now i need 6 superior beserker runes but they are almost 4gold each and i just don’t have enough gold atm. Any help to get these or the runes themselves would be amazing.
Please see Gaile’s post at the top of this thread about over asking. I see you already posted a request (it’s even on the same page as your most recent request) and it was fulfilled. If people continue to abuse this awesome thread I fear Anet may close it.
And now he/she deleted the old post xD
(NA) Isle of Janthir
I have all the nodes for my home instance that you can get through achievements, map vendors, laurels and the gem store. It gives me a bit of extra goodies and I can take my friends in there so they can get extra goodies too. I have really been wanting the home nodes that you get through the black lion chests. Been working on saving up gold so I can to get them. I really want a decked out home instance to take people through and because i think it would be nifty. I’m not asking for the nodes themselves, just some gold to help out. Thank you in advance
(I now have a snow truffle node )
(edited by themillwater.5846)
I’d really like an active guild that has great pvpers
Thank you very much in advance!!
Hey there, I spend the majority of my time venturing Verdant Brink (NA Server). It’s like a second to home to me, haha. With that being said, I’d be forever grateful if I were gifted the Permanent Golden Folly Pass (1000 gems) as it’d give me the ease of access to my bank, crafting stations, TP, etc etc. Furthermore, I’d be further grateful if I were gifted ONE Total Makeover Kit (350 gems). I know the Permanent Golden Folly Pass is a big thing to ask for, but I’d GREATLY appreciate it! :D
(edited by Liquidation.9648)
Heyo, o7 [EU]
I’m a fairly new player (+/- 2-3 months) that being said in my eyes I’ve spent way too much time on this game for me to quit anytime soon so don’t worry about it being a waste x.x Hitting leveling 80 about 2 weeks ago and slowly progressing through the hot storyline while slowly trying to make enough money to start working towards ascended gear, for the most part I’m gliding all over to place in most maps, not because I need to I just simply like to (cuz it’s dope yo).
That being said (we are getting to the point!) the basic glider skin is making vomit… If anyone would be generous enough to gift me either the Shining Blade Glider or The pheonix one.. I would appreciate it more than anything <3
Edit: My wishes have come true! Thanks to a donor who wishes to remain anonymous, once again my gratitude to you sir. <3
(edited by DaEpicBlaze.5621)
A dusk precursor would be fantastic! I’m dreading the AB Multimap grind to get enough gold to craft it and the legendary.
I’d really like a deldrimor steel plated dowel as it would allow me to finish my Zintl razor. However, I am unable to afford it as I am trying to gain the necessary funds to craft the other materials (Deldrimor ingots, Shaman’s orichalcum imbued inscription). I would be much obliged if a great person would gift me this item. Thanks
edit: Thank you very much to my gift giver for the three bags and polar bear cub!
This is pretty much the greatest thing I’ve ever seen in a gaming community. GW2 has restored my faith in a positive, inclusive gaming experience.
I wouldn’t mind some large inventory bags (just bought HoT—still low on gold and love alts).
I really wouldn’t mind a mini snow cougar. Or a mini polar bear. Both super cute.
Regardless, this is wonderful, and big props to everyone who participates.
(edited by Cheru.2341)
I was aiming to get Finite Result, finished the collection, and realized I needed 500 in an armor. I had just spent most of my money on gearing a Rev to be a commander. My weaponsmith is 432.
Tldr: I would love it if someone got me either 300 for a commander tag or just weaponsmithing mats in general to get to 500. I really want to accomplish one of these tasks. Ty in advance!
Current Weaponsmithing Lvl: 432
Plot Twist: Elder Dragons are massive robots created by the Black Lion Trading Company.
Think of the money they make off weapons and armor…
(edited by thunderfall.8095)
piken square [EU]
Ahoy guys i am pretty shy and i did not want to post a request
but i wanted to try i know it is a big request but i am currently working
to get the volcanus trying to save up every penny to buy it i never had a cool skin in the game
I know it is a big request but if any one can help me with gold (even if its one coin) id appreciate it alot
i really feel bad asking for this but i would really appreciate the help !
(edited by MrPinks.2015)
Hello~ I was hoping for a Total Makeover Kit and some Transmutation Charges . I would be so happy for them
I would really like a Celestial Dye, if anything. (Everything else I would want is either soulbound armor/weapons, or a Ranger pet in HoT. :P )
Guild: Moonlit Renegades (Moon)
Highest-Level Toon: Markus Emmerich, 80 Human Scrapper
Aurora Glade [EU]
Hi ! I’m working on crafting all the precursor for many reasons..
Don’t worry.. i dont need much I just need 118 deldrimor steel ingots >.>
Would be a really cool gift if i can receive them soonish, since after work around 17.00 my annual leave will start.. and I can focus on SW, DT and fractals for my collection.
Don’t worry I will send all the materials needed back (got all the materials, just dont want to wait 40 days to craft them)
It would be really a great help if you can gift me your daily crafting cooldown.
Edit: Need 75 !
Thank you donor
Thank you
(if it is not allowed please let me know :< i couldn’t find anything)
(edited by Momo.5738)
Heya! I’m from EU and also in a similar predicament as the person above. As for me I am currently in middle of crafting nevermore and require a lot of spiritwood plank. 75 total. After asking around for friends to help I currently have 38 overall and still crafting.
So, I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to craft for me? I will be sending you the materials I just require you to gift me the daily cooldown. Thank you very very much.
In return I would not mind helping you with fractals or drawing your character! Thank you again.
Thank you to all my wonderful friends and guildies and the generous donor, I now only need 4 more planks! Thank you so so much <3
Edit: Thank you!! I got my nevermore last night…the achievements of 4 took me an entire day orz. Thank you again <3
(edited by Legilimens.6451)
Hi! Well, if anyone could give to me a sloth backpack i would be very thankful!
So I haven’t played guild wars in two years, but I recently got a new PC and I have begun to play again. I used my level 80 boost on a thief sylvari, but it’s my first leather wearing armor class and I have almost no gold. It would be greatly appreciated if someone could help me out with getting the tier 3 cultural, but it’s fine if you don’t want to.
i been playing gw2 for a decent while now though so far the 2 things that seem to stop my gameplay cold as ice is the need to constantly restock gathering tools & the lack of owning HoT.
If any one wants to be kind enough to gift me any infinite gathering tools or even a copy of HoT that would be fantastic cause at this time all my money goes to rent / my kids school shopping. Hope every one has a great time in game.
Thank you Mr./Mrs. Anonymous for the copy of HoT Me and my family all want to thank you for your generous gift.
(edited by Kaisoul.7498)
I would really like to get the Molten Alliance mining pick. However, I cannot afford the 800 gems right now as I am currently working on my ascended gear,so all my gold go to crafting materials,and ascended i need to participate in higher lvl fractals)And currently i seen that mining pick is on sale!So i would be werry gratefull for such a gift;)
Desire: Molten Alliance mining pick
Server: EU
Well im a returning player, after 3 years, decided to buy HoT expansion. When i entered my engineer, no legendary and no ascended weap and armor ofc. So decided to make ascended armors first. But struggling with materials, like Bolt of Damask, Elonian Leather Square, because of daily limit of crafting and also dont have enough gold. Also Yassith’s Viper’s Insignia and Lesser Vision Crystal too. im open to any help to craft ascended items
BTW im an achievements addict. if you want to help in game way to achieve more points im either open that too Thanks in advance
Hey all, I have been playing GW2 for a while now, and saw that ArenaNet has finally released a bow skin (Storm Bow) at 600 gems, but sadly it is only going to be available for a few days as a limited addition.
I have been waiting for a skin like this since I made my ranger, however, due to college classes just starting up, I barely have enough money to break even for another month, let alone the 6 days this skin is going to be available.
I know it may be a long shot, and I am one that doesn’t like to ask for help that often, but if anyone would be willing to help me out with the skin while its available, I would be VERY appreciative, and could even return the favor within a month once I am caught up financially.
Knetik (Alex)
Contact Info:
Knetik.4356, feel free to message me in-game or PM on the forums to talk.
BIG thanks to my gifter! I don’t wanna mention your name here so you don’t get harassed, but I appreciate it more than you know!
(edited by Knetik.4356)