Keybinding Help

Keybinding Help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jusanden.3897


I currently have a standard 101 key keyboard and a logitech g700. I’m currently using Taugrim’s keybinds:
It works great but doesn’t really utilize my mouse at all. Does anyone have any suggestions for mouse keybinds?

Keybinding Help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aeleniel.4973


I use my mouse buttons (there are only a few of them) for targeting controls – target nearest enemy, etc.

Tarnished Coast | Ranger | Mesmer | Guardian
Dynamics of Synergetics – DOS

Keybinding Help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ksielvin.1587


Compared to many games, I actually want to have a backwards button in GW2.

The mouse buttons are usually some of the most important keybindings that I need to use immediately, on demand. I experimented with many different setups in beta. Best choices I think were the ones that I want to press simultaneously with movement keys on my keyboard. Dodge on mouse 4 and skill 1 on mouse 3 are what I started with. Later I changed skill 1 to space and jump to mouse 3 and I’ve been really happy with it – thumbing space is also convenient while moving in any direction. Mouse 5 has been weapon swap but that could’ve been on Q or something.

Looking at my setups in other games, I could also use scroll_down or modifier+scroll for stun breaker for example. Haven’t bothered since GW2 doesn’t support that binding naturally.