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Posted by: RAZR.6124


Just starting up so am looking for a fun class to play, but not an entirely easy class as well as hard to learn. I like up class fighting lol. I had been looking at dual dagger necro, but I am not for sure on that just looking for some help thnx

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Posted by: oxtred.7658


For what content? Necro is a fun class, but it’s the least desirable class in pve dungeons right now, and has been for a while, so it may be better to invest some time in another profession first. Hardest classes are elementalists and engineers, i’d say.

Also, welcome.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

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in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RAZR.6124


Hmm im more of a pve guy lol so guess necro is a no lol

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Posted by: oxtred.7658


If you’re looking for a hard to master class, try elementalist. The new leveling system being garbage, you need to level your char to about 40 to gain access to most of the things, so try out a bit of everything. What are you looking for? Offensive buffer, defensive buffer, utility only class, mostly damage class, classes with evades, invul, blocks? All classes are fun to play, but their gameplay is really different, thieves and rangers are evasive classes with access to a lot of in combat mobility and bonus damage while flanking, warriors are naturally resistant but doesn’t have blocks or vigor, they are highly mobile, guardians are a great addition to a group due to their party wide defensive utilities, eles and engis are aoe heavy classes with a lot of fields and blasts, allowing them to use the combo mechanic without any help, mesmer is an utility class with a lot of situational skills like portal for instance.. etc.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

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Posted by: Elsdragon.5109


As oxtred has said, each class plays differently and while most people would agree that Elementalists and Engineers are the hardest classes to play, each class has their own nuances that make them fun and challenging to master. My suggestion is to try each one for yourself before settling with a particular one.

With regards to Necro in PvE, if you can find a good guild to play with that doesn’t go for min/max-ing or efficiency runs, then you can use Necro’s for PvE. His advice is really only for PuG-ing and stuff. Unless of course, you like to do those as well. If so, then maybe not choosing Necro would be best.

Don’t let others color the leveling experience before you try it. There are points wherein it can be improved, but it’s not all bad. You actually get all your skills by level 31 now (provided you have enough skill points). Let your own experience speak for itself.

And welcome to Tyria.

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Posted by: Laela.1506


I recommend the thief. It’s not easy but it’s more fun than I thought it would be. Warrior was fun because of all the weapon combos you can choose. My fav is the ranger, but it’s super easy – but it was my first and I was a freak about collecting all the pets. XD Necro has pretty much a double life, and minions… but haven’t quite gotten into my necro yet. We shall see. Ele was the hardest for me. So squishy! I feel squirrelly playing that class. lol. Guardian got really boring… Engineers are awesome in dungeons just lighting up the place with bombs. Very helpful in those scenarios where theres little baddies everywhere coming out of the ground. Hope this helped. It’s all a matter of a opinion though, for sure.

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Posted by: RAZR.6124


I am just more of a all out damage person up close and personal lol but thank you to everyone that has thrown in their tips and all I am debating on thief, warrior, or ranger because I do kind of like the idea of collecting pets now it’s just something extra to do in the game lol