Unique Ascended (sad story)

Unique Ascended (sad story)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: FMzex.8267


here is the story of my friend which nearly complete his full build. At 1st he use a month to farm Laurels buy 1st ascended accessory (golden relic of rin) for his guardian, then another month he using the same amount Laurels which is 40 to buy the second ascended accessory (golden relic of rin). At 1st when he try to equip is fail, he thought that is a bug then he take out the 1st ascended accessory (golden relic of rin) and try the second one.(this is the move which make him really regret what he done) ya now he got 2 same stats ascended accessory and only equip 1 from those 2 which make him waste his 40 laurel. If got a solution to turn back the other ascended accessory to Laurel he was really appreciate or if cant please make that item can be account bound to use by his another char. My english was bad, i just wan to try help my friend up here. His game id is Lightsoul.3617

Unique Ascended (sad story)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: FMzex.8267


btw, why he make this wrong step. because he bought the exotic accessory can be equip same name, so he assume the ascended can be equip the same name as well.

Unique Ascended (sad story)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Wait for infused accessory options. Infuse one of them. You can now wear both.

Unique Ascended (sad story)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: FMzex.8267


how long the infused accessory option will come out? within this month? thanks for the reply Esplen. there is a hope there.

Unique Ascended (sad story)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cymric.7368


Get your friend to submit a support ticket. I remember seeing a post where the op did the same thing and got a refund eventually. They really need to be clear on what “unique” means.

Unique Ascended (sad story)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Navi.7142


Yeah, he really should contact support.
They have refunded another ascended item several times before to other players (that have made the same mistake).
Good luck! :-)

Unique Ascended (sad story)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Navi.7142


And did he get a refund? =)

Unique Ascended (sad story)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mystic.5934


create a support ticket. I’ve heard of people getting a refund, but if nothing else, it’s one more vote for “your wording is incomprehensible and this needs to be fixed”