LF raid training..Desperate will pay gold

LF raid training..Desperate will pay gold

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Applejuice.4083


LF Raid training. I will not use coms ( Discord,vent,ts,skype ) used it once, guy said he had a few people in the group who were training and I was welcomed to join in. I died once and this guy gave me a in real life death threat about him killing me and my family, started screaming derogatory things. I will not have that happen again. Please I really want to do raids. I will pay you to help me. I just made twilight and I will be willing to sell it and use the gold to pay for training.

LF raid training..Desperate will pay gold

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

LF raid training..Desperate will pay gold

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sigfodr.9576


You dont mention if you are EU or NA. But if EU then you are welcome to contact me ingame, I generally do ask for TS/discord, and I can promise no dead threats

We run every thursday btw

LF raid training..Desperate will pay gold

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Daedraz.1650


Welcome to online games where you will encounter all manners of deranged/flat out crazy people. Don’t let those people deter you from joining voice comms. The vast majority of people you will meet are perfectly normal people. Voice comms is very integral for successful raiding in any mmo game, and you shouldn’t let some nutcase deprive you of that. Raids in general, even training raids, require voice comms. There are a LOT of mechanics in raids and it is very time consuming for the raid instructor/commander to manually type everything out. Furthermore, a lot of these mechanics require very precise split second team coordination. That means there just is no time for someone to type “Mechanic X is happening at Location Y.” Failing to meet a lot of these mechanics will kill your entire team.

(edited by Daedraz.1650)