team of 3 leveling up in PVE, What can we do?

team of 3 leveling up in PVE, What can we do?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: robehmed.3061


Myself and couple of my friends we come from Rift and before that EQ2 where we were used to group together and try tough dungeons as we level up.

we are purely focused on PVE content, currently level 30. so we are wondering what are the different activities that we can plan to do together as a team and that is challenging enough for the 3 of us

Solo content is not challenging for 3 people and the dynamic events are “dynamic” which means we cannot plan a play session accordingly, and we noticed that pre-80 there aren’t many dungeons we can run (not sure that we can even run dungeons as trio)

this is why i need your help to give advice on what can we do other / content we can go after (which we can plan in advance) so we don’t end up getting bored (each playing alone) and leaving GW2

Thank you in advance for your help

team of 3 leveling up in PVE, What can we do?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: pdavis.8031


You can always do map completion, Jumping puzzles, event and champ trains.

Regardless of what you are doing together, you can always level up and have fun. In open world PvE, there isn’t much “difficult” content, but still plenty of fun things to do.

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”

team of 3 leveling up in PVE, What can we do?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


You can do dungeon together and find 2 pugs to complete your group with LFG tool. As you get better you can even do dungeon with only 3 ppl, but that could be hard to do when you are not level 80 with good gear and basic knowledge of the gameplay.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

team of 3 leveling up in PVE, What can we do?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: smhtjoa.7159


How about fractals? They’re challenging enough, but not sure if they’re doable at level 30.

I would also advise exploring the maps and going for map completion. Venture into areas that are above your level if you want challenges – though be warned, you might end up frustrated instead as the level 40 bad guys laugh maniacally as they stomp your level 30 – ehm… behinds into the ground.

Since you’ve probably unlocked the AC dungeon, try the different paths (some or way more challenging than others) and then re-run them in story mode.

team of 3 leveling up in PVE, What can we do?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sagramor.7395


You can start doing dungeons at level 30 with another being added every 10 levels (until 70 where it’s more frequent), but I’m not sure if you could complete them as a trio as soon as you have access to them. As suggested maybe fill the holes with 2 pugs until you’re at a point where you feel you can trio.

What you may be interested in to get started are the mini-dungeons.

team of 3 leveling up in PVE, What can we do?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Azrael.4960


Fractals are doable even though you’re not lvl 80, but it will be very challenging., if not impossible without lvl 80s to help. I did a guild run with a member running a lvl 60 something and that required the rest of us to carry him.

There are some aids to leveling. All foods and consumables grant a +10% experience buff. You can buy very cheap foods off the TP for a few dozen coppers each. Or have one of you become a Chef and make the low end foods. Sharpening stones, from Weaponsmiths, Maintenance oils from Huntsmen, Tuning crystals from Artificers all grant XP boosts.

Look out for Guild buff banners that people like to pepper about.

Kill creatures that are not hostile to you. Most people ignore them but one of this things about GW2 that not a lot of newer players know is that the longer a creature is alive in game the more experience that is awarded for killing it. You may notice that some creatures award bonus XP. Non hostile creatures that have been alive for a long time can award twice maybe even triple the base XP as a bonus.

Harvest everything you come across. Plants, trees, ores. That all grants XP.

If you want to be able to plan a play session, select a map and do full exploration of it together. Do every event you come across but don’t plan on certain events, just run through the map and do everything. You should gain about 10 levels if you’re doing a level 30-40 map for the first time.

team of 3 leveling up in PVE, What can we do?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: metaldude.4132


a good tip…kill as many “yellow” mobs you can find, especially in not so commomn places (i.e. where not much players come because there is nothing to do there).
If you have an XP booster as wel, base xp wil gain an extra of 2,5 XP !

Sharpen your justice. Dust off resolve. Brace your courage. The Guardian dragonhunter approaches.

team of 3 leveling up in PVE, What can we do?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: pdavis.8031


a good tip…kill as many “yellow” mobs you can find, especially in not so commomn places (i.e. where not much players come because there is nothing to do there).
If you have an XP booster as wel, base xp wil gain an extra of 2,5 XP !


I took a low level in WvW, and farmed the yellow mobs in the various BLs with karma boosters, was getting 4-5k exp per kill. Was able to level fairly quickly.

However, I would suggest just playing the game instead of power leveling especially if you are fairly new to GW. This will help you learn your class so you aren’t a total noob at level 80.

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”

team of 3 leveling up in PVE, What can we do?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


Don’t listen to whoever is saying Fractals will be incredibly difficult / impossible with lowbies. You can do them naked with a lvl 15 party! If you’re a good gamer, you’re a good gamer – you got it

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