What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silentstorm.7531


I went as far as making vids on how to make gold through out your gaming experience.
Just to help people not rely on bots or rmt companies. Also recently made one on my original statement on what endgame really is and what to do at 80. You can see part
One, Two, Three, Four of that in those links. If you don’t want to watch vids ill do a quick list below as well.

*Now that you are 80 first thing i’ll tell is go back and experience what you ran through again. This game has alot of secrets that you miss on that treadmill up to 80.
*Second thing i’ll suggest is get some cheap exotic gear. They usually got btw 1-2g you should be able to afford a few pieces. If you cant use the methods from the vid links in part 1 and 2 above..
*Next now that your a bit more geared choose a nice build for pve and pvp. People kinda make the mistake of trying to use the same build for both. Yes that can work but it’s really not very optimal.
*Next I suggest working on trade skills farming for them. Yes I know that is boring as all hell but hey. If you want those legendaries get cracking.
*Finish out all your dungeons and explorable modes this wont be easy. For the hardcore looking for a challenge and something a little raid worth this is it.
*Finish your map completetion this isn’t THAT hard but figuring out vistas will challenge your navigating skills.
*WVW this game has awesome and fun pvp why not try it? Get your gear up pvp wise and rank. Some people act scared of pvp but you shouldn’t be. Just take some time and practice to get good at it.
*Try to get all your Achievements this will take some time.I’m currently trying to go through all mine its hard work. But for you people who like to master games it’s right up your alley.
*Find all the games secrets this game should be called Easter Egg because it has so many. I bet 95% of the games population missed a vast majority of them.
*Level Your guild yea i know who cares but its there and worth doing. Especially if your a alt person or farming karma why not?
*Experiment with the mystic forge I am not going to sit here and post all the recipes. But it has alot and is worth looking into. I put a extensive link list in the 3rd vid on that.
*Look the part what I mean by this is find a style in game and try to be original. This game leaves alot of wiggle room for personal style.
*Beat every zone event boss meta event boss. This will take time because you won’t always succeed or be surrounded by people who just die lol.

You pretty much get the point you have alot to do. No it won’t be a super big boss you need a guild to conquer waiting for you. People complained for years saying everything is a Wow/EQ clone. Or they wanted a game like wow with better graphics (Rift). Explore your options you got plenty to do here and look good doing it. I didn’t say everything because somethings are better you find out on your own.

Added Part 6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqHybDk4krk

(edited by Silentstorm.7531)

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silentstorm.7531


I split this post from the original at the request from the mod. The bot part of this post is in that long bots what to do about them.

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silentstorm.7531


Feel free to add on this I just didnt want to be the one whose the spoiler. I appreciate the vid comments but say them here. Makes for a better discussion.

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Scorpio.3821


Legendary weapons…

Legate of the Legion.

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


Legendary weapons…

Which will take you awhile. For an average gamer I’d say atleast three months if you don’t nothing, but work on it.

The endgame is great too me. It’s a bit overwhelming sometimes.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

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Posted by: TrickSmartly.7391


Only acquiring legendaries is endgame. All of the other things listed are not endgame. There is little or no endgame in gw2 and if that’s what you’re looking for then I’d like to make my own guide.

GW2 Endgame guide :

1) Play another game.

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Gohlar.3671


So basically:

fluff fluff fluff…theme park theme park…fluff fluff…broken horrible dungeons, no rewards in World Vs World …. and explore things?

Wow, that sounds…..great?

What I have a hard time believing is that Anet honestly thought this was a good idea.

Did they have to hurry release? “The Endgame Reimagined” is still the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen a dev have the audacity to say (besides Jay Wilson comments).

2012 has been a crappy year for mmos.

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nethelli.4023


So basically:

fluff fluff fluff…theme park theme park…fluff fluff…broken horrible dungeons, no rewards in World Vs World …. and explore things?

Wow, that sounds…..great?

What I have a hard time believing is that Anet honestly thought this was a good idea.

Did they have to hurry release? “The Endgame Reimagined” is still the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen a dev have the audacity to say (besides Jay Wilson comments).

2012 has been a crappy year for mmos.

The first two weeks of this game were wonderful. I had a blast leveling, I got to enjoy myself for hours on end each day, and all around, I thought this game was pretty great.

Now, here we are just over a month in and I have run out of things to do.

  • World completion? You can easily knock out 3-4 zones a day, so that disappears rapidly.
  • World versus World? More like Player vs Wall. It’s fun for an hour or two, but then it gets boring.
  • sPvP? Four maps, one game mode. Thrilling. The novelty wears off within a couple of days.
  • Mini Games? Cute, for a little while, but has no real value. Pointless time sink within a time sink (cue Xzibit meme)
  • Dungeons? Both the designers and testers have failed at this facet of an MMO. Trash harder than bosses? Progress-blocking bugs? Bosses whose mechanics can be completely ignored while the group zergs blindly? What a mess. Not many people are willing to put up with this for very long. Usually just long enough to get the gear they want, and then they never go back.
  • Gear? Once you have an exotic with the stats you want (easily obtained in a matter of hours), you’re done. You no longer need to worry about that slot. In a single week, you can obtain a full set of exotic gear with relative ease, or in a few minutes, if you have the cash. It’s simply too easy to cap out your stats.
  • Achievements? Yes, let me spend weeks of my time going above and beyond to collect virtual points for no reward at all. I realize it’s a game, but achievements are really just a chore list and I’m not buying into it. It’s simply not viable as a method to retain customers.
  • Crafting? Well, it’s nice if you want legendaries, but since the market is an absolute train wreck and getting worse all the time, it’s extremely hard to make any profit with this. Why spend the time and money leveling when it’s cheaper to just buy whatever you wanted from the profession and sell the raw materials you’ve collected? Total write-off.
  • Easter Egg Hunting? Well now you’re just getting desperate, though I’ll admit that the chickens in Ebonhawke made me laugh while I fled for my little life. Still, not viable for customer retention.
  • Guilds? Well, the rewards you get are minimal at best, but what really irks me is that the system encourages zerg guilds who invite everyone. Yet another grind that can be completed quickly (based on guild size) and thus isn’t going to keep people coming back.
  • Collections? Personally, I’m not interested in spending time collecting minis to flood my bags, and I doubt this would hold anyone’s attention for very long anyhow. You could expand into tonics and other collectibles, but the problem is still the same – it’s impossible to keep people interested with something so minor.

I know some of these can be chalked up to my own cynicism (really, I consider achievements to be video game cancer and I will never actively participate in obtaining them simply for the sake of having more) but a lot of these are legitimate issues. I just don’t see this game having any longevity because there’s so little to occupy players at level 80. The whole “everything is endgame” paradigm sounded good in theory, but seems to flop in practice.

Guildmaster of Nerd Herd [NERD] (Tarnished Coast)
Nethalia Frostmane [Ranger], Lyzanxia Unsu [Engineer]
Torg Darkmaw [Thief], Zekka The Architect [Elementalist]

(edited by Nethelli.4023)

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silentstorm.7531


Well this is the vanilla for them I’m giving them time to figure it out. And it’s not like we pay monthly fees. Someone mention fluff well that (fluff) is still content. Just not glorified overrated raiding. The dungeons I aggree are a mess and whoever is in charge should be fired you failed at that. It’s a case of a excellent idea in the wrong hands or not enough testers.

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silentstorm.7531


Between you can’t make up your own defintion of what YOU yes YOU believe is endgame. Like I said originally doesn’t matter if you don’t like what the end game is. That is what it is whether its fluff or a world destroyer its all in the same box. Now somethings maybe more popular then others. And again this is all about what someone wants to do.

You look at other games people complain about the raiding endgame saying the game lacks content elsewhere. Well now you got content elsewhere and your complaining basically because it has no raiding endgame lol…This is kinda why dev’s don’t listen to the public. The public contradicts itself and often looks like a spoiled kid as a whole.

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silentstorm.7531


Added and changed a few things as requested

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silentstorm.7531


Ofcourse a patch comes and nerfs alot of my guide incoming redo

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ubung.7423


Between you can’t make up your own defintion of what YOU yes YOU believe is endgame. Like I said originally doesn’t matter if you don’t like what the end game is. That is what it is whether its fluff or a world destroyer its all in the same box. Now somethings maybe more popular then others. And again this is all about what someone wants to do.

You look at other games people complain about the raiding endgame saying the game lacks content elsewhere. Well now you got content elsewhere and your complaining basically because it has no raiding endgame lol…This is kinda why dev’s don’t listen to the public. The public contradicts itself and often looks like a spoiled kid as a whole.

The public doesnt contradict itself. The public cannot be treated as a single entity. There are multiple preferences for types of content dependant on the individual. Your right people complained there a was a lack of stuff to do except raid, so the thing they shouldve done is add both raids and the other stuff.

It would be relatively easy to add raiding to the current game. While keeping the overall ethos of the game. Explorable dungeons are nigh on raids themselves, the only thing thats missing is group size. If the dungeons were tuned correctly they could easily become the raid experience. Below ive copied my thoughts from another topic so you know how it should be implemented to keep it fair.

“Id like to see raids or 10 / 20 man dungeons added to the game. But let me tell you from an experienced raider from several mmo’s including wow. Any raiding added to GW2 needs to be totally optional. It needs to offer rewards that are the same stat wise as any other top gear in the game. Even just offer dungeon gear, make it an alternative way to farm for your dungeon set. It should also be content that has a 5 man mode so everyone can experience it.

Anyone who actually enjoyed raiding for the challenge and the teamwork it offered would be happy with that deal. With this GW2 could appeal to another demographic (bringing in more gem shop sales, in my opinion people who raid would spend more as they have a strong attachment to the game) without affecting its current ethos."

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silentstorm.7531


I like your view but I don’t think they are too interested in 10/20 man raids. They maybe trying to avoid it so as they don’t get bunched into the rifts/aions/swtor/wow list. I would suggest finding a whole new unheard of way to raid. Like maybe a conquest type of setting where players get warped into a giant on going fight.

Where it takes group efforts from everyone there to move the whole area into the next stage or fail and be basically kicked out. But if they want to keep the same feeling dont allow it to be queue’d as a team. Make enough of this and people wouldn’t be so emo about lack of things to fight.

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: byjiang.1260


GW2 Endgame guide :

1) Play another game.

Every good (or bad) thing has an end. WoW averted this fate by dangling new carrots in front of your nose every few months. IMO that’s letting the game play you instead of you playing the game. The pleasure of enjoying a video game is replaced with the lust for shiny purple gear, which inevitably leaves me feeling empty.

When you’ve done all you could or want in this game, it’s time to move on. No one’s preventing you from coming back when there’s something new.

Just my $0.02.

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ubung.7423


I like your view but I don’t think they are too interested in 10/20 man raids. They maybe trying to avoid it so as they don’t get bunched into the rifts/aions/swtor/wow list. I would suggest finding a whole new unheard of way to raid. Like maybe a conquest type of setting where players get warped into a giant on going fight.

Where it takes group efforts from everyone there to move the whole area into the next stage or fail and be basically kicked out. But if they want to keep the same feeling dont allow it to be queue’d as a team. Make enough of this and people wouldn’t be so emo about lack of things to fight.

Somewhat like instanced dynamic events thats are way tougher than the outdoor world ones (which currently arnt even close to hard enough to replace raiding). I like that idea. You’d have to allow for team queueing or it wouldnt replace raids for guilds. To replace raids something must be both very difficult and allow for large guild groups to organise a night for them.

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silentstorm.7531


I agree hey arena net pass the info along maybe try this idea might work lol…

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silentstorm.7531


Wondering if we could get maybe a Anet tester to atleast look at the ladder suggestions

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silentstorm.7531


Doesn’t appear so figured I’d give it a shot anyway lol

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cutsforhugs.9730


People still need to give the game some breathing room. It has only been out for about 2½ months. And most of that time has been focused on fixing broken stuff rather than improving.

The only issue I find with endgame is that I wish it was a ladder in gear to some extent. i.e. You get this gear, then there is better gear from harder dungeons that relies on both skills and gear.

Raids won’t work in this game. I highly doubt it. They could add it, sure, but it wouldn’t be a piece of cake to balance at all.

The funny thing I find is that people is bashing it’s endgame without giving it any room to expand first. They try new ideas, of course there is chances it won’t be right the first couple of times.

Though, credit where credit is due, the game itself was worth the price. It just needs some ironing out.

If life gives you lemons, make a combustible lemon that will BURN PEOPLE’S HOUSE DOWN!

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dead.7385


Raids won’t work in this game. I highly doubt it. They could add it, sure, but it wouldn’t be a piece of cake to balance at all.

If they did add raids I can’t wait to read the one shot posts. Raids without agro management would be tough to do, unless they made all bosses kinda static like the dragons etc.

But if they did you could toss “Legendary” armor skins on the token raid vendors. That would be kinda neat.

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ubung.7423


Raids won’t work in this game. I highly doubt it. They could add it, sure, but it wouldn’t be a piece of cake to balance at all.

If they did add raids I can’t wait to read the one shot posts. Raids without agro management would be tough to do, unless they made all bosses kinda static like the dragons etc.

But if they did you could toss “Legendary” armor skins on the token raid vendors. That would be kinda neat.

They would have to be designed in a slightly different way tbh. The dungeons could also use this. Switch the damage away from the auto attack and into skills. Add more obvious telegraphs. Make their skills interesting e.g like the golem guy from citadel of flame.

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dead.7385



I agree with ya. Although don’t discount a lot of dungeons. They do have tells. Just from memory.

AC – Scream attack is easily seen as it has a ridiculous windup time: – bosses such as the big spirit scream (5 scepter path) is crazy easy to notice. He even does a nice dance during the fight (I believe that is when he summons adds).

CM – Sureshot – He will stand take aim and shoot. He won’t turn etc when he does his big knockback shot – that is your window to run through him/around him to avoid. The bomb boss signal is the when he turns toward you and begins to move his arm – that is your signal to move left/right.

CMStory: The golem iirc (been awhile) will always do his BIG major missile attack AFTER the laser attack.

TA – Spider boss (not the spider chick, but the one before it iirc) – It has the exact same image for attacks on both of its major attacks: Poison breath/Poison AE. They key thing to note is that it will ALWAYS alternate between attacks. Breath/AE/Breath/AE/Breath/AE. You can always predict when it will hit.

Arah – Giganticus phase 2 is fairly easy to know when to dodge as his teleport is easily visable. Can’t specifically say it as I have killed him once, but it was definitely noticible.

The mobs I can’t tell are Butcher from HoTW (And others I can’t recall): I haven’t looked for attack patterns etc, but it just felt all random for me. Might be wrong as I am definitely not the best player ever.

They do have to finesse it though.

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silentstorm.7531


Well my motto in this game is we already paid the membership. So let the company bring the game up to speed. I don’t think raids belong either but we need a little bit more PVE wise. Like I said above maybe they can make up something no ones ever done.

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cutsforhugs.9730


Luckily enough it ain’t like signing a contract and forcing us to pay monthly ‘least. Money well spent, despite it’s flaws.

But yeah, I’m going to hold off with my judgments until I’ve seen them try to expand it ’nyways.

If life gives you lemons, make a combustible lemon that will BURN PEOPLE’S HOUSE DOWN!

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ubung.7423



I agree with you. The game does have some interesting bosses. They just need to make more like those. The more interesting mechanics, the more environmental attacks, the more tactical choices required the better. Dungeons dont need much just a good tuning here and there.

Hopefully they would able to get raids, in some form, to work in this game. I really hope so because right now there isnt anything challenging in this game for more than 5 people.

(edited by Ubung.7423)

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silentstorm.7531


Even if it’s not raids something else interesting. Because the dungeons won’t hold down players long if at all.

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zilvarael.2301


There is always the option to get into Role Playing, it be in cool with a High Level Alt. However, starting from scratch and finding a guild that does RP can make the story that much better in some ways. It gives you a better sense of immersion then just running around bashing things with a group of Juggernauts. (Not that this is bad… my first character was just that!)

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silentstorm.7531


Well I dont know about RP. But I’m still not bored yet and i’m patient

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silentstorm.7531


I added part 4 to the original post for your viewer consumption ridicule or debate
Guild Wars 2: How to farm Exp and Karma Fast Tactics Part 4

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silentstorm.7531


I removed 5 because the mod whined about it. Part 6 will be on the halloween event I have it already planned out stay tuned for that.

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: holy wrather.2061

holy wrather.2061

some people are never happy with what they get…you pay what £50 for this game and no subscription fee, i bet 99% of you have bought xbox or ps3 games for £40 and finished it in one day so whats the difference in this game? u get level 80 in a few weeks its still worth more than tht money for doing tht if u compare it to xbox games which i buy alot of so quit your whining and complaining and play the game or leave the game jeeessuuuss people are just never happy with what they are given

rant over

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silentstorm.7531


Added part 6 to the series I hope you enjoy

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silentstorm.7531


@Holy I aggree well look at this way be patient. The game doesnt cost you anything monthly. So guys complaining seriously it cant go anywhere but up. And for free right now so enjoy the ride.

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Thord.2017


You said “choose a nice build”.

I thought my PvE build was pretty good, a Greatsword Warrior thing. I have 8 or more weapons I can use, many of those can be used in either hand. Some weapons I have never used. Now I am working on a new build, so messing with Traits, skills, armour, weapons and upgrades. Maybe when I finish that build I will go on to another.

Got quite frustrated yesterday. So many small changes then off to test what I did, more changes and so on took all day and still not happy. Struggling a bit now. I am sure it will be ages before I have it exactly how I want it.

Not so sure it is fun but I like doing it. Keeps me busy and not bored.

Warrior level 80, Guardian level 80, Ranger level 80, Thief level 80, Elementalist level 60

Server: Gunnars Hold [EU]

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vaulken.6983


“The first two weeks of this game were wonderful. I had a blast leveling, I got to enjoy myself for hours on end each day, and all around, I thought this game was pretty great.
Now, here we are just over a month in and I have run out of things to do.”

Basically you will not enjoy yourself if:

A) You’re not getting any new levels

B) You’re not getting new gear that inflates your stats

Are you a hamster?

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silentstorm.7531


Well I’m patient and they did say a new patch is coming to address that and more.

What to do at LVL 80 Endgame and Beyond some tips/tactics

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silentstorm.7531


Part 7 incoming with act 4 of mad king