Who to give Tequatl's Hoard to?
My first piece of advice is to take the weapon you want the skin of most. You can easily get another piece of rabid gear if you decide you want it, and you can just reskin one of your current weapons if you want the appearance.
Now, if you want to actually use the weapon, it’s my understanding (though I’d see what other people have to say as well) that engineer and ranger could use rabid best – pistol on engi, with shortbow, axe, sword(?), dagger, or torch.
That’s not taking into account the expansion though, where it looks like guardian/dragonhunter could get some nice condi damage too – and of course, we haven’t seen all the options on the other 3 yet.
All of your characters can use the precision and toughness. It might not be your first choice, but you’re getting a weapon with 5% more damage than any exotic it replaces, and you’d not get 5% worth of power instead of toughness.
So you’re down to who can use the condition damage the most, and I’d say the elementalist. Burning gets the most damage increase per unit of condition damage. Bleeding, on the other hand, gets by far the least help.
On the other hand, keep in mind that a 2H weapon adds twice the stats than a one handed, and it is the greatest single boost to your stats you can get. Replacing a one hander only gives half the impact.
(edited by Michael.9403)
Choose it for the skin. Getting a weapon with the stats you want is easy enough. Getting one of the Teq skins can be extremely difficult. Some people do the Teq event hundreds of times and never get that drop. So choose what is difficult to get, which will be the skin. Then craft or buy the stats you want.
ANet may give it to you.
It’s my first rare drop… Tequatl’s Hoard!
I have an Engineer.
Where my first one went. Blam! EEEEAAAAHHH!
I think I’m leaning towards making it into a staff for my elementalist then.
My asura engineer is just too small to show off with I think (always gets lost “under” the crowd). My elementalist could use some love too, as he’s still the furthest away from being able to craft ascended gear, but is my second favorite class (thus far).
The only temptation I have left is that darn charr guardian! The sunless claymore would look amazing on him… but I rarely play him because he’s so slow running from place to place.
All of your characters can use the precision and toughness. It might not be your first choice, but you’re getting a weapon with 5% more damage than any exotic it replaces, and you’d not get 5% worth of power instead of toughness.
It only gives 5% more at level 80. As soon as you play below 80 the base damage
is the same as exotic and you will loose damage.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
All of your characters can use the precision and toughness. It might not be your first choice, but you’re getting a weapon with 5% more damage than any exotic it replaces, and you’d not get 5% worth of power instead of toughness.
It only gives 5% more at level 80. As soon as you play below 80 the base damage
is the same as exotic and you will loose damage.
hmmmmm. I didn’t know that. Thanks for the input. I wonder why that is?
OTOH, most things lower than 80 can be handled with sticks and rags, other than the occasional champion that might actually be soloed, so I’d take the ascended anyway.
Definitely gonna echo the people that say choose it for the skin alone. If you play a necro at all, I bet the GS would look pretty fine on a Reaper.
“Walk with the pack. In the eyes of Wolf, we are all brothers and sisters.”
Definitely gonna echo the people that say choose it for the skin alone. If you play a necro at all, I bet the GS would look pretty fine on a Reaper.
Yeah, I’m trying to decide what skin I like the most. I tried a Necro, but couldn’t get into it. Admittedly though, didn’t get very far with him. I love the look of GS’ in this game though.