SAB World 2 Zone 2 - What is this?

SAB World 2 Zone 2 - What is this?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glaivecar.3087


I feel like this is a secret that NO ONE is talking about. Pics attached, there is a weird stone wall in one of the assassin’s pagodas and I don’t know how to get to the other side. I’m thinking it must not have anything to do with an achievement or anything, since all the walk-throughs and video guides I can find make NO mention of it. But I still want to know! Does anyone know what it does, how to get past it, and what that item on the other side is?? Thanks in advance


SAB World 2 Zone 2 - What is this?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


We’ve been wondering about this since the last time SAB was around. Everyone surmised that the wall could be broken after getting some kind of upgrade in world 3. But since anet doesn’t have any plans to make world 3 happen, we may never know what that thing behind the wall is supposed to be.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

SAB World 2 Zone 2 - What is this?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I’ve been wondering about it too.

I assumed it was one of the secret rooms until I finally got that achievement and I didn’t need to go in there.

I’ve tried everything I can think of to get in there – bombing every part of the wall, trying to chuck a bomb over the wall to hit that thing on the other side which looks like an explosive, using the checkpoint to throw me onto a ledge on the wall (couldn’t see one, but I thought there might be a very narrow one that’s not easily visible), bombing the wall from the outside…

I think you’re right that it probably needs another item to get in there, which we don’t have access to yet.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

SAB World 2 Zone 2 - What is this?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Leaa.2943

Look at the skill gloves of wisdom

Wiki is always your best friend in game

SAB World 2 Zone 2 - What is this?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glaivecar.3087

Look at the skill gloves of wisdom

Wiki is always your best friend in game

I don’t know what you’re trying to say here. There is very little info on the wiki, and it doesn’t mention the block I’m looking at in the original post. Believe me, the gloves were the first thing I tried. They don’t work. The symbol on blocks that you can push is different, so I thought I’d have to use something else anyway? All the blocks that you can push have this kind of spiral shape. That wall thing is the only place where I’ve seen that arrow pointing down.


(edited by Glaivecar.3087)

SAB World 2 Zone 2 - What is this?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Leaa.2943


Walk through video will show you how to make it. And the reason why that block is not mentioned is because it vanish when you kill the mob in the room.

As for the other blocks, the rule is to face the glove mark and push it forward. If the lines around the blocks are white they are not on the right position so you keep on pushing it until the white marks vanish. In that particular situation with the pic on the last post you also have the lazors to think about and it can be tricky first time you are there to push the blocks to the right spot so you can use the jump pad in the middle.

SAB World 2 Zone 2 - What is this?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tisiphone The Just.9237

Tisiphone The Just.9237

You’re wrong… again. The video shows you how to make it, which is not what’s asked. You’re trying HARD to ignore the actual question. The screenshots of the other blocks were to show you that the icon for “use 9 skill here” is DIFFERENT from the thing in the screenshot (which 9 skill does nothing to and does NOT go away when you kill all the mobs). Before you attempted to troll or maybe answer, others gave the real answer. It appears to be something that has not been implemented, perhaps relying on something they planned in world 3. He is AWARE that that little area is not necessary, but was curious about how/if it’s possible to get in (answer: can’t yet). Wiki isn’t our friend here. That youtube video doesn’t even seem to LOOK at it, so that’s equally useless, and a lot of buffering to find the part where she’s even near it as you linked to the start of the video.

SAB World 2 Zone 2 - What is this?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Duke Darkwood.4237

Duke Darkwood.4237

I’m staring right at it, right now. It is distinct from the normal “glove” icon, in that it appears to be a fist, not an open hand, and there is a very prominent down arrow that the normal glove icons do not have.

Behind it is a room, empty except for some sort of bag with smoke (or something similar) coming out of it.

I am assuming we will get an upgrade to the glove in world 3 (or 4), so we will just have to wait and see. (I remain optimistic that “no current plans” is not the same as “never ever”, and that when they aren’t frantically busy with a still-fresh expansion, I hope they remember dear old Moto.)

Remember that World 1-3 contains a spot where you use the glove we obtained in world 2-2. We cannot truly say we know everything about the Super Adventure Box so long as it remains unfinished, and the Wiki is only as good as our own knowledge.

And, in some cases, industriousness. For instance:

I would not call this page of the wiki my friend, as it currently stands.

SAB World 2 Zone 2 - What is this?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sariel V.7024

Sariel V.7024

A couple of things unmentioned here (but there’s plenty of threads on this):

The Glove is called the Glove of Wisdom. The little swirl in the palm of the glove is a New Krytan ‘W’. W for Wisdom.

The arrow symbol is a New Krytan ‘P’. P for…. well, assuming Glove of Wisdom is a reference to the Triforce of Wisdom, the P probably stands for the Glove of Power.

Obviously we don’t have this, though I’ve always wondered if that area in 1-3 wasn’t hiding it.

(edited by Sariel V.7024)

SAB World 2 Zone 2 - What is this?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sariel V.7024

Sariel V.7024

As for the item, it’s an upgrade but we don’t know for what. I figured it was for bombs. I’ve also heard for bauble storage.

SAB World 2 Zone 2 - What is this?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I’m sure I’ve seen an explosive somewhere (possible tribulation mode?) which looked like that item, but I can’t think where it was.

Incidentally it occurred to me the other day that the weapon swap icon appears in SAB but is greyed out. There are 3 items currently available which change your skill bar and the bomb and slingshot have their own switch icon (on skill 5) and the wooden whistle replaces the weapon swap symbol with the drop bundle one.

Which makes me think we may well get totally new items in future worlds that aren’t upgrades of our current ones.

(It’s not guaranteed, they may have left it in there so they have the option, or they may have just forgotten to remove it but that seems unlikely since everything else about the skill bar is changed and they drew a SAB version of weapon swap.)

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”