Orders of Tyria
Your next 3 quests will allow you to try out each order, how they operate, what their quests are like. After the 3rd one, you’ll have to choose one of the orders, which is a permanent decision, and affects your quests till lvl 50. Also you might want to check out how each order’s armor looks like, cause you’ll only be able to get the armor of your order (though it’s possible to get other order’s armor if you make other characters).
A link to an armor viewing site: http://www.gw2armor.com/
Does it affect what dungeons I can do? Or guilds that will want me?
The three orders offer different story missions in the mid-game, and have different cultural armor/weapons. The Vigil-specific story focuses on direct confrontations, the Order of Whispers on snaking around, gathering information, etc. and the Durmand Priory’s on seeking knowledge. Since this is an MMO, most of the stories involve some type of combat, however in the mid-game, I found choosing the Vigil path to offer more combat that the other two. Since there are choices to make in each path, others experiences may differ based on the option(s) they chose. Also, once you get to the level 50 story, the story paths start to converge, so the differences become smaller.
Does it affect what dungeons I can do? Or guilds that will want me?
No effect on dungeons. It’s extremely unlikely that guilds are based on order choice.
Oh okay cool. Is there somewhere I can see the different weapons they offer?
Ok first off all, the definite point of no return is when you are offered to choose between all 3 orders. untill then you got time to think wich one you prefer.
1: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Durmand_Priory_armor
2: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Order_of_Whispers_armor
3: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vigil_armor
Keep in mind that you can dye all armor in any colour you want. so when judging don’t look at colour’s and shinyness
Arise, opressed of Tyria!