What programs do I need to use a controller?

What programs do I need to use a controller?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: EQuake.3456


I want to use my PS4’s controller to play GW2, what do I need to install to use it? I know the button layout I want, but no clue how to actually get it to work with the game. I’m about to plug it into the laptop for the first time, so this is from scratch. I’ve hear people talking about xpadder, is that what I need?

What programs do I need to use a controller?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DreamyAbaddon.3265


I highly recommend you to NEVER use PS3 or PS4 controllers for PC gaming.

While these controllers are truly awesome in their console counterparts, Windows PC is designed by Microsoft and they HATE Sony… So Sony Controllers will have issues or problems setting up on the PC since it’s Never designed for it.

I Highly recommend the Xbox360 Controller because it was designed to work with PC Windows natively. All Controller friendly PC games support Xbox360 controller. Just Plug & Play!!! No hassle needed!

GW2 does not support any Controllers, But since you are using Xpadder like I am, then it will work as long as your layouts are done well.

The problem is, with Xpadder, your analog sticks will not be recognized from the PS3 or PS4 controller. Again, need to go through another 3rd party program (Hassle) to make it work but will never work as well as Xbox Controller in the end.

I recommend you buy Xbox360 controller for PC. That way, Xpadder and other controller friendly support games on PC will be a plug & play solution!

Good luck!

What programs do I need to use a controller?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: EQuake.3456


I downloaded some drivers and my laptop is now recognizing my DS4 controller as a 360 controller (woohoo). The pre-installed games like minesweeper and chess are working like a charm but GW2 still isn’t working with it. What am I missing?

What programs do I need to use a controller?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DreamyAbaddon.3265


I downloaded some drivers and my laptop is now recognizing my DS4 controller as a 360 controller (woohoo). The pre-installed games like minesweeper and chess are working like a charm but GW2 still isn’t working with it. What am I missing?

Your Xpadder is not working?

What programs do I need to use a controller?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: EQuake.3456


I downloaded xpadder and a gw2 layout for it. I can’t open the layout on xpaddee and I can’t get either to work with gw2

What programs do I need to use a controller?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DreamyAbaddon.3265


I downloaded xpadder and a gw2 layout for it. I can’t open the layout on xpaddee and I can’t get either to work with gw2

Close Xpadder completely and the Game.

Right Click Xpadder and Open as Admin.
Right Click GW2 and Open as Admin.

This should solve your problem. Give it a try.
But you might need to restart your PC since I don’t think there is a way to quit Xpadder. lol

What programs do I need to use a controller?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: EQuake.3456



What programs do I need to use a controller?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DreamyAbaddon.3265



Im going to assume it works now! ^-^ Congrats!

What programs do I need to use a controller?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: EQuake.3456


Still having some mapping issues, for example to look up and down you need to right click and move the mouse up or down. I have right click + mouse down to look down, and right click + mouse up to look up. The issue is that if you right click and push arrow right or arrow left you strafe. Essentially right click and left or right arrow functions as the A and D keys. So, when I’m running in circle keep the camera on my enemy i have to move the left analong stick to the right and the right analong stick to the left, and if I move the right analog horizontaly my character strafes left, but he can’t because I’m strafing right with the left stick, so he stops moving >.>

What programs do I need to use a controller?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: EQuake.3456


Got it. I had keyturn instead of mouseturn.

What programs do I need to use a controller?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: EQuake.3456


Alright, I’ve got it all figured out. This is a blast!

What programs do I need to use a controller?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Donari.5237


I’m curious, how is a controller better for playing the game? I ask because I am a fuddy duddy who grew up before controller systems. A joystick with two whole buttons, one on the stick and one on the base, was a huge deal. When Portal came out I tried playing it and ended up having my husband handle the controls while I helped figure out the puzzles.

My main query, though, is what the heck you do when you want to type in chat. With keyboard/mouse I can quickly switch modes between movement/combat and text entry. I’m sort of imagining you flinging down the controller so you can /say something and then fumbling to pick it back up as a Risen jumps you.

What programs do I need to use a controller?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DreamyAbaddon.3265


I’m curious, how is a controller better for playing the game? I ask because I am a fuddy duddy who grew up before controller systems. A joystick with two whole buttons, one on the stick and one on the base, was a huge deal. When Portal came out I tried playing it and ended up having my husband handle the controls while I helped figure out the puzzles.

My main query, though, is what the heck you do when you want to type in chat. With keyboard/mouse I can quickly switch modes between movement/combat and text entry. I’m sort of imagining you flinging down the controller so you can /say something and then fumbling to pick it back up as a Risen jumps you.

First off, You could have your PC connected to your TV, and sit in the couch relaxing with the Controller, while having a keyboard rested on your lap if you so desire to type.

Second, You don’t need a mouse if your controller layout is good.

Here is my layout:

(Right Analog Stick) = Camera
(Left Analog Stick) = Movement
(Right Bumper) = Dodge

(A) = Skill1
(X) = Skill2
(Y) = Skill3
(B) = Skill4
(Right Trigger) – Skill5

(Left Bumper) while held down, (A) = Skill6
(Left Bumper) while held down, (X) = Skill7
(Left Bumper) while held down, (Y) = Skill8
(Left Bumper) while held down, (B) = Skill9
(Left Bumper) while held down, (Right Trigger) = Skill0

(Left-Dpad) = F1
(Up-Dpad) = F2
(Right-Dpad) = F3
(Down-Dpad) = F4

(Right Trigger) while held down, (X) = Target
(Right Trigger) while held down, (Y) = Swap Weapons
(Right Trigger) while held down, (B) = Cancel
(Right Trigger) while held down, (A) = Jump.

If I want to use the menu and the cursor, I press the (Start) button and my layouts change for easy to use menu and cursor.

Plus, I Skype for voice chat with friends while gaming, it’s easy either way.
=) You just need a good layout to do it well.

What programs do I need to use a controller?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: EQuake.3456


Abbadon nailed it. Not exactly the layout I’m using, but I’m still messing with it. I’m enjoying GW2 much much more with a controller then I ever did a keyboard. All I’m using the keyboard for is to type and to still call targets and link things in chat, but I’ll fix that soon. I still have some kinks to work out though and could use some help.

1.) I have it set so when I hold R2 I can freely move the mouse with the left stick. I did this so I can close the medals I get and loot mats I’ve gathered, but when I do this I zoom in. How do I stop from zooming in? As of now I have the left stick moving the mouse and then the right stixk to zoom back out.

2.) I have circle set as a 1 way selector to open the map. It opens the map and swaps my control scheme to another allowing me to move the cursor to select a WP to travel too. If I have the map open and then close it (triangle) I can continue playing without a hitch, but if I travel to a wp the control scheme doesn’t change back and I can’t move until I minimize gw2 and manually change it.

3.) I get stuck moving once in a while. If I’m moving or atrafing around an enemy sometimes I get stuck running or spinning for a second or two.

4.) My framerate drops, why? Normally I run at around 10-13 fps (like a boss :-P) but with a cobtrollert in it drops to about 5-7. Is this due to the ram having to run the controller program and the game at the same time?

What programs do I need to use a controller?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: EQuake.3456


My layout at the moment is as follows.

Layout 1:
Left stick- move
Right stick- camera
X- activate (F key)
O- Map (switch to layout 2)
[ ]- Attack 1
Triangle- Attack 2
L1- Attack 3
R1- Attack 4
R2- While held, switch to layout 2
L2- While held, switch to layout 3
Options- Hero menu, switch to layout 2
Share- Open options, switch to layout 2
D-pad Up- F1
D-pad right- F2
D-pad down- F3
D-pad left- Weapon swap
Left stick click- dodge
Right stick click- jump

Layout 2:
Left stick- moves cursor
Right stick- zoom in and out
X- left click
Triangle- close map
[ ]- close hero menu

Layout 3:
L2 + R1- skill 5
L2 + Triangle- heal
L2 + [ ]- skill 7
L2 + O- skill 8
L2 + R2- skill 0

Loving this layout so far. I tweak a button or 2, play a xouple minutes, tweak

What programs do I need to use a controller?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: EQuake.3456


PvE is going swimmingly. I’ve done dungeons, champ trains in Queensdale and Frostgorge, a Scarlett event, crafted, gathered mats, everything you can do in PvE, and nobody has any idea I’m using a controller until say something about it.

What programs do I need to use a controller?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ScaffaBoy.7214


I hope somebody will still respond to this question. But what kind of programm can you use to convert the DS4 controller to a XBOX360 controller.

What programs do I need to use a controller?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CandraKirana.8439


I’ve used input mapper which is free and donation based for the ds4 controller before but I haven’t used it recently and I don’t know that it will with with gw2, but that would probably be a good one to try. It was pretty good the last time I used it and I know they have updated it recently. I might try this because I’ve been using the Xbox one controller for gw2 with xpadder and I’m getting inconsistent playing results. Sometimes my controller will switch sets on me in the middle of my playing and I’m not sure why. Any suggestions on why it would do this would be appreciated.

What programs do I need to use a controller?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Spacial.1683


I tried Xpadder with a controller.

It worked fine apart from the camera not scrolling with the character direction.

I’d be running along, turn left, say and see my character side on.

Anyone else had that problem?

I haven’t really used the controller very much because of that.