Mesmer PvP 1hSword/Torch Build. Mass illusions to stomp them all!

Mesmer PvP 1hSword/Torch Build. Mass illusions to stomp them all!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Deepblue.1237


Hey Guys,

after reading a few other posts about how “weak” a mesmer in PVP is i thought i just might share my PVP build. I mostly play sPVP and win around 90% of the 1on1s i get into. You also have a chance to win some 2on1 situations depending on the enemys skill and their classes.

My build is based on the “Bleeding on illusion Crit” trait you can get out of the Dueling Tree. In combination with stacked conditional damage you can get up to 12-18 stacks of bleeding (ticking for 105 dmg per second) on your opponent just from constantly spawning illusions while kiting/stealthing/dodging your enemy.

Please realize that this build is not really a close combat build because you will get destroyed in a few hits by most meeles. The key to success is to pull out as many illusions (NOT/NO Phantasms) as you can. Most important to archive a massive flow of illusions is the “Spawn illusion on dogde” trait.

What you do:

Kite the enemy with your stealth/illusions until blurred frenzy is off cd. Use illusionary leap and switch position with your leaps illusion to root the enemy. As soon as the enemy is rooted Use blurred frenzy to deal damage. As soon as blurred frenzy is on cd again start kiting and spawning illusions.

This build needs a lot of proper timing but as soon as you get a feeling for it people will go mad at you because they simply get swarmed by an army of your clones crippling them again and again and again while your sitting back kiting, healing and waiting for your cds to get off cd and go close quarter again.


Condition Damage

Give it a try and i bet you will have a lot of fun. Feel free to ask any question you come up with.

Best Regards