I face a dilemma between Alt and Main...

I face a dilemma between Alt and Main...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

So I found my first Celestial Dye today… This might not be big news in anyone else’s neck of the woods, but for me, this is big news. In GW1 I farmed for months (as much as I could as a newly married guy with a full-time job) to get the sapphires and rubies required to make an elite set of Vabbian Armor for my dervish. The finishing touch to such armor was dying it all white.

It was awesome! I have been eagerly awaiting a white dye drop for some time, and I finally got it, needless to say, I AM EXCITED!

Here is the problem though. I found it on my ele alt, an alt that I am really really enjoying. I have a engineer main, and he is fun, but I am really enjoying my ele alt. I also have a ranger alt I like, a thief alt I can’t play, and a mesmer serving as a mule. Here is my predicament. Who do I give the dye to? Seeing as its unlockable on Character only (not the point of this thread by the way…), I have to choose one. My Engi alt who is lvl 52 or so, or my ele alt who is lvl 11, or my char ranger alt who is lvl 12.

Any advise? (They are all male by the way if that helps your suggestion making…)

I face a dilemma between Alt and Main...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


Which armor would look the coolest dyed white?
Which is your favorite character and what kind of colors do you use for each character?
If it is any help to you my husband plays a ranger and he dyes his armor white- any medium armor looks pretty cool in all white
good luck with your dilemma I can totally understand it

Gunnar’s Hold